10,944 Topics
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I am using Doctrine as my ORM and it only reads XML/YMAL files and I was given a schema in form of MySQL script. Is their anyway to dump a MySQL db to a ymal file? | |
Hi.. I am trying to write a k nearest neighbor and BART bayesian additive regression tree algorithm for identifying Spam emails in php Can any1 guide me on how to implement these algorithm ? This is for my thesis..im just learning php.. If some one could give me sample code … | |
I want to retrieve email from database and send message to all the email address. I have written code for that but it is not working. I want someone to help me look at the code below and point out where am making mistakes and the correction. The first page … | |
Good Morning... First let me start by thanking those of you that respond with great education information in here.. You have made my learning curve (time invested) much shorter than it would have been with just a reference manual. I know I still have a lot to learn, but this … | |
Hey everyone, The query i'm trying to perform shows a list of auctions that a user has bid on, name, id, date ended, current price etc. But also the number of bids that the user has placed on the time. [CODE] SELECT id, name, count(*) AS bid_count FROM wp_wpa_bids WHERE … | |
Ok, as easiest as i can explain. - There are many child.sid to parent.id - There are many child.nid to child.sid - There are many child.id to child.nid child.id is just the id of a child row. And each row has rating column. In the query i'm grouping by child.nid. … | |
Greetings! I have a website [url]www.lanceronlinejobs.com/our_franchises.php[/url] I have a franchise images. I want to display each franchise record from database whenever a user click on franchise link. Here is my code. ourfranchises.php code: [CODE]<?php include('fconnection.php'); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_franchise ORDER BY id DESC") or die(mysql_error()); $row3 = mysql_fetch_array($sql); … | |
Hi all, I'm sure this is a simple problem, but hopefully someone will be able to help. I'm trying to connect to mysql through perl, however when I use the command [CODE]use Mysql;[/CODE] it is giving me an error. I am assuming it is probably something to do with the … | |
Well this is my register form, it all worked fine before but for some reason it isn't inserting anything into the table, all of my other scripts that insert items into a table. A quick reply would be nice :) thank you. Here is the Register Script: [CODE]<?php $title = … ![]() | |
Hi everyone, I am wanting to know if there is such a thing like the mySQL SELECT WHERE but in array's. I have this array: [CODE]<?php $array = array( [1] = array( ['test'] = '1', ['test2'] = '2' ); [2] = array( ['test'] = '4', ['test2'] = '2' ); ); … | |
hi everyone.. can anyone help me please.. i have a datagridview with 4 columns (id, name, ticket_number, destination), i just want that datagridview on column "ticket_number" to display ticket_number from mysql database and another 3 columns for user input. thanks in advance.. | |
Hi, I store images in my MYSQL database. I need to retrieve that image to my jsp along with datas.Response.write() function only displays the picture and not the data. How to do that? | |
Hello,i have the following html page. [CODE]<html> <head> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div class="8"> <?php $firstname['1']; ?> </div> <div class="8"> <?php $firstname['2']; ?> </div> <div class="8 last"> <?php $firstname['3']; ?> </div> <div class="8"> <?php $firstname['4']; ?> </div> <div class="8"> <?php $firstname['5']; ?> </div> <div class="8 last"> <?php $firstname['6']; ?> </div> … | |
Hi, I'm trying to sort out the names from the database based on the first letter by using (addr WHERE LIKE 'A%'). This gives me the following error message: [B]Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in...[/B] Does anyone know what’s wrong here? Everything works great when … | |
Hello to all, before begin i must say that I'm sorry for my bud english and hope that it not be a problem for understanding whit you. I'm looking for a solution to create a simple background server application that running and live over infinite loop cicle, whit have the … | |
Hi about 7 days am experiencing this problem if you can help me out this is the code; it's not updating at all it's just redirecting me to the page this is my code [CODE] function editcat($cid,$catname,$catdesc,$ok=false) { global $db; $id = intval($cid); $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM category WHERE … | |
