10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for IamMimie

i am an IT student and i have this idea of using a listview to see all the items i have in my database and to list all the items that has been selected into a listbox. The problem is i don't know how to get those selected items that …

Member Avatar for Arjun_Sarankulu

Update spot_price set location = ‘PATAN’ where symbol = ‘CASTORP’ and polling_date between ‘20110730’ and ‘20110806’ Giving sql syntax error. Same query i am using to update another table in sqlserver its working but not in mysql

Member Avatar for Arjun_Sarankulu
Member Avatar for yumyam09

I'm thinking a databases that have scheduled time and date and if the computer time have been match to the scheduled time on the databases the other computer will be automatically shutdown

Member Avatar for yumyam09
Member Avatar for Tunnleram

I'm missing something stupid so I need another set of eyes. I have a session value set that's a group concat of a few ids and I want to check to see if an id found by a query is in that group concat. The group concat variable is $session_unitidgrouping …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Punny

I want to send my information on a database. just wondering if I could use MYSQL? If its not possible, can I use JavaScript to send it on Java and make it work on MYSQL?

Member Avatar for rv1990
Member Avatar for mrhankey

hi, looking for some tips, using dreamweaver as my tool and wondering if someone could help. i basically have 2 tables. 1 which is partsused and the other stocklevels. the stocklevels contains stock details and also if it is in the van or unit. on my page i have an …

Member Avatar for facarroll
Member Avatar for ray@lauray.net

I'm using Microsoft tags to get the cell phones unique "did' number loaded into a htm form field. The customer is then asked to enter thier email address on the form. The form is then submitted to be added to our customer mysql database. If it's new it is added …

Member Avatar for ray@lauray.net
Member Avatar for Sorcher

How am i supposed to insert a word into a blank row? [CODE]$sql = "INSERT INTO ue-userfile WHERE id='$imageid' AND userid='$userid' (`albumname`) VALUES('$newalbum')";[/CODE] ? [CODE]$sql = " INSERT INTO `ue-userfile` ( ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``,``,`albumname` ) VALUES ('{$albumname}')";[/CODE] ? God damn annoying to not find any solution on …

Member Avatar for Sorcher
Member Avatar for G&G Designing

Ok, so what im trying to make is an authentication system that gives the user the pin. I have all currently generated pins setup in a mysql database that looks like this.. [img]http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/3621/databaset.png[/img] So now i need to display them, and then after its displayed on the page, i want …

Member Avatar for mhaselip

Hi I would be greatfull is somebody could help me. Ok vut a long story short I am trying to create a website which has the facility of a database driven banner system, on either left and right hand side of any page. the purpose of this is so that …

Member Avatar for mhaselip
Member Avatar for Helinxed

[CODE]<?php $login = $_POST['login']; $nickname = $_POST['nickname']; $senha = $_POST['senha']; $email = $_POST['email']; $conexao = mysql_pconnect("localhost","rodrigue_incub","xxx24df") or die (mysql_error()); $banco = mysql_select_db("rodrigue_incubadora"); //Utilizando o mysql_real_escape_string voce se protege o seu codigo contra SQL Injection. $login = mysql_real_escape_string($login); $nickname = mysql_real_escape_string($nickname); $senha = mysql_real_escape_string($senha); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($email); $consulta = mysql_query("SELECT * …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for moerpheus

hi guys, I am developing a website, and it needs people to upload images. I can write code for single upload but not multiple, please help. Thanking you in advance!

Member Avatar for nagarjuna.king
Member Avatar for Mr.Ram

Hi, how can we reduce the time of query execution time? I m using mysql. I have to execute one query which select data from lot of tables . It takes more time to execute. Please give me good suggestion for this.......

