10,944 Topics
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Hi, I have a calendar table that has event comments and a date tagged to it. I would like to view "Upcoming Events" only. I was wondering what type of syntax I'll need to be using? heres how the table would look: comment | d1 | d2 | d3 ---------------------------- … | |
Hello there, I know (i think) this can be done (i saw it somewhere, but can't remember where), so maybe you guys can help me. I need my primary key to have left values on the auto_increment. For example P20060001 P20060002 P20060003 ... I need to have P2006 values on … | |
Has anyone used the tools for this before? How does it handle the code differences, e.g. no SYSDATE in MySQL. Does it automatically change the differences. Thanks | |
Has anyone done this before? How does it handle the small code differences, eg... no SYSDATE. Does the migration tool actually edit your code? Thanks | |
[B][U][COLOR="Navy"]What is a database?[/COLOR][/U][/B] A database is a collection of data stored in some organized fashion. The simplest way is to think of it is to imagine a database as a filling cabinet. [B][I]What are tables in the database?[/I][/B] When you want to store some file with information you just … | |
I am learning to set up a cookie and assign a user_Id to whoever visits my website. I want to keep a record of all user IDs in mySQL database. I tried something like this: [PHP]if(!isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['user_id'])) { $cart_id = md5(uniqid(rand())); $COOKIE=setcookie("cart_id", $user_id, time() + 14400); if (!$COOKIE) { echo "To … | |
i am using c# with a MySQL database, using OleDbConnection and OleDbReader. When running a query using the count(*) function and try reading the returned value using: OleDbReader.getInt32(0), it gives an exception "Index was outside the bounds of the array". thanks, | |
This is the first time I try to use MySQL for very large tables. Experienced users warned me against possible problems with *index* definition for large tables: they claim MySQL indices are stored completely in memory, which is problematic to me : I have a huge table and limited memory … | |
What does connection.conv() means? I know that connection.conv() - set type conversion options between MySQL and Python but How to implement this in python Vinay | |
I need to know if anyone using vb6 has hooked up with mySQL database system without any clumsy third party drivers or so. | |
List Of Free PHP,MYSQL Webhosting Provider at [URL="http://softwaretutorial.myitcareer.org/freephpmysqlwebhosting"]http://softwaretutorial.myitcareer.org/freephpmysqlwebhosting[/URL] | |
Mysql info [IMG]http://kennyleitz.googlepages.com/mysql.jpg[/IMG] [PHP] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <?php /* call this script "advs.php" */ if(!$c) { ?> <form action="advs.php?c=1" method=POST> <b>Find Results with: </b><br> Any of these words: <input type="text" length=40 name="any"> <br> … ![]() | |
Hi, I have two fields...both are not unique, but both can't be the same. So two fields: user | fruit | joe11 apple angel bananna bobby apple jeff orange julie orange angel apple angel orange ---------- So lets say the above was my table, notice how both fields are not … | |
Hi, Need in brief: [COLOR="Blue"]Have 3 tables. I need to extract data from two tables and fill the third table.[/COLOR] Table structure: COM PROFILER: CREATE TABLE comprofiler ( [COLOR="Green"] id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', user_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', firstname varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL, middlename varchar(100) collate … | |
:mad: I'm currently creating a quiz program that radomly generates questions from a table in mysql........right now I have to php forms. takeTest.php..... <html> <head> <title>Test Week 13 CIS32</title> </head> <body bgcolor = "yellow"> <center> <? $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "web26", "web9660!", "sere1") or die("Error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<br>\nThe SQL sent was: $sql"); … | |
Incase you are looking for tutorial for configuring apache with PHP and Mysql, I found [url=http://www.expertsrt.com/tutorials/Matt/install-apache.html]one[/url] Hope, it will be useful to you too. ;) | |
How do I communicate with my mysql database using VB.Net. I am trying to create an application for my employees to use. They will enter calls made, support requests, replies to those requests, and client data for our clients. | |
I am not able to connect to remote MySQL server, using MySQLdb package. I have enough permission on remote machine with all rights set to 'Y' and Host field of USER table in mysql database has a value '%', which allows remote login. I tried using Navicat which requires me … | |
[B]Warning[/B]: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [B]/home/content/r/a/e/raeyshe/html/fanlisting/admin.php[/B] on line [B]21[/B] [B]Warning[/B]: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [B]/home/content/r/a/e/raeyshe/html/fanlisting/admin.php[/B] on line [B]26[/B] [code]<? if ((!$_POST['action'] && !$_GET['action']) || $_GET['action'] == "login") { // get total member count $querycount="SELECT id FROM … | |
[COLOR=#0033cc]Dear all[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0033cc][/COLOR] [COLOR=#0033cc]I have the following problem. I am trying to communicate with mysql through php but unsuccesfully. In the following script when i misspell the password it gives me the error message. but while it does not create the database it does not return any message. It seems … | |
i m trying to connect jsp page to mysql. i have insatlled jsp-mysql connector. but still not able to connect to mysql. pla anybody help me. thanks | |
Dear all I have a few questions. I would be grateful if you could take the time to answer. I have installed on windows xp home apache2, php 5 and mysqlserver 5. The [URL="http://localhost"]http://localhost[/URL] page of apache works fine. The <?php echo phpinfo(); ?> page works fine. However when i … | |
I can't find it anywhere! :rolleyes: I want to install it onto a test Red Hat box so that I can replicate our live environment before doing an upgrade. I've scoured and scoured. If the internet had been a saucepan, it'd have very little of its copper bottom left. :lol: … | |
Hi everyone!! I need some help with setting up a php page that calls an sql database.. here is what I want it to do? -firstly: a user must be able to log in(because under this login you must be able to get stats from this user) Then the user … | |
I create 2 connectionsand then try to select the current active database: [code] $aaa_link = mysql_connect("host1","user1","pass1") or die(mysql_error()); $bbb_link = mysql_connect("host2","user2","pass2")or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("dbname1", $aaa_link) or die(mysql_error()); [/code] However, mysql_select_db fails with error: [code]Access denied for user: "user2" to database "dbname1"[/code] What is wrong here? | |
Hi I'm real new to php etc, and just wanted to know if there were any implications to using an IIS on windows as my server rather than apache? thanks alot...oh apart from the obvious being apache is free open source....:) | |
[code]mysql> insert into fund_history select * from temp_fund_history where data_date='2006-06-30' and index_num between 1 and 10; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec) Records: 10 Duplicates: 10 Warnings: 0[/code] I am really wondering why this INSERT statement is not inserting 10 records. Its saying 10 Duplicates: 10, and there is … | |
I've been having this php/mysql problem that I can't seem to be able to fix. I'm displaying information from a mysql database on my site, but for some of the variables only half of the cases can have information in tehre that needs to be displayed on the site (e.g. … | |
Hi ! When I want to display following code by assigning it to $res["description"] , in the following mentioned way, it works fine and displays properly. The code is : /************START CODE*****************/ <script language=\"javascript\"> var uri = 'http://impgb.tradedoubler.com/imp/img/16173558/1014659?' + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11); document.write('<a href=\"http://clkuk.tradedoubler.com/click?p=37983&a=1014659&g=16173558&epi=$_SESSION[UID]\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"'+uri+'\" border=0></a>'); </script> … |
The End.