10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for jeeter19

Hi, I'm trying to send a MySQL query string from a C# application to a PhP submission page via POST. The problem I am receiving is when I try to use the WHERE clause it hangs up at the string I'm trying to compare to. [B]The Query[/B] SELECT * FROM …

Member Avatar for pulketo
Member Avatar for mark2326l

My goal is to have a directory password protected, and have the usernames and passwords stored in mysql. Having the htpasswd linked to my database using the mod_auth_mysql module looked like exactly what I needed, but when I enable the module it disables my site. Most of the sites I've …

Member Avatar for dizee
Member Avatar for Tommymac501

Does anyone know a way to fire a trigger to launch a stored procedure after a BCP?. We have a hot folder that we would like to drop files into, then have BCP pick them up and import them. Once the file completes the import, I would like to run …

Member Avatar for ds2r

Hi guys. Here's my problem. I have a Windows Form application which connects to a mysql database by using ODBC Driver. It works fine on localhost. Now what I intend to do is to connect this application to a mysql database that is in a hosting provider's mysql server. I …

Member Avatar for ds2r
Member Avatar for sugikrish

Hi frnds, I want to store images in database and retrieve. I can successfully stored. But i dont know how retrieve it. If any one know pls help me. I paste my code here. [B]fimg.php[/B] [code] <body> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="insert.php" method="post" name="changer"> <input name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="102400" type="hidden"> <input name="image" accept="image/jpeg" type="file"> …

Member Avatar for sugikrish
Member Avatar for mmxbass

Is there a simple and straightforeword way to limit mysql's general query log to a certain size? Keeping the log quickly gets out of hand, it grows by nearly 10mb per minute. I only need the recent 30 minutes or so though. Is there a way to just limit it …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for 68thorby68

Hi All, I have an issues with a mysqli procedure. I am running PHP 5 with mysql server 5 and when I run the script below I get an error "Class 'mysqli' not found" Do I need to update my PHP ini? and / or add a library? or something …

Member Avatar for 68thorby68
Member Avatar for WernerCD

I have a database query that I'm trying to build. Within this query I have 2 columns (Amongst many). Column X is 3 statuses (O, I, E). Column Y is 2 options (W, W/O) I'm trying to build a report that counts the variations. Ultimately I'd like a simple table …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for cubespeed

Hello to everybody I have a problem with a MYSQL query and I almost got it but am stuck for a while now. I would appreciate if anyone could help me or point me in the right direction. I have 3 tables: [icode][B]t1 (products)[/B] id | name ---+------- 1 | …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for scratte

The problem is that it gets stuck on public static void queryChange(String string) { System.out.println("Sending Query: "+string); try{ System.err.println("queryChange 1"); Connect(); System.err.println("queryChange 2"); [COLOR="red"]conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(string);[/COLOR] System.err.println("queryChange 3"); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("SQLException: " + e.getMessage()); } System.out.println("Sent Query: "+string); } java doesnt error it just gets stuck. Sent Query: UPDATE `servers` SET `playersCurrent` …

Member Avatar for scratte
Member Avatar for garcon1986

I'm sorry, i'm a newbie in php. And i have a lot of problems when i develop. So this is another problem i met. form.php: [CODE]<form method="post" action="process.php"> <h1>BESOIN </h1> <br><br> <label>Sujet:</label><input type="text" name="sujet" />&nbsp;&nbsp; <label>Date: </label><input type="text" name="bdate" class="datepicker" id="datepicker1">&nbsp;&nbsp; <label>Nature:</label> <input type="radio" name="nature" id="nature" value="exprime" >Exprime</input> <input type="radio" …

Member Avatar for Hubermanb
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi all, Im fairly new to java. Im wanting to connect to mysql but the following is thrown Exception: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver have i missed something? here is the code [code] import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; public class MySql { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { Connection con = …

Member Avatar for javaProgrammar
Member Avatar for deepak777

Hii i am building a financial database. And I have data for each stock for all the days. I want to avoid multiple entry of a stock for the same timestamp in the database. For eg I dont want to have the data for google on 30 jun 2010 twice. …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for jt86442

[B] Hi, I have a 64 tables in my database. I have to know the one column name like "customer" in all 64 tables at a time that this column was exits or not. So that, Is there any query to find that the column name " Customer" has exists …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for tiggsy

