10,944 Topics
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Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum and PHP in general. I finally got the nerve to tackle a mySql Database on my website's server, added columns and a few values, although I cannot seem to find any online help to retrieve the values from the database table. Here is … | |
Hello I have been reasearching many sites regarding encryption, I am a bit lost. I can cryp() the password with $salt but when I go to login and compare the passwords it keeps taking me back to the login. I have taken out all the encryption code but below is … | |
here's the deal. I want to import data from xls file.at the moment I'm using phpMyAdmin's Import option to do it, but I'm wondering if there's another way to import the file to a new table in my db because- -the first rows and cols in the file are empty, … | |
hi all , I did a application in jsp servlet and ejb with mysql db .. how should i host in wweb server pls any one help me Thanks in advance Anand | |
Hi, am stuck on some question from : [url]http://sqlzoo.net/3.htm[/url] can anyone please help me to get the answer of section 4a,b,c,d and e. please | |
Hi, does someone know nice, clean tutorial with links for all headers and libraries for connection to MySQL database? I'm searching for something good for about week now, but I've still found only some rly rly rly retarded posts, without any libraries for donwload or something, just code, i've tried … | |
Hi All, I have a problem I have a MySQL Table, one of the columns' Data Type is TinyInt(1) When I use this line of code it gives an error int newNumber = int.Parse(string.Format("{0}", reader["someField"])); I think the reader is reading a bool value however MySQL Table has row values … | |
So, I've created a game. I want it to connect to a database to get some information. This is the problem I'm getting the console. [code] com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure due to under lying exception: ** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** java.net.ConnectException MESSAGE: Connection refused: connect STACKTRACE: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect … | |
i wanted to create a gui java program that reads info from MySql then output it in a JTable. but i first tried to use the JTable because it was my first time to use it. It worked perfectly but when i tried to read from the database it doesn't … | |
Hey, I need to get the last ID from my mysql database and add +1 to it. I saw this mysql_insert_id(); but it looks like it only gets the last insert id? But what happens if the last query was a different table? Dan | |
What is mysql injection and how is it done? Please help me with an example | |
<input type="button" name="b2" value="Delete" onClick="<? $delQuery = 'DELETE FROM artist_schedule WHERE artist_schedule_id=.$artistID'; $result=mssql_query($delQuery,$con); ?>"/> ------------------------------------------------------------ when i echo $artistID i get the value. how do i delete using a javascript button onClick ?? if using function also then how do i implement the function ? | |
I have Date in format: 12, August, 2011 and Time : 09:11:02 I am using following for Date [CODE] date("j, F, Y"); [/CODE] and following for time [CODE]strftime("%I:%M:%S")[/CODE] How to create database and insert date & time as it is into MySql ? | |
Hello everybody I'm working on MySQL I always have to use the Count function like this: [CODE]$Q = mysql_query("Select count() from tableA",$connection);[/CODE] How can I handle this query? How can I handle the number returned by this query?? Thanks. | |
i don't know why my firefox browser executing mysql query two times. and this is happening only with firefox. i have tested the code with chrome and opera and its working fine. now i have tested simple php code . this one [CODE]mysql_query("insert into test('1','12345')");[/CODE] just this code and i … | |
[CODE]/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package cmc; import java.sql.*; /** * * @author Sahil */ public class signup { String fn,ln,un,pwd,cpwd,dob,sex,email,sec,secans; String emp,colg,skul,relstat,fammem,fam,con,country,state,city,pin; Connection cn; Statement st; int i,j,k; public int getI() { return i; } … | |
in Microsoft sql server 2005 or later,it is easier to generate unique numbers using the database server directly. you only specify the IDENTITY specification say 10000 and an incremental value say 1. this will generate numbers from 10000 upwards and at no time a number can be repeated or used … | |
After installing xampp, when i try to stop mysql and apache for restart it does not start.It gives error: mysql can not be stopped.Busy!Please help. | |
![]() | I have 3 MySQL database 1 is friends, 1 is dashboard and 1 is user what i want is to do a recurrng loop to display all of dashboard, except if you are friends with them. I have this: [CODE=php] $queryy = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM dashboard ORDER BY time DESC … |
Hi all, I like to rename my table's column. My table name is: utf8_Alter Field: Branch In the Branch field I have few columns name I tried to change the name with this query: But it didn't work. [CODE] ALTER TABLE `utf8_Alter` CHANGE `ゴルダーズグリーン` `ーン ノースロンドン` varchar( 64 ) MySQL … | |
I am a newbie, really need your help. I've been working on this for 2 days and can't get it to work correctly. I have a form that I want to submit to the database "New Lead" form. I am using the submodal feature for the customer notes. For some … | |
My issue is that this: [CODE]mysql -u root -p newdb -e "UPDATE newdb_users SET user_login='newuser', user_pass='$P$BJ7HEXzUXBqB74hw0H9KD2QvdnlwGv1' WHERE user_login='admin';"[/CODE] does not update the "user_pass" field, but entering this: [CODE]UPDATE newdb_users SET user_login='newuser', user_pass='$P$BJ7HEXzUXBqB74hw0H9KD2QvdnlwGv1' WHERE user_login='admin';[/CODE] directly in the MySQL console does. What am I missing? | |
[CODE]<table width="100%" align="center" border="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr height="30px" style="color:#000000;" > <th>Unique ID</th> <th>Username</th> <th>Form Name</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Mobile</th> <th>DOB</th> <th> </th> </tr> <? /*$username="username"; $password="password"; $database="your_database";*/ mysql_connect('locahost', 'username', 'password') or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('database') or die(mysql_error()); $query="SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE user_id='username'"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_num_rows($result); mysql_close(); $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $form_id=mysql_result($result,$i,"form_id"); $form_name=mysql_result($result,$i,"form_name"); $username=mysql_result($result,$i,"user_id"); $first=mysql_result($result,$i,"first"); … | |
hi, since i have shifted my host these weird characters showed up on website! "ââ" i checked database, they are as it is written there. so when i call something through query they showed up too makes it worse, removing them manually is quite difficult. so please if anyone could … | |
Hello everyone, I have to query a table according to the current item being fetched in the select statement. What I meant, I want to form the name of the table and query it on runtime. For example, there is an item that comes from items table and it has … | |
Hi All, Sorry if this annoyed any of you. but I'm really indeed. I need to know on HOW TO LOAD 300 RECORDS OR DATA PER SECOND in my mobile apps (for this purpose, I use iOS app). I just need a sample or basic code on how to run … | |
This is a very newbie post. I think I'm just missing something. Anyway. I'm trying to display the contents of one column's field (not column name) specified by the contents of another filed in the same row. Here I show you my table and what I need: [code] Enter password: … | |
Hi I have a table storing time-sheet data, including a start & end time. I've set those fields as 'TIME' format, and tried doing the following calculation [code] SELECT SUM(log_end - log_start) AS timetotal FROM time_logs WHERE log_client = 'ECDC' [/code] It returned an integer, which doesn't correspond with any … | |
Hi there, My knowledge on query optimization ends here. I am stuck! My table with following structure has more than 1 million records. CREATE TABLE `dreambank`.`db_ip_data_buffer` ( `ip_from` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `ip_to` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `country_code` varchar(2) default NULL, `country_name` varchar(64) default NULL, `region_name` … | |
I am receiving the following error: Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/content/53/7382753/html/Summer/wootsummer.php on line 68 Error, insert query failed on my code that is live at [url]http://obsidianpunch.com/Summer[/url] The offending line is [code]$topnow=$top[$countforme];[/code] however $top and $countforme are defined, so I am not sure why this is causing an error. Any … |
The End.