10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Dear All, I have a database with two columns, to keep several files of text with lots of text lines in each text: ----------------------- |---name -|- Text---| ----------------------- I want the column |-name-| to be a primary key, and to upload the text file I'm using the command: [CODE] LOAD …

Member Avatar for softDeveloper
Member Avatar for israillaky

I have a MySql database that uses a time field to track when the entry was inserted. Now I want to query the table for entries by a time range. I would prefer to use MySql to extract the records instead of extracting all records then iterating and comparing time …

Member Avatar for israillaky
Member Avatar for JustineAubrey

Hi, I'm creating a form application using vb. I'm still new to this and I'm teaching myself via the internet so please don't be too mean. I wrote my code using queries that I created in visual studio. I don't quite remember how to create an update query and write …

Member Avatar for GAiXz
Member Avatar for zrony
Member Avatar for JukesK

How can i select the latest records from a table for each invidual equipment thats due calibration within 14 Equipment_id | Date_of_last_Calibration | Calibration_Cycle | Calibration_Due_Date test 10/02/2011 Annual 10/02/2012 test 10/02/2010 Annual 10/02/2011 test2 10/10/2011 Annual 10/10/2013 test3 08/02/2010 Annual 08/02/2011 I can select all records for calibration due …

Member Avatar for baig772
Member Avatar for INF-P

HI There This is the error I am receiving when trying to register on the site: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 error: failed to execute query INSERT INTO users (uname,uteln,umail,ustre,usubu,ucity,uprov,ucode,uuser,upass,uc_dt) VALUES This is the regi.php coding. I cannot figure out the problem <?php if (isset($_POST['register'])) { …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey Im looking to store date and time with miliseconds in TIMESTAMP column but it seems to be a new feature so Im not sure exactly how to store it. current_timestamp() doesnt allow me to do this. Im willing to change the column to some other datatype as the database …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for PF2G

Hi, i'm doing a page where user can register and give up of a course: [CODE]<td width="5%"> </td> <td> PROGRAMAÇÃO: <br/> <?PHP $cc=$_GET['cod']; $sql_prog = "SELECT prog_curso FROM cursos WHERE cod_curso=".$cc; $query_prog = mysql_query($sql_prog, $connect); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query_prog)) { echo $row['prog_curso']; } ?> <br/> </td> <?PHP if(is_logged()) { ?> …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kartisathis

Hi everyone, [CODE]select sql_calc_found_rows DIST_NO from acquired WHERE FOLIO_NO='l01917' And STAT_FLAG <> 'Matched' union select DIST_NO from transfrd WHERE FOLIO_NO='l01917' And STAT_FLAG <> 'Matched' LIMIT 0, 5; [/CODE] The above query takes more than 4.5secs if i run the query without sql_calc_found_rows the execution time is 0.7 secs [CODE]select DIST_NO …

Member Avatar for kartisathis
Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Hi all, My web application uploads files from MySQL database. I have the text in ms word *.doc files, so I convert it to *.txt as UNICODE-UTF8, and mysql table charset is set to UTF8. I load the database entering this command: [CODE] LOAD DATA local INFILE 'file.txt' INTO TABLE …

Member Avatar for Sevyt

Can anybody tell me where i can find the connection string for using on a asp.net form. I am trying to connect a mysql database to it, and wanted to connect a access database to test the main functions. But i am having a hard time finding any of these …

Member Avatar for Sevyt
Member Avatar for Karlwakim

Hi everybody, I found an error-based sql injection in my webserver.My database doesn't contain any private info. I want to know if its possible to own my server just by using the info in information_shema. Please tell me because i want to know if i have to fix it.I don't …

Member Avatar for Karlwakim
Member Avatar for Wolxhound90

Hey all, I'm trying to show some concatenated data in a CheckedListBox so that users are able to select the data for use later on. Here is the code I am using currently: [CODE]Dim con As New MySqlConnection Dim theQuery As New MySqlCommand Dim theTables As New DataTable Dim theAdapter …

Member Avatar for Wolxhound90
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

Ok over the last several weeks i've been building a website for fun. Its basically a forum site, with topics and comments. I use queries in their basic form. Now that i'm trying to protect my site I'm getting the impression that i have to rewrite all of my code. …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for nova37

[CODE] <?php // Duplicate entries remover from database // task :: load url check if more than 2 entries exists replace it with new entry session_start(); // no time limit set_time_limit(0); // connect to db include ("config.php"); // select data from database target woth and domain table $result = mysql_query( …

