10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for kevted

Hi out there!! I have a problem in creating relationships in MYSQL. could some help me out there? Am a beginner in system development and I would like to learn more. YOuare great

Member Avatar for macneato
Member Avatar for pulse0

I'm developing a small, web-based poetry sharing website. I'm a beginner in PHP and MySQL. I want users to have a personalized page where they can work on their work in progress, once they feel they can publish it for the other users to view. I've already created a login …

Member Avatar for macneato
Member Avatar for Anna ms

Hi, I'm newbie here. I just noticed that HR control panel have no feature to check and repair MySQL database if the database got corrupted. I knew CPanel have this feature and I guess the HR control panel look similiar like CPanel (CMIIW), but no feature for Check and Repair …

Member Avatar for macneato
Member Avatar for piers

I was reading through my java book which is called Introduction To Java Programming Sixth Edition by Y.Daniel Liang and I was reading about databases. I just wondered if java is used in webdesign for the purpose of creating databases and if that was instead of MySql and what the …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for hoboken411

Greetings. My first post. I'm running a fairly popular wordpress blog (about a million page views a month). I have a plugin called "recent comments" which lists the last 20 or so comments in the sidebar of the site. However, the queries it makes are very disk and CPU intensive. …

Member Avatar for devknob

PHP version 5.1.6 MySQL version 5.0.27-standard-log Table is super simple, 1 primary key, uid, unixtime(timestamp),blog, pro, bull, pix [code] if($uid > 0 && $id != $uid){ include('connection.php'); mysql_query("INSERT INTO history SET uid='$uid', pro='$id'"); } Thats all. Does anyone know why this would create two identical records every time? [/code] Anyone …

Member Avatar for katharnakh
Member Avatar for eswar jinugu

hai,i have a table,consists of data which gets updated data time-time.i want to access the data based on date & time.

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for curly73

I am new to PHP and I don't have a seperate server. I am running Dreamweaver CS3 with Developers toolkit and Xampp 2.1.10. My problem appears to be that I cannot get my head around whether I need to have a seperate server, or whether I can do everything locally. …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for pvc4twenty

I have uploaded the site and get this error message on the home page: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/content/d/t/e/dtedder/html/index.php on line 55 line 55 of index reads like this: $totalRows_rsArticles = mysql_num_rows($all_rsArticles); Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for macneato

hi, dont usually ask for help since i believe in google. But im in a serious fix. intro: currently working on a table that has three fields, 'id' 'current' 'previous'. problem: i want to insert another field (or two - no too sure how to go about it) but with …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for john_sm

Hey Guys, I am still in a thinking stage and will like to learn from your experience, and was wondering if any of you folks have a hybrid environment i.e. Linux and Proprietary systems and what kind of issues do you run into. And also, what pieces of technology you …

Member Avatar for e1seix

Help me out guys. I am probably being such a bonehead but I can't figure out where I've gone wrong with this code for adding Next/Prev buttons to my pages: $ ID = $_GET; $limit=2; // rows to return $numresults=mysql_query("SELECT * from fragrances WHERE ID=$ID ORDER BY title"); $numrows=mysql_num_rows($numresults); // …

Member Avatar for katharnakh
Member Avatar for ankitagalaxy

I m beginner in Php-Mysql. I have installed apache PHP-Mysql but still it is showing problem in running the script. I really need a help to learn it. Anyone is there who can solve my problem.

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for raghvendra1947
Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for staneja

I am trying to create a calss with a constructior that creates connection with MYSql database , i am using database name as dbetch . I have set the path varable but still it id throwing error package login; import java.sql.*; import java.sql.DriverManager; import com.mysql.jdbc.Connection; public class conn { Connection …

Member Avatar for staneja
Member Avatar for cancer10

Hi Does anyone know what is the simplest way to backup a database using the [b]mysqldump[/b] function in php? I have googled a lot and the codes i have found are very hard to understand and most of them does not work. Thanx in advance for your help.

