10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for sjohnfernandas

hi all i have 2 systems connected in lan.i have to access the system 1 Database from system2 using mysql odbc connector.if i give localhost in the hostname then give username and password of system2 in the corressponding places now i can get the list of databases from system2 mysql …

Member Avatar for StephNicolaou
Member Avatar for Octet

I am attempting to send the data from a set of radio buttons to my MySQL Database so that I am able to get people to review the site. When I did my initial test with a single radio button in a test database all went well, however when I …

Member Avatar for Octet
Member Avatar for Lius

I have problem with saving entry to mysql.. first entry saved but it doesnt work with second, somehow the save_new button didnt respond at all.. then i use saveandclose button it works or after i restart the pc the save_new button function will do it job for the first entry …

Member Avatar for patrick1981

I Need to to update multiple checkbox values on multiple records at the same time. When the form loads, it should display the sizes already selected for each style as stored in the style table and if we select or deselect any sizes on a style it should update the …

Member Avatar for patrick1981
Member Avatar for Sabyre

Hey Guys, Must be "a case of the MONDAYS" =) I'm trying count the results of a query of two tables. The following gives me: Column 'id' in field list is ambiguous Which I can understand as MYSQL is not sure which result I am asking for. [CODE] $query = …

Member Avatar for Sabyre
Member Avatar for rushikesh jadha
Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for showman13

Good Morning. Could someone tell me how you would go about doing a query to just get records that have an email account with(hotmail.com or msn.com or live.com) I'm sure I could do it by selecting the entire DB and sorting them in PHP based on exploding the email field, …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for nova37

[ICODE]$w3 = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM w3" ) or die("SELECT Error: ".mysql_error()); $worth = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM worth" ) or die("SELECT Error: ".mysql_error()); // fetching data while ($get_w3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($w3db) && $get_worth = mysql_fetch_assoc($worth)) { // Loading Urls for Comparing echo $w3url=$get_w3['domain']; // cant echo echo $worthurl=$get_worth['domain']; // ok …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for clc_services

Hi, I'm creating a web page which links to a mysql database. I have managed to get all of the data to appear in a table and i have also been able to get the combobox to be populated based on a table in the database. The part which I …

Member Avatar for clc_services
Member Avatar for artemix22

i try to put picture in mysql with vb.net, first i convert with this function : [CODE]Public Function convertImage(ByVal myImage As Image) As Byte() Dim mStream As New MemoryStream() myImage.Save(mStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg) Dim myBytes(mStream.Length = 1) As Byte mStream.Position = 0 mStream.Read(myBytes, 0, mStream.Length) Return myBytes End Function[/CODE] i try to …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for lowtekotc

Hi all, hope I can get some help. I am very very new to PHP so bare with me. I am doing a system that has information about cars. My drop downs are populated with MySQL data (working ok) I want to have one drop down for Make of car, …

Member Avatar for lowtekotc
Member Avatar for filipgothic

Hey I have to make statistics to call from base I have for example one line of [CODE]<p>Mesna zajednica <select name="mesto"> <option value="donji_grad">Donji Grad</option> <option value="karadjordjev_dud">Karadjordjev Dud</option> <option value="plavinac">Plavinac</option> <option value="seone">Seone</option> <option value="ladna_voda">Ladna Voda</option> <option value="lestar">Lestar</option> <option value="zlatno_brdo">Zlatno Brdo</option> <option value="slavija">Slavija</option> <option value="papazovac">Papazovac</option> <option value="carina">Carina</option> <option value="sveti_sava">Sveti Sava</option> <option value="25maj">25. …

Member Avatar for filipgothic
Member Avatar for zrony

hello how can distinct data of select mutiple column having repeated data. example id name city locality 1 deep b 11 2 rohit b 11 3 deep c 12 4 mohit c 11 5 rohit a 13 6 moni a 13 from above table, what query i used to fetch …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Karlwakim

Hi, i recently found an sql injection vulnerability on a server, In the db, there's a table named users and inside there's the username: admin and password : ******* Is knowing this password enough to hack the server ? Thanks

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for rahulroshan

Hi I tried to insert russian language to mysql db but after inserting ,I am getting some strange things in database INSERT INTO table(adtex) VALUES('1с бухгалтерия 7 Cкидка 42% на 1С:Предприятие 8 базовые версии!'); Output adtex | +----------------------------------------------------+ | 1? ??????????? 7 C????? 42% ?? 1?:??????????? 8 ?? Plz guide …

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Member Avatar for israillaky

I have a time stored in table 8:00AM-9:30AM TTH . I want to check time range, if user selected 9:00am-10:30am Thursday comes in between time 8:00AM -9:30AM TTH? How to trap it out in php. Time is stored in table as below Time Day 8:00AM -9:30AM TTH 10:30AM -12:00PM MW …