Suppose fields: id, uname, ufullname, upass, uemail I would like to add an option for users to update there profile. Users will update profile which make changes without reloading page. Every field will show once user clicked on Update profile. My needs little different than others tutorials i have searched … | |
I'm making a SAMP server, with all the info of bans and bought vehicles in a MySQL database to get easy acces to it and to change it easily. But setting it up wast that easy :/ Here is the MySQL info, can some1 please help me here? [CODE=php]-- phpMyAdmin … | |
Hey there I try to find how many times a person did order and what is the day difference between it (second step): Table is called eshop_flat_sales_order customer_email created_at status a(at)a.com 12.1.10 complete b(at)a.com 14.2.10 cancelled c(at)a.com 16.1.10 complete a(at)a.com 18.1.10 complete c(at)a.com 18.1.10 complete b(at)a.com 20.1.10 complete Now I … | |
On days when my site gets a lot of traffic, I get this error message... Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: User OH_admin already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in D:\Inetpub\vhosts\ourhometown.ca\httpdocs\includes\all.oh.front.inc.php on line 3 User OH_admin already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections Can someone point me in the direction in how … | |
Greetings to the Community, I need some assistance with a MySQL query that is running very slow. I must admit that I am not a MySQL expert and I wrote this query with hints from several postings on Daniweb, so I'm looking for some hints to speed it up. Here's … | |
I have this error appearing Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage21/th/er/ag/theragereport.co.uk/public_html/feed/feed_view.php on line 148 from this code [CODE]$sql3="SELECT view FROM $tbl_name2 WHERE id='40'"; $result3=mysql_query($sql3); $rows=mysql_fetch_array($sql3); $view=$rows['view']; // if have no counter value set counter = 1 if(empty($view)){ $view=1; $sql4="INSERT INTO $tbl_name(view) VALUES('$view') WHERE … | |
I have create in MySQdb a DB with a table named example,in this table i want to save a name, this name is in Greek language.My problem is thw follown when i try to save the name instantly without use textctrl, its ok but when i use textctrl i take … | |
Hi, I want to only compare with a distinct value in a join across two tables. I am bulding a navigation, based on what gets returned (Based on how many "brand_id" is found in the join.) - I just only need to know if there is ONE brand_id of a … | |
I really dunno wats wrong here. the firts query works but the second does not . please help... There a these connected files: save.php [CODE]<?php include_once("classes/jewelry/item.class.php"); $inum = $_POST['ItemNo']; $i=new item(); $i->ItemNo = $inum; $i->ItemName= $_POST['ItemName']; $i->CapitalPrice=$_POST['CapitalPrice']; $i->SalePrice=$_POST['SalePrice']; $i->Category=$_POST['Category']; $i->Description=$_POST['Description']; $i->save(); include_once("classes/jewelry/stock.class.php"); $j=new stock(); $j->ItemNo = $inum; $j->NumStored= $_POST['Nload']; $j->NumSold= … | |
I'm trying to do an insert into my order_item table, but I'm getting this error. Can someone help with why this is happening. Thank you. My sql code to create the tables is below. [CODE] drop table IF EXISTS order_item, orders, customer, product; CREATE TABLE customer ( id INT(10) NOT … | |
My final question. I have values which have been serialized into a table forum_polls as are in the following format as shown in the two examples below: [CODE]a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:6:"answer";s:3:"Yes";s:5:"votes";s:1:"1";}i:1;a:2:{s:6:"answer";s:2:"NO";s:5:"votes";s:1:"2";}}[/CODE] [CODE]a:5:{i:0;a:2:{s:6:"answer";s:2:"CA";s:5:"votes";s:1:"1";}i:1;a:2:{s:6:"answer";s:4:"CIMA";s:5:"votes";s:1:"1";}i:2;a:2:{s:6:"answer";s:4:"ACCA";s:5:"votes";s:1:"0";}i:3;a:2:{s:6:"answer";s:5:"CIPFA";s:5:"votes";s:1:"1";}i:4;a:2:{s:6:"answer";s:24:"MBA(specify in comments)";s:5:"votes";s:1:"1";}}[/CODE] which unsererilized (I cheated and used an online unserializer) give: [CODE]array ( 0 => array ( 'answer' => 'Yes', … | |
I have an options table setup like so: [CODE]option_id option_name option_value 1 sitetitle SimpleCollab 2 siteurl http://example.com/ 3 sitepath /home/user/MAMP/htdocs/pm 4 enable_registration 1 5 enable_query 1[/CODE] Then my php code is as follows: [CODE]function get_pm_option( $option ) { global $pmdb; $result = $pmdb->query( "SELECT * FROM " . DB . … ![]() | |
Hi all, I have Text in MySQL utf 8 and an iframe displaying this text, and the page content is utf8. Does anybody know why the iframe caret position doesn't match with MySQL position when there are line breaks, and how to fix it? Regards |
The End.