10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Hi all, I have a text file saved as utf8 without BOM. I loaded it into MysQL database. An iframe is loaded with this data from MySQL. I need the caret position in the iframe in order to perform operations in the database. Everytime there's a new line the positions …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for anand01

hi all, I need to join three tables my tables are ___________ markmaster ___________ stuid subid examcode mark ___________ _____________ subjectmaster _____________ subid subname subtype externalmark internalmark _____________ ___________ exammaster ___________ examcode examname duration description ____________ I need result like stuid,subname,subtype,examname,mark . Could any one guide to write query for …

Member Avatar for anand01
Member Avatar for Midgard

Hi- Probably pretty simple for experienced mysql-ers, but I'm at a loss... Say I have two tables: Movies & Reviews. Movies has a RecNum field, a Title field & other info Reviews has a MovieNum field (identifying which Movie RecNum it's for), a Rating field (1-5 if rated, 0 if …

Member Avatar for Midgard
Member Avatar for greatbuttar

hi everybody! :) I have 4 tables in my mysql database as user car_description techniqual_description saled_serial_numbers In user table user_name is the primary key. In car_description there is car_id as primary key and serial_number as foreign key which is primary key in table saled_serial number and user_name as foreign key …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for showman13

Hi All, I'm having difficulty in getting the data that I need from the DB.. and it is probably my lack of understanding in the query that I created... data looks like this in the table called RandPtrack rec_id type group_id open_date close_date orders shares order_date order_num 1 R 96 …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for super-duper

I'm trying to create a delete button that lets a user "delete" an entry from mysql database. I have a demo.php page, where my php connects to my database and inserts data into it. And I have a demo-form.php which is to display the form and when "submit" button is …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for pizzipie

I am just beginning to get the idea on how to put together the above four source codes to produce, in this case, a Contact Database/Display program. On a 0-10 learning scale I feel like a 3. My current problem is: ContactRevise3.html calls revise.php with the following script: [CODE] <script …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for senergy

Hello, about 3 months ago I made simple chat using MySQL++ which is working fine, login function: [url]http://pastebin.com/Mdup4zi6[/url] but today I'm creating Control Panel, I've copied and changed this function a little bit, but i'm getting 0 results (if I copy syntax to navicat I'll get password so...) login function: …

Member Avatar for senergy
Member Avatar for nyamatema

I cant configure the site in ubuntu where my application will be runing ,and I find it difficult to know where to find MySQL sever.Can any one help me out?

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for magicmarkuk

Hi Apologies if this is not the correct forum for this question. I am running xampp. I have 100+ image files in a directory that I wish to rename. The old filename and the new filename are stored in an mysql database I want to write a routine that will …

Member Avatar for magicmarkuk
Member Avatar for jayhall
Member Avatar for jayhall
Member Avatar for klemme

Hey, I am trying to create this EVENT via phpmyadmin, but I get a syntax error which I cant see: This is the code for the event: [CODE] DELIMITER | CREATE EVENT delete_cart ON SCHEDULE EVERY 5 MINUTES DO BEGIN DECLARE cartID INTEGER; DECLARE cartProductID INTEGER; DECLARE cartAntal INTEGER; DECLARE …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for aithabuddy
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Shahriyar.R

Hi, i have a problem while preparing to MySQL Developer Exam. Exactly i don't understand the question and the answer :) So Test is here: You work as database adminstrator for company inc. You have written following statement: [CODE]SELECT 'Student Name'||stud_name FROM students WHERE stud_id=50;[/code] Which of the following will …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for oksam

I have been trying to create a search query. Following is my mysql query: SELECT id, title, SUBSTRING(description, 1, 80) AS description,price,picture,date FROM movie INNER JOIN movieLocation ON movie.id = movieLocation.movieid WHERE TRUE AND movieLocation.Location='NEW YORK'AND MATCH(movie.title, movie.description) AGAINST ('Catch me if you can'); There is an error on this …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for sidra 100

m geting an unexpected error in my code plz tel me where am i wrng my code because i have wriiten mysql_num_rows many time [CODE]<?php session_start(); print_r($_POST); $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("pras2",$con); $slip_no=$_POST['slip_id']; $query="SELECT * FROM `slip` WHERE slip_id='$slip_no'"; $result=mysql_query($query); if ($result) { $query1= "UPDATE `slip` SET status='accepted' WHERE slip_id='$slip_no'"; $result1= mysql_query($query1); if($result1) …

Member Avatar for cossay
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi All, I am hoping to finish this feature on a shopping cart soon - just one thing im not sure how to create. Basically: 1 hour after a user has put the very first item into the shopping cart - (items are stored in the database) I want to …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for fire eaters

This is how my license table look like.. i want to select only row that has atleast one "1". which means i don't want to select any row that has full of zeros..

