10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for paradox814

so I have somewhere between 15-300 images in a folder and I want to know which would faster: loading all the image (file) names into an array and then randomly picking 3 distinct files using $file = opendir($folder_name) -- OR -- loading all the image file names into the mysql …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for boykin

Linux newbie any way ... MySql 5 installed eaisly on my Mandrake 10.1 box but the Gui admin tool MrSql-Administrator 1.1 will not. Is it my ineptness? Thans in advance :(

Member Avatar for screwrup

[COLOR=SeaGreen]Hi guys, i hope u can help me solve this prob of mine. Im currently werking on this project and somehow im unable to insert this data into my database eventhough the data was being retrieved. Can anione help :sad: [/COLOR] <% option explicit %> <% response.buffer = true %> …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for dx20021213
Member Avatar for techkar
Member Avatar for dsureesh

How can MySQL can be connected with Java I need sample coding

Member Avatar for katharnakh

how do i move to next record after i click a button called 'Next' and how do i move to previous record after i click 'Previous' in MySQLdb. does method exists to do this? please help me........... [I]import MySQLdb from Tkinter import * db=MySQLdb.connect(host='127.0.01',user='',passwd='',db='Trimtabs') print 'mysql got connected.....' cursor=db.cursor() root=Tkinter.Tk() …

Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s
Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s
Member Avatar for delite

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /data/9/0/24/113/676928/user/690291/htdocs/inc/_up_index1.php on line 40 This is the error i get every time when any of my php scripts try to read/write in my mysql data base. This is _up_index1.php [PHP] <? $test_act['new_tranzaction']="OK"; $test_act['tranzaction_details_started']="OK"; $test_act['tranzaction_details_pointing']="OK"; $test_act['accept_tranzaction']="OK"; $test_act['reject_tranzaction']="OK"; $test_act['tranzaction_details']="OK"; $test_act['payment']="OK"; …

Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s
Member Avatar for rev4eva

I have tried to connect my JSP codes to my database server but i seem to get an error saying that it cannot locate the driver. My normal java codes to retrieve data frm database works fine but not my JSP codes. I m a bit lost in the configuration …

Member Avatar for sangamesh
Member Avatar for roychong

Hi everyone, I'm keen to use Access as a client application to access data from a MySQL database. The reasons are Access for its strength in reports creation and MySQL for its stability and scalability. I also intend to site the MySQL database with a web hosting service provider. This …

Member Avatar for realestninja

Hi I've been told by my bf that php and mysql are very very powerful tools in the computing world and that it can make all kinds of neat things like databases to small nifty programs. I'm a model, and I began to get addicting to computers after i was …

Member Avatar for BlazingWolf
Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s

Good day members! Could somebody help me here, could modify it for me. There is an error in the syntax: $query = "UPDATE jobs SET position = '$position1', description = '$description1' WHERE id = '$checkbox1'"; $query = $query . " 'UPDATE jobs SET position = '$position2', description = '$description2' WHERE …

Member Avatar for sarahk
Member Avatar for Walyer

hey, i'm trying to insert data into my database with PHP5 i've created this code, <? //open the connection $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "pass"); //pick the database to use mysql_select_db("musiclist", $conn) //create SQL statement $sql = "INSERT INTO musiclist (artist, title)"; $sql.= "VALUES ("; $sql.= "'John Denver', 'Thank God I'm …

Member Avatar for calcop
Member Avatar for snowweb

I'm creating my first web application in PHP/MySQL, however, when I go to view the database contents, the data has been stored in the wrong columns. I've gone through my insertion code with a fine toothcomb and can see no errors which might cause this. I will post the code …

Member Avatar for snowweb
Member Avatar for mark1048

[b]Configuring PHP with MySQL[/b] [B]Intro[/B] To use PHP with MySQL, of course you need to install MySQL server on you system first. On my local system, I have MySQL server installed in \mysql directory. If you need help on installing MySQL on your system, please read "Herong's Notes on SQL". …

