10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for Slavis81

Hello, I am a newbie coder and I am trying to find a way to create a php mailing list. Ive tried looking around but have only succeeded in becoming more lost and confused. I would like the users to enter their email address into the text box and click …

Member Avatar for elderp
Member Avatar for smac

Hi, I'm writing a program that parses a *lot* of log files into a database. It's completely O-O, and each object opens a database connection to mysql using [B]mysqli->connect()[/B]. Here's my problem - the program works great for a limited number of log files, but if I run it over …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for akash_msrit

hi everyone how to display mysql query results in a html or jsp page. using java script or any other if u have working code or sample code please send me please help me . its very urgent regards Manjunath

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Dorio

+----------+---------------------+------------+--------------------+ |wage_id | full_name | wage | date_added | +----------+---------------------+------------+--------------------+ | 1 | Unknown | 123 | 2001-12-22 | +----------+---------------------+------------+--------------------+ | 2 | Unknown2 | 321 | 2007-06-17 | +----------+---------------------+------------+--------------------+ how to count sum pf values in wage column? 123+321= 444 <---- that way :)

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for roswell1329

I'm having a devil of a time trying to insert a Windows UNC share into my MySQL database. The DBI quote function doesn't seem to be behaving as I would expect. Here's a little example: [code=perl] #!/usr/bin/perl -w use DBI; my $unc = '\\somebox.somehost.com\someshare'; my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:cmdb;localhost"; my $dbh …

Member Avatar for roswell1329
Member Avatar for krthk_sg

hi ppl,i have a question.I have column which is a primary key.i have inserted a value also to it.Now again if i insert the same value it shouls not give a error.but instead continue.So how to go about it.like vb onerror is there any way that we can write the …

Member Avatar for tinamary
Member Avatar for lzmiy

Hi all i new to MySQL and currenlty now is trying to do a database and upload it up to PHPMyadmin so that the page im am creating can use it but im facing a big problem here Error SQL query: # # Database structure for database 'database name' # …

Member Avatar for leelee
Member Avatar for mithesh

hi can anybody help me i need to get the data from db through php script my code is : <?php $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("poll",$con); echo "DB SELECTED<br>"; $result=mysql_query("select question from pollquestions",$con); echo "QUERY EXECUTED<br>"; echo $result ; echo "<br>DATA DISPLAYED<br>"; mysql_close($con); …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for shortybookit

I currently run your typical city guide web page and for this entire post i am going to use my artsandculture page with in this page i have sub pages of museums,wine,galleries when a user clicks on museums there is a list of all the museums in html format and …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for dummies2

this is a program that i have, i dont know why it doesnt work. Could some one help me? thank you very much [code] #!c:\Python24\python.exe # Fig. 35.22: fig35_22.py # A program to illustrate Python's database connectivity. import MySQLdb print "Content-type: text/html" print print """ <html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" …

Member Avatar for BearofNH
Member Avatar for krisfr

I am looking for a set of buttons (CODE) for making a NAV set for php and mysql, I need next prev top bottom along with edit add delete reset, any one know of a good starting place to look at least? I would like for it to be working …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for edynas

I need some advice from the pro's :) I am building an application that has data from several places. The structure is all the same but the data is specific to a user. 1 such a feed can consist of 50,000 rows but on average it's more between 500-2000 rows. …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for tinamary

hi im new to the field of datawarehouse, but im familiar with the database concepts so, can you please give me the guidance or scope of ddatawarehouse for my career, how it is helpful to my career growth, please give me those information.

Member Avatar for alamati
Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for nyadimo

yes, i know mysqls query language, but what i need to know is how to connect mysql database with php. i am designing a dynamic website using macromedia dreamweaver 8, mysql and php. how can i go about configuration in order to connect successfully?

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for hkBattousai

I'm trying to create a libmysql.a file for my Dev-C++ project. Parameters for dlltool is as below : [IMG]http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/8911/beforeco4.jpg[/IMG] But the output libmysql.a file is not proper, it doesn't contain anything. [IMG]http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/1707/afterpj1.jpg[/IMG] What am I doing wrong?

Member Avatar for nyadimo

hi i am trying to design a dynamic website using php and mysql, how can i make configuration so as to connect successfully?

Member Avatar for shashi28
Member Avatar for bobby08

Hi, I wish I could solve this on my own but I tried searching and googling but nothing doing. Althought worse comes to worse, I can use Perl to do what I want, but I would prefer having a SQL syntax that can handle it. Problem: 3 columns: username, daily …

Member Avatar for fasttoshiba
Member Avatar for dudegio

Please help me on how to join 4 or more tables. I have an idea of joining tables but it is good only for two. I have joined 3 tables before but i worked that in access. For now, im using MySQL and Php. Hoping for your response. Thanks....

Member Avatar for SkinHead
Member Avatar for carmaniac

Any recommendations for Barcode software that can be embedded into certain field in MySQL database to generate barcode? Thanks!

Member Avatar for SkinHead
Member Avatar for EnderX

I've about given up on my previous problem. I [I]was[/I] beginning to think it'll be easier to do simply by dropping the user, then recreating it with the appropriate privileges next time around. Only, when I tried (as the superuser, no less) to drop the problem user, I got the …

Member Avatar for kaung
Member Avatar for EnderX

I am trying to maintain a MySQL db which is required for business usage. I recently ran into a problem where one of our programs would blow up with an SQL error; taking a look at the error message, the program description, and the database in question reveals that the …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for jnscollier

Hey all, So here's the deal. I have a list of comments, and each comment gets an automatically generated commentid when it gets added to my mysql table. I just added the functionality to allow users to reply to other ppl's comments ... So I added another field to my …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for gurusamy
Member Avatar for SkinHead
Member Avatar for danielwoodhead

Hi I am tring to populate a drop down by selecting another drop down. The first drop dwon populates from eventdata table and i want the second drop down to populate from a race table. I have tried to find the row which contains the same event id as the …

Member Avatar for johny_d
Member Avatar for realnsleo

hey there, i recently installed php5.0.2, apache2.0 and mysql4.1 independently but got them to work together. however i can only access a database when i type: [code]$db = new mysqli('localhost','username','password','database');[/code] and yet when i try: [code]$db = mysql_connect('localhost','username','password');[/code] it does not work, i have uncommented the extension in my php.ini …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for reZo

[B]Description:[/B] The problem is with the SQL. In tbl_comment.comment_mreference, I have made this column varchar(60). It can either contain an integer value, or an alphanumeric value. If it's an integer value, an admin would be logged in and it would have inserted there auto_increment member number into tbl_comment.comment_mreference. If it's …

Member Avatar for SkinHead
Member Avatar for gigtech

Hi, I have been trying to see how it is possible to get the name of the primary key column from the database by checking the constraint name. I have, up until now been unsuccessful. I have tried the below and I get nothing returned and no errors as well. …

Member Avatar for mstester

Hi all......another question for ya all :S Does anyone know of a way to monitor a change to a database, Basically I need to write some code for my app that can detect a change i.e. table x has been modified in someway or table y has been created etc? …

Member Avatar for SkinHead
Member Avatar for aerian

can any body helpme on this point! i have the merge module MSDE n i have to deploy website to another PC i dont want that i install mysql there i want to attach just a fileor dll of database to the project set up . so i will not …

Member Avatar for peter_budo

The End.