Member Avatar for israillaky
Member Avatar for nova37

[CODE]include ("config.php"); // select data from database $w3db = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM w3dbx" ) or die("SELECT Error: ".mysql_error()); $worth = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM worth" ) or die("SELECT Error: ".mysql_error()); $w3db_rows = mysql_query($w3db); $worth_rows = mysql_query($worth); // fetching data //while ($get_infox = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultx) && $get_info = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) while ($get_w3db …

Member Avatar for nova37
Member Avatar for frrf

For a couple of months now I've been working on a community website; however I haven't got past the registaration because MYSQL can't connect to my HTML and PHP codes.Also my laptop treats .PHP documents as text documents and I can't open them, is this related? Thanks in advance :D.

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Jenniferlinn

Can anybody tell me how many storage engines are there in MySQL and which engine is the default engine in MySQL? Kindly post answer if know it

Member Avatar for mrcullers
Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Hi All! I'm trying to read ms word documents stored in my dataBase in a BLOB column. However, concerning the encodings there are issues with characters. My web application can read the ms word documents the to an iframe with POIFSFileSystem without problems. [CODE] File docFile = null; [COLOR="Green"]WordExtractor[/COLOR] docExtractor …

Member Avatar for jsa005

Hello! On my website I'm looking to create a dynamic HTML table from the contents of a MySQL database. I have no idea how many rows there will be, and I need it to look a bit like an iPhone home screen. Here is some code: v1: // Make a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for facarroll

I was browsing a MySql database using phpMyAdmin and I have probably inadverdently changed a setting. I have a field which contains quite large text entries. Before this problem arose the display showed just a few words of the text entry followed by a "...". Now the display shows the …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for cigoL..:)

Hi, I'm currently working on a school project ..i was wondering if someone can help, i'm creating a system which get's data from a database and creates a CSV file ..i Google a lot none of it helps, i want to get several rows from a table and write it …

Member Avatar for cigoL..:)
Member Avatar for r3su3l0

GOOD DAY. Is there any application that would convert my MS Access database to MySQL? It takes time for me to reconstruct my tables in Access to MySQL. If there is/are application that would make my work easier, please let me know. Thanks

Member Avatar for ali_atif014
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi Everyone, I have been trying to understand mysql a little further - with some small steps in the right direction. but I have come across a problem I am unable to fix / get working. I have a form, that has a variable $country - I am trying to …

Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes
Member Avatar for Stickie

So I've got this piece of code: [CODE=php] /* BEGIN ZENDINGEN */ $zendingheader = mysql_query("SELECT z.ID, z.Bestemming, z.Datum, m.Aantal_Duiven, s.Aantal_Manden FROM Shipments AS s JOIN Zendingen AS z ON s.Zending_ID = z.ID JOIN Manden AS m ON s.Mand_ID = m.ID WHERE z.Actief = 1 order by s.Aantal_Manden, m.Aantal_Duiven ASC LIMIT …

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Member Avatar for thecameraman

I am trying to create at user search for my website and I'm not sure where to start. My table name is users with user_id, user_name, name I'd like to be to search and have a page come up with the top 5 closest results. Sorry if this question has …

Member Avatar for thecameraman
Member Avatar for kartisathis

hi friends.. I need an alternate query without using UNION for below query.. [CODE]select DIST_NO from acquired_tbl WHERE FOLIO_NO='l01917' And STAT_FLAG <> 'Matched' union select DIST_NO from transfrd_tbl WHERE FOLIO_NO='l01917' And STAT_FLAG <> 'Matched'[/CODE]

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for cartergarth

I have 2 tables: 1. users - user_id(PK), firstname, middlename, lastname 2. user_shift_schedule - shift_code(PK), user_id(FK), effectivity_date I want to get all rows with the latest effectivity_date for each user_id. This is what I've got so far: [CODE]SELECT users.user_id ,users.firstname ,users.middlename ,users.lastname ,user_shift_schedule.shift_id ,MAX(user_shift_schedule.effectivity_date) FROM users JOIN user_shift_schedule ON users.user_id=user_shift_schedule.user_id …

Member Avatar for cartergarth
Member Avatar for Warl30ck

The error : syntax error, unexpected T_STRING But I checked all string objects and they worked separately.. [CODE]mysql_query("INSERT INTO downloadlogs(id, name, ip, time) VALUES('" . $Gid. "', '" . $nFile . "', '" . $IP . "', '" . date("l jS \of F Y h:i:s A") . "')")or die(mysql_error()); [/CODE] …

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The End.