Member Avatar for jaikar

hi i am extremly a newbie and i have a doubt. i have wamp server installed, if i create the mysql database on my system using phpmyadmin how can i upload that database to the remote server ?, what type (wht type of file extention) of database files that i …

Member Avatar for hbmarar

Hi to all, I would like to build a registration module and this registrastion module has the following requirements. It is mainly divided in to four parts. [B] 1.General Info 2.Personal Details 3.Searchable details 4.Owned products[/B] The first two are compulsory and the later two are opted from a group …

Member Avatar for snowweb

I've created a web page in .php which receives it's content from a MySQL database, it is all working nicely and looking good except that a field which I have called Ed_Main is now about 65kb and now does not display all the text stored in it. I'm using PHPMyadmin …

Member Avatar for invincible_king

hey guys, i need to setup a database server, and as of now , i do not have any knowledge about MySQL, PHP, and things realted ...although i have a fair knowledge of how things work, i have used Access for my earlier databases, i want to have adress book(forms) …

Member Avatar for william_stam
Member Avatar for Brims

Hiya all ive decided to do my final year project designing an online music video library that will allow multiple access by many users to the same files that will be highly available, with facilities to access the video library by pc, pda and mobile phones. how would i integrate …

Member Avatar for william_stam
Member Avatar for michael123

I would like to know how I can backup Mysql tables from hosting server to my local pc? I don't want to use phpMyAdmin, is there some simple commands to do that(I use PHP)? and how to restore it back to hosting server? I assume it will use csv file. …

Member Avatar for william_stam
Member Avatar for albert85

i'm a newbie in MySQL. i want to know if i want to update MYSQL, can i check that is it have any user at that time, provide me the solution. if i get there is the user how i block the traffic and wait for the user finish their …

Member Avatar for william_stam
Member Avatar for mehrzadsoft

whats wrong with this code? i'm really confused! when i use INSERT code insted of UPDATE in my file, every thing is ok. but when i use UPDATE,it doesn't work!! UPDATE: [CODE]$query = "UPDATE $tblname SET title='$title', desc='$desc', body='$body', time='$time', faday='$faday', famonth='$famonth', fayear='$fayear', fu_show='$fu_show', fu_day='$fu_day', fu_month='$fu_month', fu_year='$fu_year', wshow='$wshow', dshow='$dshow' WHERE …

Member Avatar for william_stam
Member Avatar for PH03N1X

Hey there, im not very great at php and im wondering how i could fix this error [CODE]Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home2/blindst/public_html/forumbeta/vtopic.php on line 328 No replys to this topic.[/CODE] This is line 328 [CODE]$sql2=("SELECT * FROM `reply` WHERE tid = '$id' …

Member Avatar for PH03N1X
Member Avatar for jpl80

I cannot get MySQL working. Can someone please help? I have changed permissions on the /var/lib/msql directory and I still can't get it started. Running Suse Linux Enterprise Server 9 # mysql -V mysql Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.18, for suse-linux (i686) # mysql start ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local …

Member Avatar for namit

Hey all What is with this query $query = mysql_query("UPDATE `namitposts` SET `title` = '$topic' , `date` = '$date' ', `postee` = '$postee', `post` = '$post_text' , `ip` = '$ip' WHERE `id` = '$del'") . mysql_error(); Its not passing the variables am getting this error message Notice: Query error You …

Member Avatar for Ooble
Member Avatar for Amunra

I am trying to install phpbb to use as a forum on my home server but I don't know where to start in the line of mysql. I have downloaded the latest version of mysql and installed it, but I can't figure out how to create a database for phpbb. …

Member Avatar for Amunra
Member Avatar for ronb722

Hi all, Does anyone have an example of how to synchronize two databases on different servers? Thanks, Ron

Member Avatar for namit

I have a databse in mysql and am looking to select the last 5 values in the database and there contence. How would i do this. Will be using php to do this. Thanks There is an incramenting variable called Id and could use that if possible.

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for william_stam

i need to run a backup script for a mysql database how do i run "mysqldump" from asp? ive tried aspexec and mcs but no luck. am i missing something? basicaly i need to be able to backup a database at a click of a button in an asp application. …


The End.