10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for andydeans

hi, i have been working on creating a view in my database: [CODE] CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW productnotgot( ProductID, Product, ClientID, ClientFirstName, ClientLastName, Email1, Tel1, Email2, Tel2, ProductSold) AS SELECT Product2ID, 'Product2', c.ClientID, c.App1FirstName, c.App1LastName, c.App1Email, c.App1Phone, c.App2Email, c.App2Phone, p.clients_ClientID FROM clients c JOIN Product2 p on c.ClientID = p.clients_ClientID …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for Ash.22

hi i've to develope c/c++ console application that connects to a MySQL server and lists all hosts connected to it at that point in time. pls help me

Member Avatar for gunavathi
Member Avatar for mimran2k

I am new, any one can tell me how can add image link in mysql after adding image link how can we display image.

Member Avatar for mimran2k
Member Avatar for jeeter19

Hi, I am practicing MySQL JOINs and was hoping I could get some insight on how to do a particular problem. I am using the World database, it has a table called City with name, population, country code. It also has a table called Country, with Code and Name. What …

Member Avatar for jeeter19
Member Avatar for MONITORING

Please let em know if this is valid....... I am trying to run mysql from my shell script by passign a parameter.the sql(script.sql) is in directory $mydir and the parameter is $date and trying to run it this way: un="username" pd="PASSWORD " dbname="dbname" result = `mysql($un,$pd,$dbname,$mydir,"script.sql",$date)` I am trying to …

Member Avatar for reibi
Member Avatar for PixelExchange

Hello everyone. I already know the C code required to use SQL statements within C++. Using mysql_real_connect, I was able to establish a connection to a remote MySQL server. The problem is, even though mysql_real_connect did not RETURN NULL, (meaning that a connection to the mysql server was established) I …

Member Avatar for PixelExchange
Member Avatar for PixelExchange

Hello everyone. I have tried to fully install MySQL on Windows Server 2003 for a few days now, with no success. There are two things stopping me from completing the install: 1) I forgot the initial password that was used for the root user 2) Every time I get to …

Member Avatar for PixelExchange
Member Avatar for nadskap2

Hey there everybody! Me and a couple of others are currently making a CMS but we got a problem :( Here is the code: [code=php] function ImportSQL() { $conn = mysql_connect($_POST['host'] . ":" . $_POST['port'], $_POST['user'], $_POST['pass']); mysql_select_db($_POST['vision_db'], $conn); $db_content = @file_get_contents("../sql/Database.sql"); $query = mysql_query($db_content); if(!$query){ return mysql_error(); }else{ return …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for cristi08

Example of GRAND TOTAL, TOTAL1 TOTAL2 TOTAL 3 SUBTOTAL 1, SUBTOTAL 2 SUBTOTAL 3 How many chairs we have in our village? Grand total chairs in houses =total chair in house A + total chair in house B Total chair in house A = TOTAL CHAIR IN ROOM 1 + …

Member Avatar for cristi08
Member Avatar for jjs319

Hey guys. You guys were awesome in helping me solve my last issue. I was wondering if I couldn't pick your brains again? I've been able to troubleshoot and solve most of my issues myself, but am a bit confused on this one. I found a similar thread to my …

Member Avatar for jjs319

I have created a website in Dreamweaver CS3 that includes mySQL databases. I have been using xampp, and have a test server running on my local machine. Everything seems to be working fine, and now would like to put the website online. I'm not sure how exactly to do that. …

Member Avatar for jjs319
Member Avatar for coolvision

I want to Learn PHP and MySQL, plz tell me from where I have to start and is there any good software for php and mysql sites creation ?

Member Avatar for ogollah
Member Avatar for muppet

I have a table with information about the type of scrap generated on a bag making machine. Every time scrap in generated on either side of the machine (left or right, there are 2 packing machines on the one bag maker) a line is added to the table with the …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for Chosen13

1) Simplicity. Mysqli is object oriented. It's simple to use. You create an object and pass your database information to the constructor. And you're all set. [CODE] $mysqli = new Mysqli("localhost", "username", "password", "database"); $query = $mysqli->query("YOUR QUERY"); $row = $query->fetch_object(); echo $row->result; [/CODE] 2) Speed. Mysqli is newer and …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for levsha