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for toomutch

Hi all, Having problems with null dates in a mysql table. Have eventually found out that I can store a 'null' date in mysql as "0000-00-00" and I can run the 'insert' command to add a record to the mysql table. When I check on mysql workbench I can see …

Member Avatar for toomutch
Member Avatar for mikeshadow

So i've come over a problem, i need to use something similar like this [CODE] set @num = 0; select * from ( select * , @num := @num + 1 as row_number from my_users as info order by Score desc ) as ii [/CODE] any ideas how i can …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Clanstrom

Ok, i am so new to PHP and today, i wanted to create a very simple php code that submits username and country name into myqsl. So, I created databse and tables in phpMyAddmin, and i created two php files ( c below ) i.e. form.php & insert.php [B]This is …

Member Avatar for Clanstrom
Member Avatar for vienem

Hi there, I am relatively new to PHP and MySQL coding and I am currently using the Joomla CMS. What I am trying to do is get a game name based on a custom field value from my DB like so; [CODE] // fetch the value of field called Game …

Member Avatar for vienem
Member Avatar for danielbala

hi.. Im new to mysql..i want to know how to generate daily reports for all employees i created 3 tables with fields employee table:emp_id,name job table:job_id,job_name activity table:act_id,emp_name,job_name,date,activity done(assigned values as email,phonecall,visits) Daily Activity Report : (Employee ID, Emp Name,Jobs Name, Activity Done) Eg: 1.| Date | Rajeev | Income …

Member Avatar for reco21
Member Avatar for anthonyjpv

I have set my table to InnoDB which has parent to child relation table 2(child) has FK Reference to table 1 (parent) PK table 2 has cascade on update and delete I am trying to insert a record in table 2 which PK doesnt exist yet in table 1 my …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for easygi

I have this code [CODE] sqlcon.Close() sqlcon.Open() cmd.CommandText = "SELECT item_category FROM tbl_item_code where item_category = '" & lbl_category.Text & "'" cmd.Connection = sqlcon dr = cmd.ExecuteReader dr.Read() If dr.HasRows() Then sqlcon.Close() sqlcon.Open() Dim cmd2 As New MySqlCommand Dim dr2 As MySqlDataReader cmd2.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM tbl_item_code WHERE item_code='" …

Member Avatar for magicmarkuk

Hi I am now running this query [CODE] SELECT p.topic_id, p.topic_id, p.forum_id, p.author_id + @user_id_jump, p.ip_address, p.topic_date, (SELECT username FROM members WHERE member_id = p.author_id) AS post_username, p.title, p.body, CASE WHEN (SELECT post_id FROM forum_attachments WHERE post.id = p.post_id) != 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS post_attachment, FROM forum_topics …

Member Avatar for magicmarkuk
Member Avatar for mohamedasif18

Hi all, I hav a code that takes my table rows and displays as checkboxes in a registration form, When the form submits user checked values will be saved separated by comma's(,) in one column . In future the user need to edit his details means how to show that …

Member Avatar for mohamedasif18
Member Avatar for easygi

I have this code which saves the dump file in a static path or destination [CODE] Process.Start("C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqldump.exe", "-u root ipoint -r C:\Backup\ipoint.sql") MsgBox("Backup Database Created")[/CODE] I want to choose the path by using the folder browser dialog which will put the path on a textbox but this code below doesn't …

Member Avatar for easygi
Member Avatar for epicrevolt

Alright, for some odd reason, the below syntax is incorrect. I have successfully connected to the database on previous lines, now i'm trying to create a table. The error I get is: [QUOTE]You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version …

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for magicmarkuk

Hi I am having a bad day! I am running an INSERT INTO and SELECT query which is working. One of the SELECT parts is: [CODE](SELECT title FROM exp_forum_topics WHERE topic_id = p.topic_id) AS post_subject,[/CODE] which brings back a title. What I want to do is prefix this title with …

Member Avatar for magicmarkuk

The End.