10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for cpopham

Okay, I have been working with MySql for quite a while on Windows and can generally do what I need. I use Navicat to do a lot of the work because it is a lot faster than working it from a prompt. Anyway, I got permission to set up a …

Member Avatar for skippy1981

Hi guys, Sorry to make my first post so elaborate, I hope to provide help to others soon... :lol: I'm looking at co-locating a web server, the purpose of which will be to host as many small scale websites as possible. Unfortunetely, I have very little knowledge of webserver hardware …

Member Avatar for g0rb4ch3v
Member Avatar for jeepj27

This is going to sound crazy - but is there any way to to a search for a phrase of text within my SQL database? (I am obviously not very knowledgeable) except on how to get there! :) Thanks for the help!

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for balu

i have one table,which maintain daily transactions for each minitute,but i would like to know per day for each 15 minutes interval how many rows are entering into that table

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for qazs

Hi, How can I delete from multiple tables? I'm using this query and its not working: "DELETE FROM table1,table2 WHERE $localTime > table1.Time OR $localTime > table2.Time"; What I hope to achieve is deleting rows from table1 and table2 where their Time Field is less than $localTime. Thanks very much.

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for jenkins_t

Have any of you used Dadabik as a end user app for MySQL? I am currently using PHPBB and MySQL for a forum. I have another db in MySQL that I want users to be able to search the db, add records, etc. (non profit, db would be used as …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for iversr

I am completely new to phpMyAdmin and relatively new to MySQL, so this may be a dumb question. Please forgive me if it is. I have MySQL running successfully, no problems that I am aware of. I have IIS running on the same server with PHP installed and am successfully …

Member Avatar for iversr
Member Avatar for cpopham

I am a student and am developing my knowledge of MySQL and am practicing using it as a backend for some of my apps. I can run MySql on my laptop (Windows XP Pro) and use my apps referring to the local host. We have a wireless network in our …

Member Avatar for detboydave
Member Avatar for OmriA

Hey, I am having a really stupid yet annoying problem. I have a simple database stracture (I'll give an example below) and I want to do a query that will loop through it's elements trying to display the list amount of times each element (trying to make it the most …

Member Avatar for Chagh
Member Avatar for mhnewmedia

I have a form that should write to MyDQL Database but isn't I have been looking at it for hours and it is driving me crazy. [CODE]$sqlquery = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES '$id','$Name','$DoB_Day','$DoB_Month','$DoB_Year','$Address_1','$Address2','$Town','$Postcode','$Telephone','$Mobile','$Email','$6th_Form','$6th_Form_Year','$6th_Form_Institution','$6th_Form_Course_Title','$College','$College_Year','$College_Name','$College_Course','$E2E','$E2E_Provider','$Apprenticeship','$Apprenticeship_Level','$App_Employer_Name','$App_Work_Area','$Employment','$Employment_Basis','$Emp_Employer_Name','$Emp_Job_Title','$Emp_Training','$University','$University_Name','$Uni_Course_Title','$Gap_Year','$Unemployed','$Other')";[/CODE] I have used this method before and it worked fine but it just isn't playing nicely today. …

Member Avatar for PatrickE
Member Avatar for cputek2k

I bought a book called PHP/MySQL Programming for the absolute beginner by Andy Harris, Premier Press. This book is great for a beginner. It walks you through a refresher on HTML and then goes step by step into PHP and MySQL. Great examples and VERY challenging "homework" assignments. Great for …

Member Avatar for fsn812

When attempting to compile PHP 5.0.4 with MySQL 4.0, I received some strange errors from attempting to use --with-mysql and --with-mysqli. After getting it to configure correctly, where it finds mysql and mysqli support, when I run make I get these odd compile errors: == /usr/src/php-5.0.4/ext/mysqli/php_mysqli.h:48: error: syntax error before …

Member Avatar for fsn812
Member Avatar for rsaicrag

I am doing an SQL statement that tries to get the [B]percentage[/B]..but i dont know how to do it in MySQL here is the sample of my code: SELECT count( * ) , rating, percentage.... FROM `acne_prod_rating` WHERE prod_id =5 GROUP BY rating the output should be like this: count(*) …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for Secret Agent

I have a link per customer for mrtg graph and remote reboot access. I need to be able to integrate the login to be password protected, connected to ModernBill database where the client can use their MB login info to access the mrtg / remote reboot page as well. How …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for mohit_t

