10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for pgroover

Okay, not new to MySQL, or PHP, but I'm really lost on this one. I have a query (simple one really) that is supposed to return the requested values from a database. I've tested the query with MySQL direct and it works fine, but when used via the web interface, …

Member Avatar for pgroover
Member Avatar for sweet_jam_in

I am using mysql 4.0 server. But in the database I can not use special characters (i.e. latin characters, root sign etc.) or can not use superscript or subscript. In the front end I am using VB. When I am copying the text from Ms word and pasting it the …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for mick19681999

hi folks, i am creating a database in access 97. I have designed 5 different forms which are all linked to the same table. the forms share some of the same fields but not all, except for the admin form which sees them all. my forms are made up of …

Member Avatar for endusto

how would you check if a value exists in a database? i want to use this for ip blocking so it will check if your ip is on the list and if so, it will not let you access a specfic page.

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for dillon

There is only so much one can do with a database. The basic requirment is to add delete search display and go somewhere with the information. The better DB have images. I can write all the wants that a web master has but there is no way (at present) I …

Member Avatar for Gnome_101
Member Avatar for Morgoth

i'm having a problem with my SQL query. i'm trying to create another column with values based on the values of the other columns and call it sTitle. Every time i try to execute my SQL statement it brings back this error: Illegal mix of collations for operation 'concat' Error …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for Ajaxxx

I have the following code: [php]$rebate_query = tep_db_query("select * from " . TABLE_REBATES . " where product_id = " . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id']); $rebate_information = tep_db_fetch_array($rebate_query);[/php] This should return only 1 row of data I have this code - " [php]$rebate = $rebate_information['rebate_amount'];[/php] " for extracting the rebate amount. For the life …

Member Avatar for Gary King
Member Avatar for Luckasoft

Dear friends! We are asking your opinion on alpha-version of our MySQL Client Some people ask what is the point of yet another My SQL client (there are dozens of them). We see our niche as low cost solution-a set of several tools with everything a web-master might need. It …

Member Avatar for Gary King
Member Avatar for msimonds

Dani has given me permission to post this here I co-developed a flash poll sytem that uses php/mysql for the anyone to download IF you go to my site: [url]http://www.sportsrant.com[/url] ou can see it in action on the right side or [url]http://www.uoptoday.com[/url], you can see it in action on the …

Member Avatar for Hansybear
Member Avatar for spyder

Helo everyone, I have installed a php directory script similar to this at: [[url]http://www.dentalarticles.com/directory/add_url.php?c=303][/url] and I wonder if someone could possible tell me how to add 3 additional fields to the submission form. Is this something that could be done by someone with almost zero programming knowledge? !!! Thanks all.

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for boham

I have a web portal from a buddy's website using PHPNuke that I administer. The site has user accounts for the site itself and for the forums. I recently purchaced my own domain and am currently designing it the same way using PHPNuke. Is there any way I can transfer …

Member Avatar for boham
Member Avatar for Serp

I'm trying to figure out if this is possible, and cannot find any information about it. Specifically what I want to do, for example, is allow a web-based user to search for a particular value in one field the first time around. If that returns an overwhelming number of results, …

Member Avatar for edshuck
Member Avatar for androstendione

hi im new to php/mysql i have developed a code in asp and converted it to php with asp2php programme. the original solution asp/sqlserver iis works fine..the new solution will be a iis php mysql. mysql server works fine iis works fine however the php wont let me connect to …

Member Avatar for androstendione
Member Avatar for RobL

This may sound stupid but I am very new to MySQL. I am thinking of using this for a database driven site on a Linux server with a new, (hopefully more reliable) host. My current host can supply a MySQL database for £25.00 per year, (seems too cheap) my proposed …

Member Avatar for Gary King
Member Avatar for junvalasek

I want to install my own php script into my server (shared) but the moment I test my page, the following errors occurs. [CODE]Warning: main(): Unable to access ../includes/global.php in /home/linkme2u/public_html/paidmail/site/index.php on line 3 Warning: main(../includes/global.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/linkme2u/public_html/paidmail/site/index.php on line 3 Warning: main(): Unable …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for shortd81

I'm getting ready to make a database of my baseball cards and wanted to know how would I go about making a searchable database of my cards?

