10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for poornapriya

Hi..plz..help me with the installation of mysql rmp for linux system...the purpose of my download is i am connecting my system to the router and trying to monitor the attach and any pre signature of the attack..plz..tell me the website address to downlaod and the version..

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Member Avatar for iamus

Hi, I'm trying to include non-lating characters in a jsp application, is there anything I should know about? because leaving it alone just doesn't work, setting the page content to "UTF-8" or any other encoding just doesn't work......what else is there? I noticed that the sun forum (my application is …

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Member Avatar for casimirrex

Hi I'm using JSP with Mysql.The Compile time no error.but in the run time the exception has been thrown, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver i've set the classpath as well and i've attached jar file in the tomcat lib directory These are the class path settings C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\common\lib\servlet-api.jar;C:\Program Files\Apache Software …

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Member Avatar for justjack

UPDATE: MY COMMENTS POST BUT NOTHING ELSE? I have a form that collects firstname, lastname, email, attachment(file), and comments. I can query from my database, but when i submit data the fields are BLANK? What is going on? Below is sql on export. Table structure for table `clientlist` -- CREATE …

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Member Avatar for artiry

Hi to all :cheesy: The Problem::-| ======== I was wondering if someone could perhaps help me with a problem i have for a while now. I want to use two dropdowns and a submit button. Sounds pretty easy, but when php and mysql comes in, then it gets a bit …

Member Avatar for artiry
Member Avatar for Senor Fett

Hi all, I am having trouble working out how to pull up shipping options from a table based on two parameters, countryID and productCode. I have the following 2 tables: [B]ECOMMERCE_shipping[/B] shippingID countryID productCode cost1to2 [B]SYSTEM_countries[/B] countryID countryName What I want to do is feed it say, 3 product codes …

Member Avatar for Senor Fett
Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

ok, well i know sql well but i am new to MySQL, learned that(mysql) few months back. however i have installed a new software called Altova DatabaseSpy to make my work much easier. Its working with all other databases Oracle, MSACCESS and all but not running or connecting with MySQL. …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for dmalsbury

Hi Folks, I am Doug Malsbury, a B.S. degree Chemist and PC compatible Systems Analyst. I am 58 yrs old and getting started learning PHP and MySQL on my own. I will be browsing around here looking for hints and suggestions I can use in my efforts to learn creation …

Member Avatar for harishankar
Member Avatar for Goitse

Suppose I have this two tables; Modules and Student Modules has the following fields [LIST]Module_Code(Primary Key) [/LIST]Module_Name Student has the following fields [LIST]Stud_Number(primary key) [/LIST]Stud_FullName My problem is that I want to include the Stud_Number on the Modules table to make it a primary key. Can anyone show me the …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for welbyobeng

I NEED HELP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE THE PROBLEM IS [B]Warning[/B]: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [B]/mounted-storage/home23a/sub003/sc21979-KVVZ/www/ghhookup/functions.php[/B] on line [B]28[/B] [PHP]<? $conn_id; $sql_res; $sql_res2; $sql_query; $HTTP_REFERER=$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; $REQUEST_METHOD=$_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]; function sql_connect(){ global $conn_id,$sql_host,$sql_user,$sql_pass,$sql_db; $conn_id=mysql_connect($sql_host,$sql_user,$sql_pass); mysql_select_db($sql_db); } function sql_execute($sql_query,$wtr){ global $conn_id; $sql_res=mysql_query($sql_query,$conn_id); if($wtr=='get'){ if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res)){ return mysql_fetch_object($sql_res); } else …

Member Avatar for DGStudios
Member Avatar for ivirtua

Is there an open source script of some sort, or can how can I make something that takes a backup of a give MySQL Database and every day it daves a .gz of the database toa directory on my server, so it is backed up automatically every day....:cheesy: Thanks for …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for michael123

I have two tables: tb1: ID USERNAME 1 u11 2 u12 3 u13 tb2: ID USERNAME 2 u12 My question is how to retrieve records from tb1 and exclude one that is in tb2, so the result will be: ID USERNAME 1 u11 3 u13 Any comment? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for michael123
Member Avatar for welbyobeng

I NEED HELP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE THE PROBLEM IS [B]Warning[/B]: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [B]/mounted-storage/home23a/sub003/sc21979-KVVZ/www/ghhookup/functions.php[/B] on line [B]28[/B] [PHP]<? $conn_id; $sql_res; $sql_res2; $sql_query; $HTTP_REFERER=$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; $REQUEST_METHOD=$_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]; function sql_connect(){ global $conn_id,$sql_host,$sql_user,$sql_pass,$sql_db; $conn_id=mysql_connect($sql_host,$sql_user,$sql_pass); mysql_select_db($sql_db); } function sql_execute($sql_query,$wtr){ global $conn_id; $sql_res=mysql_query($sql_query,$conn_id); if($wtr=='get'){ if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res)){ return mysql_fetch_object($sql_res); } else …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for kidiwizi