Member Avatar for MitkOK
Member Avatar for kodiak

ok, so i need to insert something to my mysql database. I have seperately tested the connection, and it's good. It's just something wrong with my code. Look at it. [code=php] <?php include("db.php"); $link2=mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); if(!$link2){ echo "could not connect.";} $myusername="test"; $mypassword="test"; $sql="insert …

Member Avatar for kodiak
Member Avatar for Caled

Hello, I'm developing a small, web-based music sharing application. I used to create static HTML contents. But now, I need a dynamic site that retrieve information from databases (also write data to database). As a beginner in PHP and MySQL, I hope someone from here can help me out.. Here …

Member Avatar for atplerry
Member Avatar for MitkOK

Hi folks. I Have a question : I'm interested how you generate query string to search DB with more than 1 form with LIKE. For example : We have $_POST['name'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['phone'], $_POST['email']. How do you generate sql query to search with two criteria ( name and phone ) ? …

Member Avatar for dezignwork
Member Avatar for Cerberus

I am trying to get this function to work and having a few problems. [CODE] if(function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string")) { $value = mysql_real_escape_string( $value ); } [/CODE] and i get an error: [B]Warning[/B]: mysql_real_escape_string() [function.mysql-real-escape-string]: Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in w:\[B]pathname[/B] on line [B]11 [/B] Does anyone know how …

Member Avatar for Cerberus
Member Avatar for SubeeshBabu

hi , I have four different tables, all are linked together using foreign key relationships. Now i need to insert data in to the tables.How can i use nested insert queries to insert data by a single query?

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for technobum

Hello all, I will be creating a mySQL database to store telemetry that will be grabbed from an instrument at a rate of once per second. Are there design considerations that I should take into account in order to achieve this insertion rate? The database will eventually grow to about …

Member Avatar for kalaiselvi.v

I want to connect to the database mysql . I am using Type IV driver Connector/J. How to connect to the database. When i load the driver class its working after that i get this error SQL Exception :Communications link failure due to underlying exception: ** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for tunday

Hi. I'm currently trying my hands on PHP and MySQL. I understand how to retrieve results from SELECT statements in PHP? However, I'm not exactly sure of how to do it when a procedure call is made e.g. [code] [COLOR=green]$query[/COLOR][COLOR=green] = [/COLOR][COLOR=green]"CALL mach_validity([/COLOR][COLOR=green]$student_id[/COLOR][COLOR=green], @result)"[/COLOR][COLOR=green];[/COLOR] [COLOR=green][B][COLOR=green]if[/COLOR][/B] ([COLOR=green]$result[/COLOR] = [COLOR=green]$mysqli[/COLOR]->query([COLOR=green]$query[/COLOR]) { [B][COLOR=green]while[/COLOR][/B]([COLOR=green]$row[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for tunday
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Yes, I was wondering how do I set the password for mysql on opensuse? When I was setting it up [url]http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/feature/595.html[/url] it never gave me an option to set the password. It would be useful for security measures. Thanx.

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for dudegio

Hello everyone! I have problem with the configuration of MySQL. I am using IIS, Php 4.3.11(CGI) and SQL Yog. All are working. I also installed and used MySQL Servers and Clients 4.0.15 for my database. If i connect to the database, i encounter this error: Can't connect to MySQL server …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for sickly_man

Is it possible to retrieve one cell of data from a MySQL database? I need to put the ID from one row of a table into a php variable so that I can recall the correct row later on for editing purposes. If you know how to do this please …

Member Avatar for sickly_man
Member Avatar for gllanci

Hello Im makineg a small cms for my purposes and my problem is updating adding dhe DATE, im getting 00.00.0000 can anybody help me making a drop down date with dd/mm/YYYY so I can add - edit ?? Thnx a lot Enjoy Life

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for hkBattousai

I receive an error on system startup like the one in the attachment. But php_mysql.dll file actually is in C:\Prog\SERVER\PHP\ext folder in my computer. How can I change this incorrect setting?

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for Dani

I would like to move my forum database to a new server. However, the MySQL database is approximately 700 megs, and takes a great deal of time to import. Doing a [inlinecode]mysql> source backup.sql[/inlinecode] took well over 12 hours the last time I did it, and that was months ago. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.