10,942 Topics
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for example: i m currently work on online results system i can't understand how i could this.. teacher search students seat numbers in 'student enrollment' table and these seat numbers search in text fields than teacher write their numbers three columns mid marks, lab marks and terminal marks student seat … | |
Hello Everyone, I am trying to delete some rows from a given table using mysql and php. No errors come up, the page doesn't die, however the records are not deleted! Here's the code [CODE] $delete_temp_query=("DELETE FROM temporary where contactemail='".$emailcheck."'"); $delete_temp=($delete_temp_query) or die(mysql_error()); [/CODE] The value of $emailcheck is [CODE] … | |
Hi, Actually I don't know if my question belongs in this topic or in the VB.net topic. But I'm making a VB.net application with a mysql database and i have to make a trigger but I don't know where I have to use or implement it in my application. I … | |
Hi All Please can somebody help me. I am trying to output more than 1 row of data querying a table called tblbanners. The normal while loop isnt outputting more than 1 row. it seems to be just printing only 1 row. not too sure why? would be greatfull if … | |
I'm trying to make a Menu manager in PHP + SQL. My goal is to save every menu item and where it should link to in a seperate row. Every row has an internal identifier column called 'menu_id'. I also want to add a function to be able to add … | |
I have a table in which I want to retrieve the table as follow. Login Name Parent User Email ID Mobile No abc abc_parent [email]abc@abc.com[/email] 9999999999 MySql Table as follow in tbl_users user_id parent_user loginname email mobile 321 123 abc_parent [email]abc@abc.com[/email] 9999999999 231 456 abc [email]123@123.com[/email] 8888888888 I am having … | |
I have more than 420,000 rows articles in my table. I just want to query a data which is has only one row, but it takes too long.. any suggestion? database : mysql, Storage engine : MyISAM mysql_query("SELECT id, title, ... ,postdate FROM table_name WHERE id = 1 the result … | |
Hi I'm new to GWT and I am learning using the GWT plugin for eclispe and also have smartGWT. I have found afew tutorials online which have been very helpful but havent found one that explains how I can connect, send, recieve and display database information in the different widgets. … | |
I want to insert data from the textBox to MySQL Database. Here is the code snipped that I have created. [CODE]private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string connectionSQL = "server=localhost;database=db_junisman_kulit;uid=root;password=;"; MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(); double no_simpan = 0; try { conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO tb_backorder … | |
I'm adding an extension to my Wiki - or, at least trying to. I'll reiterate, I'm using Mediawiki. For the most part I can figure things out on my own but I've rarely used MySQL other than making databases for CMS and forums. I've completely new to creating tables and … | |
Hi.... I have a list of students with their id, name, branch_name, grade, gender. So how can I find the rank of a student in a particular branch by using grade with nested select statements? So anyone please post the script to this here......... | |
Hi....... While I create a outfile as in format of csv... I am using the command select * from table_name into outfile 'result.csv'; I am getting all properties(field) of a record into one shell in excel.. Is there anyway I can get each property in different shells... Any answer could … | |
Hi guys, Im getting duplicate records with a select statement. Below is an assignment question that I have to write a query for: 'Write a query that lists only those computers that belong to a department where the department's city is the same as the city that supplied the computer.' … | |
Hi I'm not sure wher I am going wrong. I've borrowed some code and tweaked it. The database table consists of id,dates,day,type,. The form brings up the mutiple enteries to edit, but when the submit is pushed it refreshes with the original information. i've checked the databse and that remains … | |
I work for an instrumentation company as an in-house software developer. We are thinking of restructuring our database that we use to record data. I am wondering what would be more efficient. Basically theres an array of sensor values Starting at Data0 and ending with data appended with the sensor … | |
Hi! I'm new here, I have been stuck on this for about to weeks. I am trying to replicate something like the [URL="http://humblebundle.com/"]humble bundle's[/URL] website, where they give you a url like [url]http://humblebundle.com/?key=hj2qg4j2h34234[/url] and you can access the page. I have tried for about 2 weeks but can't figure it … | |
I am making an admin product form where my client can insert product title, description and thumbnail into the mysql database table which displays on my product page. They want to be able to add products on their own so I need to be able to let them to do … | |
I have a mySQL that is continuously being added to and I need to make an AJAX function that checks the database periodically and only returns the results that it hasn't seen before. | |
Hello Gurus, I have a table that holds one date field and one time field. The formats are 2011-12-01 and the time field format is 22:55:01 I want to compare a string "2011-12-01 22:58:00" to the date and time field of the table, without having to take the string apart. … | |
hello .. m trying to get/fetch the database value into dropdown box as a selected value in the dropdown box using PHP script and mysql - phpmyadmin database .. but m having problems in it .. here is my script which i m using .. try.php <body> <?php $conn = … | |
please some one help me,i have created this code for searching from database but the problem is i am getting an output without even searching,i am no php expert,so please guys help me. [ICODE]<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" onSubmit="return validateThis(this)"> <!-- Sending Search Keyword to "search_handler.php" --> <p> <label … | |
Hi, I can't figure out how to write this query, I'm sure it's something silly, but I just can't figure it out!! I have a table with student's grades in different classes they took, example- studId, classId, yearClassTaken, grade 1, 11, 2008, 90 1, 12, 2008, 78 [B]1, 13, 2007, … | |
Hi, I am receiving the following error when i run my code on localhost: [CODE] Error creating database: Can't create database 'library_db'; database exists Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO) in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP-\www\databaseEx.php on line 45 Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: A link to the server could … | |
I have 10 tuples in my table.And now I create another field of serial number.For all tuples, the field of serial number contain null values. So, is there any way to numbering all the tuples from 1 to 10 at once. Any answer could be appreciated...... | |
Hi I would like to know how to create a MySQL statement with Count(*) and natural join. I have a table named iphead and another table named even. iphead has a number of IP addresses and I would like to count the total number using count(*). Next, the even table … | |
Hello. I have a small problem. I am working on a small website where people will be able to take quizzes for driving lessons. I take my questions and answers from a database. The problem is that i get the first questions and after i submit the answers, the next … | |
HI........... I'm new to this MYSQL.... I studied that DBMS can be used for data sharing..... Can I share files thro' MYSQL ?????? Can anyone please explain how if it is? | |
what is the difference between foreign key and joins? when to use foreign key? How foreign key works? and Is it better to use join rather than foreign key?.. can someone explain me this?... | |
Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum and PHP in general. I finally got the nerve to tackle a mySql Database on my website's server, added columns and a few values, although I cannot seem to find any online help to retrieve the values from the database table. Here is … | |
Hello I have been reasearching many sites regarding encryption, I am a bit lost. I can cryp() the password with $salt but when I go to login and compare the passwords it keeps taking me back to the login. I have taken out all the encryption code but below is … |
The End.