Hi, I'm currently doing a registration module for my project. When user click submit button, I want to compare all the existing UserName in the database and the UserName enter by user to see if there have any duplication. If the UserName already exist, user is require to change UserName. …

Member Avatar for kyleknapp

why does [code]$sql = 'SELECT userid FROM `phplist_user_user_attribute` WHERE `attributeid`= 7 AND `value` LIKE "68104"'; $query = mysql_query($sql);[/code] find 23 records, but [code]$testvalue="68104"; $sql = 'SELECT userid FROM `phplist_user_user_attribute` WHERE `attributeid`= 7 AND `value` LIKE "$testvalue"'; $query = mysql_query($sql);[/code] finds none? Shouldn't they be the same? Can I not use …

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Member Avatar for welbyobeng

Can anyone help..... When I search on my site this is the error I get [QUOTE] [B]Warning[/B]: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [B]/mounted-storage/home23a/sub003/sc21979-KVVZ/www/ghhookup/functions.php[/B] on line [B]28[/B][/QUOTE] This is a peice of the code from function.php [QUOTE]if(mysql_num_rows($sql_res)){ return mysql_fetch_object($sql_res); } else { return ''; } …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for lbfrank

Hi All. I have a very large single-table database of articles that I want to convert to a multi-table, relational database. The existing single-table database contains fields for article author, article source, and article category, where several 'author', 'source', and 'category' IDs repeat dozens of times for hundreds of different …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for hjmoore420

I have a simple database for hockey stats for my son. I can enter data into the db and pull it back, but I wanted to have points, which is goals + assists, displayed without entering into the DB. I enter both Goals and assists into the database and display …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for jyan

Hi! I'm doing a small website with some mysql and php, and have difficulties with doing a login site. I have the form sending the username and password, and this site should check them. Here's the code: [php] <?php session_start(); if(!($connection = mysql_connect("host","user","pass"))) die("Can't connect to database."); if(!(mysql_select_db("db", $connection))) die("ERROR …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for Astegiano

Hello, I'm building a website like MySpace, the address is [URL="http://pantarei.awardspace.com/"]http://pantarei.awardspace.com[/URL] the website is wrote in Italian. It has members customizable profiles, internak message system, search user tools, a forum and a chat. I just builded the main forum page but I have a problem that I cannot solve. The …

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Member Avatar for bazmanblue

hello has anyone installed and uploaded phpadmin through dreamweaver. can anyone explain to me how? im a bit stuck

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for pfunix

Greetings All! I would like to get some feedback to all ya good python folks here at daniweb regarding some implementations that you guys doing with Python and using MySQL db. I'm looking for some mysql plugin for python. I've tried sourceforge 's mysql-python but with no luck(installing) .. maybe …

Member Avatar for ghostdog74
Member Avatar for com spec

I am new in the forum. Actually i am not sure where to post this tread too. But i am wondering if anyone can kindly help me to understand Microsoft Solution Framework more.(MSF) From what i know, its a software installed in your computer to act as a server. And …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for bobby08

Hi everyone, I feel like such a dumb*** because I don't know how to make automatic database backups. I would love to make backups every 3 days or so. Perhaps 3 times a week would be good, not daily though. I'm using MySQL and Windows and my current method of …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for srimks

Hey. I wish to develop a website for team members which has features as listed below. I am impressed with [URL="http://www.evolt.org/PHP-Login-System-with-Admin-Features"][COLOR=#0000cc]http://www.evolt.org/PHP-Login-System-with-Admin-Features[/COLOR][/URL] resource source code which is freely available and I am thinking to use that as reference. I need small help and they are - 1) Password protected login for …

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Member Avatar for shermaine

Hi, Is there any freeware to convert mdb format to mdf format? When converting mdb to mdf, why does it keeping prompting for server name , then user then password. Even thou i'm converting it from local server....without having to use the lans connection. Is there any other way of …

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Member Avatar for lamsam

MySQL version 4.0.27-standard I want to write selected columns from a table to a file in my web site I've written the following SQL statement, but I'm unsure about the syntax SELECT event, location, eventTime, eventDate FROM commingEvents INTO OUTFILE '/home/_wmevents/public_html/wmEvents.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED …

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Member Avatar for VisualMagix

Hello, I have a database in Access, and I know SQL coding for it. So i wrote a query that would get different things from database and put it all together in a nice table.. I update the database, it updates the output from query. I also have a website, …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for shermaine

Hi, I need some help here. Can i actually link all my access form to website? How can this be done? Please help. Thanks.

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for shermaine

How do we go about doing a query under SQL server? And can i actually use the form in access to link to the tables on SQL server? Please advise. Thanks.


The End.