10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for gdawkins

I want to have a setup where users from hundreds of sites hosted elsewhere will all be pulling information from my one master database that I host. I don't want to allow them to make any changes to the databases, just pull information from it to display on their site. …

Member Avatar for gdawkins
Member Avatar for extemer

hello friend...want to ask something after completing my [B]student form[/B] now i am up to [B]classes table[/B] so i make a table in DB which consist of two fields [B]'class_id'[/B] and [B]'class_name'[/B].[B]class_id [/B]is auto_incre.so i thought to add a field in the same [B]student form [/B]in which the user will …

Member Avatar for extemer
Member Avatar for stephen_UK

I have written a mysql database using PHP which uses a multi-field form to collect descriptive information about archaeological finds/features etc. Some of the fields are text or medium text in length. It is common when describing things to include references, which frequently now take the form of a url. …

Member Avatar for stephen_UK
Member Avatar for lalaka90

hello... i need help from you all.. i am still new in php.. i hope you all can help me.. i am desperate. i can't delete delete data(delete multiple row from mysql using check box). this is my coding.. the cooperation is greatly appreciated. i have 2 file this is …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for x2fair

Hi every one, I have a problem in inserting database entry, suppose I have two paragraph entered in one richtextbox what I want is that When I hit save, every paragraph will be save as one database entry therefore my database will have two records.. This uses VB.net 2010. Please …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for Sorcher

Do anyone see what im doing wrong with the update query? i get this mysql_error message; You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-xxx WHERE id = '616' AND userid = '15'' …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for lalaka90

good morning. i am new still new in php. I need help from you all. why i cannot delete multiple rows from mysql with checkbox in my database... this is my coding.. <?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="cek"; // Database name $tbl_name="del"; …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for sibymary

hi,im using registration form for registering users to the new account.i have 2 tables in one database.database name is test and table name is student and member.in student table which contain the register no of student which is already stored in the database.in member table,it has 4 fields which is …

Member Avatar for sibymary
Member Avatar for heshanm

This is my 2 tables. [B]account_details[/B] (account_number, nic, full_name, phone_number, address, gender, date_of_birth,__) [B]account[/B] (account_number, name_with_initials,account_type, fd_period,__) I want to select records in both the tables. This is my SQL line. [CODE] $query ="SELECT account_details. nic,full_name,phone_number,address,gender,date_of_birth,account.name_with_initials,account_type,fd_period". "FROM account_details,account". "WHERE account_details.account_number=account.account_number"; [/CODE] The following error occurs. You have an error in …

Member Avatar for Anuradha Mandal
Member Avatar for blotind

Hi I get my data posted from another form.html page i receive it just fine and decode the json just fine, and the validation works just fine, the only problem is the part where i have to insert the values into the database.. any suggestions.. [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for ranu jain

hello..., [CODE]SELECT DISTINCT store_type FROM stores s1 WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM cities WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM cities_stores WHERE cities_stores.city = cities.city AND cities_stores.store_type = stores.store_type));[/CODE] please any one help me to understand this query... and what would be the output of this. and please …

Member Avatar for prof php
Member Avatar for musicmaker001

I created a Javascript application that creates a moving quote.([url]http://economymoving.net/get_an_online_moving_quote.php[/url]) The quote page should insert a record in the db, display the record on a new page called viewquote.php and send an alert email to the company. Currently, the phpmyadmin database receives the record but viewquote.php doesn't display the correct …

Member Avatar for paulrajj
Member Avatar for jas2010

I wanted to connect mysql with C# But I was faced with the following error error text:connection unexpectedly terminated Please help me

Member Avatar for shahnawaz1992
Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

here is my stored procedure [code=sql] begin select indexes.IndexID, languages.LanguageID, languages.LanguageName, indexes.OrderID, indexes.IndexName FROM indexes, languages where indexes.LanguageID = languages.LanguageID and languages.LanguageID = Language order by indexes.OrderID asc; end [/code] here is my php code [code=php] <?php $Server = ""; $Port = ":"."3306"; $DataBase = "abc"; $UserName = "def"; $PassWord …

Member Avatar for klusik
Member Avatar for silvercats
Member Avatar for SolidSora

I want to update a table based on what a user enters. I know I got the username and password correct. But I keep getting an error based on my debugging code. I'm connecting to the database successfully, but it's just not updating. The variables print into the page, so …