Let's say a user submitted some information through a form into a MySQL database. The data was timestamped. The user is given a certain number of days to submit an additional chunk of data into the database. If he doesn't submit it by the required date, an email has to …

Member Avatar for levsha
Member Avatar for muppet

I am using VB to query a MySQl database and populate an Excel spreadsheet. All is working well, but now I would like to start distributing the spreadsheet shroughout the company and cannot protect it. If I protect the spreadsheet the VB cannot add the MySQL data, so I added …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for mimran2k

If I want to search record by age like (30 to 35) just like dating script but I will not use in dating site, I have my school website and I just want to display record by age but If I want to display age between 14 to 17 kindly …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for mutawari

hello dear all, need some advice and help here.PLEASE HELP.. i use jsp page to input same value to mysql table. i have several tables inputed the same way(use jsp). Then, i show this table with jsp page (this is the same data i inputed to mysql tables).i named it …

Member Avatar for nicholaslee21

Can someone look at this and tell my why it's not working like it should? It gets the data from the database fine, just wont post to search.php [CODE]<?php //connect to your database ** EDIT REQUIRED HERE ** mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); //(host, username, password) //specify database ** EDIT REQUIRED HERE ** mysql_select_db("test1") …

Member Avatar for nicholaslee21
Member Avatar for Farree123

I am trying to Add rows to my table through DOM. I have two drop downs and one text field in one row. One drop down is populated from database and when the second drop down is populated through Ajax. As far as one row is concerned it is doing …

Member Avatar for jamesyrawr

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\wamp\www\registration\login.php on line 19 is the error i get when i run the below code i cant figure out what is wrong with it. :( [CODE]<?php $username = $_POST ['username']; $password = $_POST ['password']; if ($username&&$password){ $connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") …

Member Avatar for mazeroth
Member Avatar for terrymold

Hi again I'm still having problems with PHP/MySQL Warning messages, even when using mysql_real_escape_string(). The offending string is: [CODE][25:64] And the true servants of the Gracious God are those who walk on the earth humbly and when the ignorant address them, they avoid them gracefully by saying, 'Peace!'[/CODE] If I …

Member Avatar for terrymold
Member Avatar for Ajuddy

I would like to save to database but not file. please help me and show me how i can change from file to databasetables. [CODE]****users***** <?php function saveUsers($onlineusers_file){ $file_save=fopen("onlineusers_".$_POST… flock($file_save,LOCK_EX); for($line=0;$line<count($onlineusers_f… fputs($file_save,$onlineusers_file[$li… }; flock($file_save,LOCK_UN); fclose($file_save); } $onlineusers_file=file("onlineusers_".… if (isset($_POST['user'],$_POST['oper'])){ $user=$_POST['user']; $oper=$_POST['oper']; $userexist=in_array($user,$onlineusers… if ($userexist)$userindex=array_search($use… if($oper=="signin" && $userexist==false){ $onlineusers_file[]=$user; saveUsers($onlineusers_file); echo …

Member Avatar for Ajuddy
Member Avatar for cristi08

I have tbl 1 id_column(1 2 3 ) tbl 2 id_column(1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3) I need result tbl2 join with tbl 1 values (3 3 3) Thank you in advance i'm strugling from two days for this.

Member Avatar for cristi08
Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s

Good day everyone! Anybody could give me script for uploading or inserting image into database and how to retrieve it and print it to browser Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. roland

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for Graphix

I need to create a row and its content to be unchangeable and undeleteable, as a secure way to ensure that the administrator will always have access to the website. Does anyone have any idea how to do this? A Google Search gave no results, but perhaps someone knows how …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for backendcode

Hello friends, Well i have two table one is used for user information while registeration and another table is only used for users profile image. In member list page i want to show users name , location and profile image. I m able to show a name and location but …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Bandwidth Media

Hi All, I am building quite a complex CMS (mysql & php) and am wondering what the best approach to inserting data into multiple tables at once is. I have about 10 tables i need up update with user data, some of them linked by keys, others not. I have …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hello all, I have spent a good few days looking over daniweb trying to get the right answer, But I am yet to find what I am looking for. I have successfully upload my image to a folder store and named my uploaded image. The path and file name is …

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for xReD

hi there,i have problem with insert image into mysql.... is there any function that can be use ??? please help me :?:

Member Avatar for metalix

The End.