Member Avatar for Gary King
Member Avatar for JavaHead_Jonnie

I know how to do MySQL connections, queries etc. with PHP but I want to do some MySQL stuff with an offline language - I know C++, VB and Java - but I'm not sure which one to do it with. Is it even possible? Can someone please recommend one …

Member Avatar for Gnome_101
Member Avatar for kevin_smithers

Hi, I have a small problem I have a flash game SWF file not the fla and it sends and recieves values from a PHP file send - update and recieve is INIT Great except the person who gave me the SWF and PHP file did not tell me how …

Member Avatar for kevin_smithers
Member Avatar for ruffy

Hi. I use Win2k PHP 4.3.1 MySql 4.1.9 [B]Trying to install phpBB 2.0.11[/B] My phpBB files are in C:\BB There I added the directory ..\BB\forum PROBLEM: I can't get past the html "start install" page. On that page - In Admin Configuration section: [B]a)[/B] Where it asks for ADMIN info; …

Member Avatar for madmatt
Member Avatar for odee

i can't connect to mysql. the error is [code] Warning: mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client in C:\Documents and Settings\... [/code] im using the script here in the php tutorial: [code] $Host = "mysqllocation"; //location of mySQL on server $User = "username"; …

Member Avatar for mcldev
Member Avatar for kubota

hi, in order to install my php gallery, i have to "Run the photos.sql script in your MySQL database" what does this mean? i know i have mysql, as i have a phpBB2 forum running. but how do i do this? thanks

Member Avatar for Gary King
Member Avatar for dannyshi

hi can anybody please help me with this, i had install a php script but i got some problem with mysql_connect the below is the error message: Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user: 'maximus_dbwebnews@localhost' (Using password: YES) in /home/maximus/public_html/webnews/WebNews/admin/func/db.inc.php on line 25 Database error: Link-ID == false, pconnect failed MySQL …

Member Avatar for mcldev
Member Avatar for supersonic

What I'm attempting is to have database driven links on my page. It is all ok except one thing and that is this error when my page comes up in the browser. Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/admin/public_html/index.php on line 114 Here is …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for Antonbomb22

ok i am getting the error that my fields i want to full text search are not in my index but in phpmyadmin it lists them in my index! i do not understand y it is doing this:( also does it automatically order results by relevance and how i change …

Member Avatar for junvalasek

I'm new in script installation and I am trying to install several free scripts in my testing server. I always have problem running install.php. The moment I enter my mySQL information, it always returned blank.. Please try to visit this page and enter the following MySQL server information if you …

Member Avatar for TKSS
Member Avatar for croft

Hello again =) Now i have a question about vbulletin and its usergroup manager and some mysql questions that goes with it. We have a clan site and vbulletin forum. I have created a specific usergroup for our clan members. Now i want to display those users on a none …

Member Avatar for curiousdan
Member Avatar for Cup of Squirrel

I have recently installed php nuke into my web host by extracting all contents of "html" folder into my main directory. I went to "http://www.myhost.com/admin.php" to find this error message: [code] Warning: main(language/lang-.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/killtpfn/public_html/mainfile.php on line 183 Warning: main(): Failed …

Member Avatar for PoA
Member Avatar for scoobie

Hi, i am using mysql and php. i was wondering if anyone can help me. when customers login a form with thier details which are stored in the mysql database are displayed. when they change a detail such as their address and click on the update button their details are …

Member Avatar for scoobie
Member Avatar for flameifrit

I am tring to complete a project for university using msql, php, apache and phpmyadmin(local) The main basis for this project is being able to transfer data to and from a mysql database. Having never used the languages required I am having trouble figuring out what I am doing wrong. …

Member Avatar for BeyerCorpuz

[SIZE=3]PHP Saving[/SIZE] I just bought a book to learn PHP/My SQL. It does not thoroughly explain how to install PHP an SQL on my server( However I did use the accompanying cd to start download of files). My problem is , after I write source code in notepad and save …

Member Avatar for zippee

The End.