10,944 Topics
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Hi, im running this website,,,worked so hard on it for about 5 months straight. i got it finally up and runnin, and the first 3 months went smooth. all of a sudden my MySQL DB drops...every table inside...just GONE. my site went down and error messages were received throughout my … | |
Hi, I have two tables that stores product details which is carinfo and products.I did it in 2 separate tables as the products are by diffrent category and therefore the fields are different. I'm not sure if that was the correct way doing it coz i seem to have problem … | |
Hi, i have a problem, I'd like to load a file mediumblob from DB mysqli () and save it on directory ("../uploads") on a server, using a php page. Can you help me ???? :sad: | |
Can any one tell me what is the lastest released version (not a alpha or beta version) of MYSQL? | |
i have a fied (book_number), the value is "aaa.bbbb.cccc.ddd", How can i sort the result order only by "bbbb" and ignore a, c, and d. thanks | |
Dim strInsert As String Dim cmdInsert As OdbcCommand Dim cn As OdbcConnection cn = New _ OdbcConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")) strInsert = "Insert into realestate.city_master(city_Name)Values(city_name);" cmdInsert = New OdbcCommand(strInsert, cn) cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("city_Name", city_name.Text) cn.Open() cmdInsert.ExecuteNonQuery() city_name.Text = "" cn.Close() | |
Hey, I'm doing a simple INSERT command, can you tell me what's wrong with it? I won't bother you with the php right now, cause I'm simply trying to get it work in the MySQL command line. Here is the exact command: [CODE] INSERT INTO Birthdays(ID, firstname, lastname, birthday, group) … | |
Hi guys I just want to know few sources for online tutorial for SQL and SQL server. i am veyr new to this kind of stuff and trying to learn SQL and SQL server by myself. if i can get few links through which i can access online tutorial kind … | |
Hey everyone, I wasn't sure if this should go in the php section or this one, so hopefully this is right, if not, move it for me. I have a form that a user fills out, it posts the information to a MySQL database, and then spits out the information … | |
Hi there all you fine specimens of Web Developers. I have an issue that is of course a large one for me but, I'm sure all you experts will scoff at my ineptitude:) . I have been enlisted to create two web pages, both for family, and of course both … | |
Hello, I've just installed a new script and i'm getting this error [code]Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource[B]/home/www/ [/B]line 13 [/code] This is line 13: [code]while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) [/code] Is this wrong? | |
Hi Im trying to import a .sql file into my mysql database version 4.0.16. and am continually getting an 1064 error. Ive tried the reference material from mysql.com but am still struggling to import it. I do have phpmyadmin version 2.5.4 installed however i would rather persevere with the shell. … | |
I have never used MySQL and am a little unfamiliar with the pros and cons of using it. Is it true that it has no front end? I know that it is free but would like to know what the options are if we use JSP, ODBC or VB as … | |
hello friend i have two website . both hosted on diff. server now what i need is to connect second website database from first website *** detail *** when user register on first website a insert query should also make on second website database. can you tell me how can … | |
I'm not sure if I should post this in PHP or MYSQL, oh well. I have a nfl predictions site, and I want to dynamically update my stadings from another table in the database. I have one table (called: matchData) with all of the matches with the following fields: lid … | |
I got this servlet off of coreservlets.com i want to know how i can edit it so that it connects to my database to get catalogItem instead of using static html. /** A catalog that lists the items available in inventory. * * Taken from Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages … | |
python 2.4.1 mySQLdb 1.2.0 kernel 2.6.12 Hi, How can I make the following statement so I can search for any string? Right now I need to input at runtime %whatever I'm looking for% between % signs to get all records matching that query. I want to have this statement set … | |
Hi This is my first post. I need a help on db designing for one requirement. 1.) For a domain name i will be collecting three statistics every day for one year. I thought of creating table for a domain name with each column (for each date). These column will … | |
Hi Iam new with php & making searching module for client.for searching i select two values from DROP DOWN list i.e: Category & City, Third value is the search string entered by the user like Hussain & co. Now wht i want is that , it giv me results by … | |
Hey, Does anyone know where the settings for MySQL's Query timeout is located? I think it should be in one of the ini files, but i don't know where i can find this. Thanks! AlPhA | |
Hello, I am developing a simple calender in my site which will display the next upcoming birthday of my member. I have a table which has 2 column cname | dob ------------------- Joe | 9/12/1982 Mathew | 2/17/1997 Pat | 8/23/1880 ------------------- What SQL Query should I use to get … | |
Below is the code I'm using to try and simply display the contents of a table...however, I'm getting the following errors: `Warning: mysql_query(): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) in d:\Customers\user######\www\dbtest.php on line 18` `Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in d:\Customers\user######\www\dbtest.php on … | |
Hello all, I am designing a website using php and My SQL. It is an educational website which has an administrator... the adminstartor shall have the apility to add, delete or modify a course. I finished a part of the website but i dont know how to begin to implement … | |
hi , how do i migrate data from mysql to mssql.....i need some free convertor tools....can any body help me | |
I fond some tutorial that can search one field of the table in a database,. But I would like to search the whole table.. In my table I have people's name by first name, last name, phone number etc... how can I display the whole thing as a result? For … | |
Hi... Ok I have created a form which posts data into a mysql database. I can then read that data from the database with another page. I am trying to add russian text to the database... it says it has been added but it comes back as ????? I can … | |
hi, I decided to build a quick forum system for my site. nothing too advanced...heres the db setup i have. create table ForumsTopics ( id int auto_increment not null, topic_id varchar(7) not null, title char(100) not null, cat char(1) not null, views char(6) not null, date DATETIME not null, last_mod … | |
Hi all, I try to compile my program and got this kind of error: test6.c: In function `main': test6.c:46: too many arguments to function `mysql_query' Here is my code: [CODE] int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char string1[1600], string2[1600], query[1600], mobileno[50]; int i, j, len; FILE *fp2; mysql_init(&conn); /* Connect … | |
[INDENT]I recently bought a piece of software and am having a hard time installing it. The instructions tell me to: 1.create a database on my [URL="http://www.computing.net/dbase/wwwboard/forum/126.html#"][COLOR=green][COLOR=green! important][COLOR=green! important]server[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/URL](I have cpanel) 2.create a user 3.Enter this information in dbsetup.php file 4.Create a directory and ftp the files in the public_html folder … | |
Hi, I have one doubt in mysql command using limit. I want to delete a first record in a table using mysql query. I using the below query DELETE from view_me where member_id = '$sess' LIMIT 0,1 But if I used the above query mysql cannot deleted the record. It … |
The End.