I've been going round and round trying to sort this. I have this in one of my programs: [CODE]drop table if exists temp2; rename table something to temp2; rename table temp to something; create table temp like something[/CODE] and it's not working, though it will work when I manually paste …

Member Avatar for nileshgr
Member Avatar for MDanz

the below code is causing two records to be inserted into mysql. I have no idea why. when i remove it no record is entered. When i add it two duplicate records are entered. Any idea why? it is in an if statement. What would cause it to be inserted …

Member Avatar for MDanz
Member Avatar for muthumari

Hi..... How to access the MySql using servlet.... Now am using Mysql 5.0 & MyOdbc 3.51 What type of connector to be used?... We used the following syntax..is it correct?or not? Class.forName("org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver"); Connection cn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://","root","erp"); Whenever i execute this program i got the error like this [B]ClassNotFoundException: org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver[/B]

Member Avatar for tyson.crouch
Member Avatar for mikecronauer

I am trying to set up a web based tool for my wife and I to use to balance our checkbook together. I am using HTML, Javascript (Ajax), PHP and MYSQL. I have read beginner books on all of these subjects, I can get data out of MYSQL, BUT can't …

Member Avatar for mikecronauer
Member Avatar for Virangya

Hello.. I need to query out most demanded products from my database... i have order table(order id, date, ...), orderitem table(order id, product id and quantity), and product table.. i don't understand how to write a query for this.. can someone kindly help me?

Member Avatar for Virangya
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, I have a list of entries from users and want mysql to only display entries that are unique. The mysql statement is as follows [code] SELECT DISTINCT bids FROM `tbl_bids` ORDER BY `bids` ASC [/code] On running the query it is still displaying items that appear more than …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for niku28

Hello, i am trying to update a table row from a form the code is: [CODE]<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post" name="votim" id="votim"> <p> <input type="hidden" name="email" id="email" value="<?php echo $usernamepervotime ?>"/> <input type="hidden" name="vota" id="vota" value="<?php htmlentities($row_VotaMiss['vota']+1); ?>"/> <input type="hidden" name="ID" id="ID" value="<?php echo $row_VotaMiss['ID']; ?>"/> </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a …

Member Avatar for nileshgr
Member Avatar for iWalletMobile

I am trying to populate a SQL entry with data from a php script but it doesnt work. I have the config file set up right and everything. This is the code I have [code] <? include_once "secure/dbconfig.php"; //check md5 $SECRET = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; $sig = md5('userId'+":"+'appId'+":"+'SECRET'); if($_REQUEST['sig'] == $sig) { …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for troilus98

I'm learning as i go on a side project i'm trying to do, but am having trouble finding the information i need. I'm making a website with individual user pages with lists specific to them; think netflix or gamefly. I have repeating regions of information for one object, and i …

Member Avatar for GioChaos

Ok, I know their's tons of threads.. with the same problem. But.. every code is different. I'm pretty good with HTML/Css but I havn't had time to catch on with PHP. So, I have a site I'm setting up. Which requires a SQL/Database. Which is already configured. I've filled in …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for stcbnet

Am having serious problem with creating and installing membership registrations and login database, the most troublesome is the area of creating a database table on the mysal php5 +, Please anyone with a brief and understandable A to Z Coding of these tables should please post it to me, i …

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Member Avatar for muthulazmi

how to install the msqldb package and where to place it in python? then when i compile the code there is an error like no module named MySQLdb.... pls clarify this....

Member Avatar for muthulazmi
Member Avatar for QWaz

Hey, I am having trouble with some code I am using. I have used this same code on a different site but it doesnt seem to work now on this site. I am trying to insert something into my database. however I keep getting this error: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for vivi288

Hey guys, I was hoping someone could help me out here again. I've seen people pulling entries from multiple MySQL tables by using the JOIN clause, but I can't seem to get it to work with what I am trying to do. I have 3 tables which I wish to …

Member Avatar for vivi288
Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hi everyone I am trying to develop a friend system where you can view friends who you are friends with. I have been able to get it to show one result but it wont show any other. Please can someone tell me what I am doing wrong. Here is the …

Member Avatar for doctorphp
Member Avatar for ayooshkasmth

Hi, I have some pictures in a MySQL database that i am able to retrieve and display. How ever, i want to display them as images in a gallery, but not able to. The MySQL query is ok, it retrieves the images, i think the problem is with my PHP …

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The End.