Member Avatar for dashawk
Member Avatar for tatarao25

hi evry one, my problem statement is i have table as follows [CODE=text]jobId | stagename | Count 623 Technical Screening 5 623 Technical InterView 3 623 Second Interview 6 623 Final Interview 7 623 Hr Interview 1[/CODE] i want Query To Display result as given below [CODE=text]jobId |Technical Screening | …

Member Avatar for tatarao25
Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

hi, I hav a created a field with unique constraint, so if it got duplicated error must be returned from procedure. Wats wrong here? [CODE] $dbconn = new DbConn; $dbc = $dbconn->Fn_CreateDbConn(); $Qry = $dbc->prepare("CALL CMS_School_Insert(:SchoolID,:SchoolName)"); $Qry -> bindParam(":SchoolID",$SchoolID); $Qry -> bindParam(":SchoolName",$SchoolName); try { $Qry -> execute(); }catch(PDOException $e) { …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for spivey

I need to update database table fields that contain URLs based on evaluation of the those URLs. Specifically, I need to eliminate the empty the fields of any URL that contains the directory "img_ours", and I need to take any URL that contain UPCs and change the URL formula, but …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for harikrishna439

I have field date_of_birth.... If I want to calculate age "select floor((to_days(curdate())-to_days(date_of_birth))/5) as age from table" So I can use the above one... instead of executivg this at every time I want, Is it possible to create a field named age with above structure so If I store the date_of_birth, …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for vijiraghs

I am using netbeans to do "Library book search system"in EJB. I have a html page in which I want to display the list of books that match with the entered keyword. I get the keyword from the user and send it to a servlet through an ajax funtion which …

Member Avatar for vijiraghs
Member Avatar for turt2live

Hello, What I am trying to do is use the following query: [CODE] SELECT * FROM players WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM raidgroups WHERE players.name=raidgroups.player) AND itemlevel>=346 AND level=85 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM verification WHERE players.name=verification.username AND verification.organizer=1) AND suspended=0 ORDER BY RAND(); [/CODE] What the above …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for ppohlmann

Hello there, I need some help with a query .. Table gamedate cutofftime 2011-08-25 13:55 I want to list games that are today +7 days but today games where the cutoff time has passed should not be displayed. Can anyone help me with this query please. Thank you for any …

Member Avatar for ppohlmann
Member Avatar for turt2live

Hello, I have a table that looks like this: [CODE] +----+-------------+-------+-------+-----+ | ID | Player Name | Col 1 | Col 2 | ... | +----+-------------+-------+-------+-----+ | 01 | Some Guy | 2 | 3 | ... | +----+-------------+-------+-------+-----+ [/CODE] the ... represents a (technically) unknown amount of columns. What …

Member Avatar for turt2live
Member Avatar for shetrick

Hi, I need some help. I have data in a table (cust) and one of the columns has multiple values in it (cat_id). I need to use those values to select data (cat_name) from a second table (cat) and display this with the data from the first table where (cat_id) …

Member Avatar for jabeen111

for example: i m currently work on online results system i can't understand how i could this.. teacher search students seat numbers in 'student enrollment' table and these seat numbers search in text fields than teacher write their numbers three columns mid marks, lab marks and terminal marks student seat …

Member Avatar for G&G Designing
Member Avatar for wachichornia

Hello Everyone, I am trying to delete some rows from a given table using mysql and php. No errors come up, the page doesn't die, however the records are not deleted! Here's the code [CODE] $delete_temp_query=("DELETE FROM temporary where contactemail='".$emailcheck."'"); $delete_temp=($delete_temp_query) or die(mysql_error()); [/CODE] The value of $emailcheck is [CODE] …

Member Avatar for wachichornia
Member Avatar for klenne

Hi, Actually I don't know if my question belongs in this topic or in the VB.net topic. But I'm making a VB.net application with a mysql database and i have to make a trigger but I don't know where I have to use or implement it in my application. I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mhaselip

Hi All Please can somebody help me. I am trying to output more than 1 row of data querying a table called tblbanners. The normal while loop isnt outputting more than 1 row. it seems to be just printing only 1 row. not too sure why? would be greatfull if …

Member Avatar for mhaselip
Member Avatar for Jeroen van Zijp

I'm trying to make a Menu manager in PHP + SQL. My goal is to save every menu item and where it should link to in a seperate row. Every row has an internal identifier column called 'menu_id'. I also want to add a function to be able to add …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.