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for azhpool

Hi, i'm trying to update a mysql table with values, and i get this error: Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE StockID= 23' at line 1. Here is my …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for vboopathicse

hi I'm need changes in my code. I'm display records by search. but i want to export those search records into excel, PDF, and word format. I'm creating only export to excel format. but it exports all rows in entire table. i need only that searching records to export. See …

Member Avatar for vboopathicse
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi I am trying to display the records Horizontally from my 3 different table 1. place table - n number of place 2. Item name 3. Item in different place i want to display the above report as in the attachment. please help me to resolve the issue [CODE]<table width="100%" …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for bow103

Hi all been working on this for a couple of days. I want to upload 4 image names to the mysql database and upload the images to a folder on the local server. I also want to display my images that goes with the text data. So far I can …

Member Avatar for bow103
Member Avatar for Deathmachine

I restart a project of mine which use mysql, I used xampp in the past to test the code on the mysql server so I update to lasted version but a piece of code that is identical and was working, I now get an error in [U]the class check in …

Member Avatar for Deathmachine
Member Avatar for Ootred

I am very new to php and mysql. I have read and re-read many forum posts on this subject, but I just cannot figure this out. I have been at it for almost two weeks now. This is my hope: Load images and captions from a database into an html …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for RobotFX

I hope I can explain this. I have a table which contains a field named ID. This is set as PRIMARY. Because users registered on my site and after that deleted their accounts (so a lot of rows got deleted, too) the table rows now are jumping, for example, from …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for karl.jackson87

I'm trying to create a form where I can type in a piece of news as I would normally type and include links in the form [CODE]<a href="www.google.com">google</a>[/CODE] and have it preserve the formatting and display the link as a link when echoing back. My problem is that despite a …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for cleecaldwell

New to PHP and need some help with this. I'm creating a test, but I'm getting all of my questions randomly from my database. For example, if this is my table: ID S Q1 A1 A2 1 C Why A B 2 F When A B I know that I …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for bluetoot

Hello! please i need help with this,after sumiting my form i get this error message on line 111 any help i will appreciate, thx [CODE]<?php session_start(); include("../Connections/recruit.php"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?".">"; //check certification $certification = $HTTP_POST_VARS['certification']; if($certification != "accept") { echo(" Your application has been terminated as a result of …

Member Avatar for satyajit das
Member Avatar for facarroll

I have the following code. [CODE]$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM topics LEFT JOIN quiz ON topics.managerId = quiz.managerId WHERE quiz.userId = '$userId' AND userId= '$userId' AND $egroup = 1 GROUP BY topics.title")or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo "{$row['quizId']} <br />\n"; echo "{$row['title']} <br />\n"; echo "{$row['passState']} <br />\n"; } …

Member Avatar for Mikav6
Member Avatar for raunakanand

please tell me how to convert a sql file which contain a table into .csv file in sql please tell me whether there is any c program to do this conversion or any other program insql for doing this

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for alenD

Hi I am trying to write a stored procedure which will execute a query and if resultset is not empty results will be inserted into a table passed as the second parameter to the procedure. Below is what I wrote but I am having error with declaring the cursor, any …

Member Avatar for benkyma

I've just removed and reinstalled mysql on my Amazon EC2 server. When I went to change the root password on the new install: sudo /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'MYNEWPASSWORD' I get an access denied error: error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)' Has it held onto the old …

Member Avatar for benkyma
Member Avatar for bizfreak22

Hey everyone, PHP and MYSQL newbie here.....can really use your help right now. I implemented a Submodal into my script, and finally got it to submit "User Notes" into the database. Unfortunately with each new submission, the text that is submitted overwrites the previous submission. I was told to use …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Deathmachine

I was wondering if anyone could point me what coding feature I'm talking about that can fulfill this role. - So I need to update data values from many users at the same time at a specific X amounts of time or specific hours of the day. What programing process …

Member Avatar for Deathmachine
Member Avatar for minart

Hi, Hoping someone can help with a query I'm stuck on. I've got a field (sm_contact1number) containing phone numbers. Some of the data has been imported via Excel and its stripped some of the 0's out of the start of telephone numbers, so 0121 3324234 now looks like 121 3324234.. …

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The End.