Member Avatar for nova37
Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Hi All, I'm copying a long text from word and pasting into a html textarea and from here I send it to MySQL database. If the submited text is too long nothing happens. Any ideas on how to submit a large amount of text from a webpage to a MySQL …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for dirnthelord

Hey guys...I have a MySql table like this. and [B]Grade [/B]column is a derived attribute. and it is based on [B]Marks[/B]. u know the basic thing. [CODE]create table Enrolled( student_id char(14), subject_code varchar(10), marks int, grade char(2) );[/CODE] I want to fill the [B]Grade[/B] column based on each student's marks. …

Member Avatar for datakeyword
Member Avatar for badgerland

I am new to mySQL and is not sure where to start from. I have a database of username, password, date of creation, active/inactive (1 and 0), name and etc... I would like to know how I can add a field that involves with counting down the days. Say for …

Member Avatar for datakeyword
Member Avatar for issaru07

i got this error when i trying to submit a form.. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'order(firstname,lastname,email,address,city,postalcode,country,totalprice,paymen' at line 1 appreciate if you could assist me.. [CODE] $sql2= mysql_query("INSERT INTO …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for starkk

in the diagram provided in the attachment.i have created a table for the entity loan and now i am facing difficulty in creating a table for payment.i know that payment is the dependent entity.is the following way of creating a table correct???? create table payment( payment_number int, payment_date date, payment_amount …

Member Avatar for starkk
Member Avatar for felix001

Hi, Can anyone please tell me how to log all activity of my mysql database. Also do you know if there any tripwire services/products that are available ? Thanks,

Member Avatar for felix001
Member Avatar for gennesis

Hi guys. I have a table as follows: [ICODE] ID | Data ---------------------- 1 | A 1 | B 1 | C[/ICODE] It is possible to make like this one. [ICODE]ID | Data1 | Data2 | Data3 ------------------------------------------------------- 1 | A | B | C[/ICODE] Thanks.

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for accra

Am having a hard time printing all record percent in my db my sql statement [CODE]$query="SELECT *, duedate,(TO_DAYS(duedate) - TO_DAYS(CurDate())) as difference FROM vehicle_info ORDER by svreg"; //$query="SELECT * FROM vehicle_info WHERE id='$id' ORDER by vreg"; $pager = new PS_Pagination($conn,$query,10,10); $accra = $pager->paginate(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($accra)) { $id = $row['id']; …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kyklops

Hi everyone, I'm new to mySQL. I have a table like this one: [ICODE]+-------+-------+-------+ | date | plant | value | +-------+-------+-------+ | date1 | 1 | 10 | | date2 | 1 | 12 | | date3 | 1 | 15 | | date4 | 2 | 30 | …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for JukesK

how can i select all records from a table where a future date column is less than 14 days away within a php table. somthing similar to? [CODE]SELECT DISTINCT FROM table WHERE 'Date_Column' <14 days [/CODE] Thanx In Advance KeeF

Member Avatar for JukesK
Member Avatar for jbutardo

Hi, I have attached a printscreen version of my excel template here, Now I just want to know, using vb.net code, on how can I import this data from a specific cell, including the header itself so I can insert it into mysql database. Thanks

Member Avatar for jbutardo
Member Avatar for gunsofnavarone

I need to select data available between 20:00 and 08:00 (8 PM to 8 AM). How do I achieve this? The column is of type TIME.

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for narutojonin

how can i rearrange the name by the miles sorting smallest to biggest [CODE] $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM directory WHERE category = '$category'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $latd = $row['latitude']; $lond = $row['longitude']; $name = $row['name']; $theta = $lon - $lond; $dist = sin(deg2rad($lat)) * sin(deg2rad($latd)) + cos(deg2rad($lat)) * …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for akshit

hi guys. i hav this drop down menu, which i need to populate with data from one column of a particular table of MySQL dbase. i hav read a lot on this, but have not been able to come up wid any code. any and all help in this regard …

Member Avatar for jgilliam
Member Avatar for cip6791

Hello, I want to create a favorites option for something I am working on. I have two tables. The main table where the posts are kept called "place". [CODE]+---------+--------------+------+-----+-------------------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +---------+--------------+------+-----+-------------------+----------------+ | id | int(11) | NO | …

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The End.