10,944 Topics
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I found this book extremely useful in learning and using php, mysql and apache together. it's great | |
hey all, i've worked with sql server 2000 before and configured the odbc driver to connect to it, using tcp/ip, named pipes, sql admin (sa), and so on....now we're starting to get involved with mysql and are trying to configure myodbc to talk to mysql so queries and tables and … | |
Hi all First thing is that i am new to php and i could get stuck on one semicolen. OK here is the code that i have problem with and the problem is that results given to both the query are same for some reason and i cant figure it … | |
Hi there, I was trying to get a script working that will fire me an email when my database cannot be connected to. This is what I have and I'm wondering if it looks right to you php experts. :) $conn = mysql_connect ($server,$user,$pass) or die(mail("$SendToEmail", "$yoursubject", $emailtext . mysql_error(), … | |
Hi all. I am having a problem I've not encountered before. When using mysql_fetch_assoc() in while(), I am getting the following error: [INDENT][B]Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in archives.php on line 81[/B][/INDENT] However, when taking it out of the while(), it works fine. The … | |
I am pretty good with mysql but I haven’t done much full text searching. I have this problem though with getting results. I learned how to do the fulltext searching at the mysql.com site. I plugged their exact example into my database with phpmyadmin and everything good. Then when I … | |
[CODE]#!bin/bash mysql -u user --password=password << eof use mydatabase; SELECT version FROM versions WHERE versionid = 'LIST'; eof[/CODE] I'd like to get the value from the query into a variable. Any ideas how I could do that? | |
i got this message plz help :: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/baje/public_html/Templates Management/index.php on line 17 Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/baje/public_html/Templates Management/index.php on line 19 its like this plz point out session_start(); include_once('common/common.php'); // … | |
Hello, I'm running 3.25.54 on a linux RedHat server. Here is my scenario and what I'd like to do. I have two databases d1 d2 d1 has some tables in it that I want to be in d2 instead of being in d1. My task is to get some of … | |
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/user/public_html/im2db/image.php on line 14 This is the error I am getting Here is the code: Image.php Am I supposed to add a exit(); after $result = mysql_query ($sql, $conn); line? [PHP]<?php // database connection $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", … | |
Hey there all, i have a question about how to point my python install to my sql database. when i enter this:[CODE] db = MySQLdb.connect(user="user", passwd="pass", db="myDB")[/CODE] i get this: [CODE]Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in -toplevel- db = MySQLdb.connect(user="user", passwd="pass", db="MyDB") File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/__init__.py", line 66, … | |
How can i display result of a single cell query? my query is [code]$author=$_POST["authorname"]; $q="Select authorid from authors where AuthorName=$author"; $resultauthor=mysql_query($q,$connect); $num=mysql_num_fields($resultauthor); [B]<<Error coming here![/B] :( mysql_num_fields(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in[/code] | |
Ok, so i created a db, with the help of the MYSQL manual ;) and think i'm on the right track (well, i'm on a track at least). this db is for our members area (car club web site). I put 3 tables in there users auto_info auto_mods all 3 … | |
Hi folks...... I'm a bit new to this... played with DB's on an off for years...... now getting back to programming and web design, learning to play with all the big boy's toys etc. LOL Yet I must admit that I have fallen for the simplicity of access's ability to … | |
I would like to create a deployment project for my application. And my application need mysql as database, my deployment package will package the mysql installation. How to use VB.net to check whether mysql had been installed in the client PC and if not install, mysql installation will be initiated … | |
I have a general user account which has all of thr rights and priveleges that I wan all of my users to have. Is there an easy way to copy this account to create new users with the same priveleges? Thanks, Chester | |
Hi MySQL Boffs, I have been given resposibility to adminster our my company's website. We use a Content Management System. I would like to add abilities to it such as a Meta Tag & Title field for new pages I create I have started self-teaching myself PHP & MySQL on … | |
hello everyone.. i'm a newby in mysql but i'm trying hard. So i won't lose a minute, and i'll go straight into the heart of the problem. I have the following mysql dumps: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS location_tree; CREATE TABLE location_tree ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, pid int(11) NOT … | |
Is there a way I could create a variable that belongs to a table much like a static variable belongs to a class? So it "thing=1, person=2" were variables belonging to the table structure (not each row), then I could do something like this: SELECT * FROM table WHERE type … | |
Hallo, ich möchte in einer Tabelle die Zahlen einer Spalte nach Grösse sortieren. Das Problem ist, dass das die Zahlen aus bestimmten Gründen Kommazahlen sind, also z.B. 1,3 45,3 etc. Kann mir jemand sagen wie das möglich ist? Ich habe leider nicht so viel Erfahrung in mysql..... Grüsse Kathrina | |
I am looking to setup a site that searches inventory. Something like AutoTrader (as far as the searching goes). Basically just enter vehicle make, year, etc and the results appear. What language would I write this in? As you already guessed I know nothing about databases, can someone give me … | |
I have a dual xeon 2.4 with 2gb ram. My repair has been going for over 14 hours now. Is this normal? It's the post table from vB, so there is lots of data. if it is normal, how much longer do I have to wait? this real sucks. :mad: … | |
Hello please help Total php beginner please help i am going crazy my home-page opens finishes loading but with error's on page and my hitcounter does not display on my site but it's still logging my site I looked through my site files and found this error below. Is this … | |
I am getting the following error: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/champion/public_html/search.php on line 34 when doing a search for text in a description or product name. The error only happens when I do a search for multiple words. Here is the code: … | |
Hello, I am trying to set up the phpbb forums on my site using MySql and I don't understand how to link MY site to the DATABASE. I also can't seem to figure out where my username, password, and the name of my database as I need them for the … | |
Hi there all, I'm about to develop a site with a DB backend & I want to know how one goes about doing organic SEO if most of the site is DB driven. There will be some text on the page, but certain things that are pulled from the DB, … | |
i want to generate a unique primary key, something similar to the auto increment feature, but i do not want it to be auto increment. The reasoning for this is: this table will have rows deleted by the hundreds every day, and maybe even thousands in a few years (I … | |
Hi guys, can anybody help, plase. Is there an instrument to manage .edb file (as far as i know Oracle's Enterprise DB but under free licence)? | |
please help me when i run my code by using Mysql_num_rows() Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\connect to database.php on line 13 this is my code <?php /* declar some relevant variables */ $Host = "localhost"; //location of mySQL on server $Table = "books"; … |
The End.