I have the following table:
Name Row(number)
Nico 1
Marko 2
Peter 3
Joy 4
Kimi 5

I delete Nico and Joy:
Marko 2
Peter 3
Kimi 5

And how to make a table would look as follows:
Marko 1
Peter 2
Kimi 3

How to automatically re-arranged in a row of seats.

I hope to understand what I wanted to ask. Sorry for the English language

you need to update the primary key when you delete the record


delete from number1 where name in ('Nico ','Joy')


UPDATE number1 SET number= number- 1 where name ='Marko';
 UPDATE number1 SET number= number- 1 where name ='Peter ';
 UPDATE number1 SET number= number- 2 where name ='Kimi';

automatically , sorry i don't know

You probably could run an update after each delete that would look something like:

UPDATE number1 SET number = number-1 where number > *deleted name id num*

and just set the *deleted name id num* to the id of the one you just deleted.

Why do you want to change the auto increment column?
I think Column with auto increment feature will be primary key. so it doesn't need to be changed..

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