Hi. I want to escape any special characters in the input field before inserting the data into mysql tables in C++. Here is how I am using this function [QUOTE]// Escaping special characters in the Subject field char * S = new char[strlen(m_headerSubject.c_str())*3 +1]; mysql_real_escape_string(conn, S, m_headerSubject.c_str(), m_headerSubject.length()); m_headerSubject = …

Member Avatar for dsgnews

Please, please, help me out in rewriting my sub-query to some kind of JOIN for earlier MySQL version: The query should retrive any availble rooms from the database MY ATTEMPTED SUB-QUERY: Select * From Room R Where R.room_no NOT IN( Select B.room_no From R.room_no = B.room_no And R.room_type = ‘single’ …

Member Avatar for demo
Member Avatar for Phaelax

I installed PHPDev5 and can run my php files no problem on localhost. However, since I'm the only who can seem them, I wanted to setup IIS so that my site could be seen by others on the internet. (until i move to an actual dedicated server) I believe the …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for bmcgahan

MySQL Experts, I have a UBBThreads forum that uses MySQL for the database. Recently a user's posts were accidentally deleted. We have a backup of the database but unfortunately it's quite old. We urgently need someone who is versed in MySQL operations and preferably is also familiar with UBBThreads to …

Member Avatar for dsgnews

Hey folks, I need your help. I stuck with my Database project. I have five tables on the database: These are Room, Guest, Booking, Employee and Admin Room (room_ no, room_ type, price) Guest (guest_ no, Fname, Sname, address,…) Booking (room_no, guest_no, Fname, Sname, arrival_date, departure_date, emp_no, user_name, password) Employee …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for WRobertson

I've been impressed by MySQL's ability to run as a database on a server with clients connecting using a client-server or web based architecture. I'm now wondering if a version of MySQL can be cost effectively licenced to run with application software (which might traditionally have used a Jet database) …

Member Avatar for nicentral
Member Avatar for hbmarar

hi, please anyone help me with this.I have a database 'hbm' which contain a table called hitted having 2 columns(id,hit). I inserted a record with id=1. Now i need to query this database. define("hit_TBL","hitted"); "select hit from" . hit_TBL. " where id=1 and LIMIT=1"; throws error. request members to help …

Member Avatar for nicentral
Member Avatar for enh1105

I'm having trouble figuring out how to query multiple tables. (Note: I've greatly simplified the tables for clarity purposes) I have 2 tables: Invites and Purchases The invites table has the following fields: email & invitee The purchases table has the following fields: useremail & product Invites tables +------------------+----------------------+ | …

Member Avatar for pcschrottie
Member Avatar for Atomica

I am working on a site for a school project and all I have access to is php and html. I would like to be able to run some MySQL - but I am unable to find a place that will remotly host it for me. Does any one know …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for buck_nakie

Hi all, I am learning to write with PHP and am stuck and need some wise souls help. In a nutshell I need to be able to take grab a DB coulmn status and then count how many times it gets updated and output that number to a file and …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for buck_nakie

Hi all, I am learning to write with PHP and am stuck and need some wise souls help. In a nutshell I need to be able to take grab a DB coulmn status and then count how many times it gets updated and output that number to a file and …

Member Avatar for curiousdan
Member Avatar for mediaphyte
Member Avatar for Grumpy

Ok, heres an odd situation. I've been using a code for a few years to basically add edit, and delte content from my site. I have taken this bit of code and once again am using it to add some content. ARGH! I can't figure this out for the life …

Member Avatar for Killer_Typo
Member Avatar for vipula

I am very new to php & mysql. i have made a webste with a database in mysql. i have developed a search engine to search my database. I just discovered a weakness in my current search engine. It won't show results if I don't have an exact match or …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for chrisxkelley

how is access used versus mySQL? i know access isnt much of a web database but what are its advantages/disadvantages over mysql?

Member Avatar for Drew
Member Avatar for mick19681999

could someone provide me with the sql for the following code: Dim i As Integer Dim countvar As Integer If Number_of_Panels.Text > 1 And Number_of_Panels.Text < 27 Then For i = 1 To Number_of_Panels.Text countvar = (countvar + 1) Project_Number.SetFocus MsgBox Project_Number.Text & countvar Number_of_Panels.SetFocus Next i Else End If …

Member Avatar for william_stam

The End.