10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for web_master

how do i insert a image into a directory through MySQL, rename it, generate a link and upload the generated link in MySQL......??? anyhelp will be really apprietiated.... and if its a tutorial its the best way out, i'm not good at PHP..... plz its urgent for me.. thx alot..

Member Avatar for rahulsabari
Member Avatar for cotrac

Hi again! I have a db table named "users" . Within that table, a column named "havechildren". When a client registers on my site, they will choose whether they have children or not by a simple yes or no drop down. That information is stored in my table in the …

Member Avatar for cotrac
Member Avatar for tushartyagi

There are 2 questions that I have. After banging my head with mysql server for more than 4 hours, I've given up. The mysql server will start mysql service on windows 7, but will not start another service. (Is this somehow related to admin rights of 7. I am an …

Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost

Hi all, I have a cities table in MySQL with 3 rows in it. Table 'cities' row 1 'city' row 2 'statename' row 3 'stateabbreviation' With 52,593 cities in the DB. I would like to create an auto search form so that while typing a city in it will show …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for sunilmp

Hi all, I m designing a hospital management project, and I need to provide unique id to every patient. The requirement from our client is that the format of this unique id is: ddmmyyxxx. For example, 080710001, 080710002 etc Here is what I did: concat dd mm and yy strings. …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for fraenckel

I'm writing an application to catalog a very large number of files (2 million+ files)on a share drive. For each file in the directory tree, I'm adding a record to a mysql database. The share drive is active, in that files will be regularly added; thus the app will need …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for doS!

Hi, yesterday i downloaded a script. Now, im installing it on my website, but when i load index.php page and all the page where config.php is included, it say that: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/mhd-01/www.newsict.com/htdocs/config.php on line 13 this is config.php : …

Member Avatar for it200219
Member Avatar for Koibu0

Forgive my ignorance with such matters, but I have what is probably a simple issue that I can't seem to resolve on my own. I'm getting this error when sending a request to the SOAP server [CODE]org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in trailing section.[/CODE] I've checked the end of all …

Member Avatar for krishx343

Hi I need to know, is there any option to use For loop instead of While and ForEach to retrieve the result. While Loop ----------- [CODE] $query = "SELECT name, subject, message FROM contact"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo "Name :{$row['name']} <br>" . }[/CODE] instead to …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Member 785497

I have a site that uses apache(php) & mysql I recently moved the mysql to another dedicated server in order to increase performace. This is the problem now : MYSQL Server is showing ~150GBs daily outgoing transfer to Web Server ! And at the same time the Web server is …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for red_ruewei

Hi guys, Need your help/advice/opinion for below sql. I try to select all count record that exist in tables between to date insert by user.Currently, just put dummy date to test. The result is ok, but it only view for match data. How to include the record that not match …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for QWaz

Hi, I am trying to get some info form my database. I want to see if there is an entry with a certain product_id that also has another column marked as 1. I want to display the number of rows that contain that combination. I have tried a few different …

Member Avatar for Ankit_Parmar
Member Avatar for Member 785000

Hello ppl, I have a mysql db and i want to know how is better to use queryes on my website in the table favorite i have many rows with id (some numbers..) and fav ( img1 img2 img3 img4 img5 etc..) and a table named img where the first …

Member Avatar for Member 784670
Member Avatar for J.M

Hi There, I have had a look on the internet but not really been able to find the correct thing i'm looking for very easily, or at least not very well/easily explained. I am trying to create a Search Form for my website which has 2 fields. 1) A Postcode …

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Member Avatar for artvor

Hello to all Web Developers! I need a simple help here: [CODE]<table class="maxWidth" cellspacing="0"> <form action="update_conditions.php" method="post" > <tr> <td ><input type="radio" name="sex" value="citizenship" checked="checked" /> Accept all citizenships <br /> <div class="paddT5 borderT"></div> <input type="radio" name="sex" value="citizenship" /> We do not accept citizenships from: <textarea name="ud_not_citizenship" class="textarea" rows="5" > …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for cotrac

Hello! This is my very first post, anywhere, asking for advice. I have a mysql table named "children". It has 5 columns. "username" "child1" "child2" "child3" "child4" Based on my register form, A user creates a username and list the names of children he/she has (up to 4) on submit, …

Member Avatar for cotrac
Member Avatar for artvor

Hello, I'm new in PHP and MYSQL.. I need a small help... Here is what i got: [B] CONDITIONS[/B] [CODE]<form action="update_conditions.php" method="post" > <table class="maxWidth" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td >Method</td><td>Commisions</td><td>Proccess Time</td><td>Min Deposit</td><td>Max deposit</td></tr> <tr> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="ud_bank_wire" value="<? echo "$bank_wire"?>" /> Bank Wire</td> <td><input name="ud_b_w_com" class="update_by" type="text" value="<? echo "$b_w_com"?>"></td> <td><input …

Member Avatar for artvor
Member Avatar for peter_budo

I have this long winded query [code=sql]select i.id,i.name, i.item_type_id, (select it.name from items it, relations rel, relation_types relType where it.id=rel.to_id and rel.from_id=i.id and rel.relation_type_id=relType.id and relType.name='CityCtountry') as cityCountry from items i where i.item_type_id=2;[/code] Cut the long story short, we inherited database from customer that hasn't been happy with other company, …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for cancer10

I want to insert records into multiple tables at one go, I am doing this in the following way, is this the correct way of doing? If not, what is the better way? [CODE] mysql_query("insert into table1 values('abc')"); mysql_query("insert into table2 values('ttt')"); mysql_query("insert into table3 values('5t6')"); mysql_query("insert into table4 values('ghy')"); …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for twelvetwelve

When I use the following PHP code I get this error Error performing query: Unknown column 'nh12134' in 'where clause' Yet when I use 'nh12345', which is the Value that the variable $username contains (i've checked that it does by printing it out elsewhere) instead of the $username in the …

Member Avatar for Ankit_Parmar
Member Avatar for Sucesso

I've got what I think must be a pretty simple question, but it's my first time doing something like this. Here's my situation. I have a simple database. It's a dictionary of words. I want to have a form that I can enter a word into. Once I do that, …

Member Avatar for effu
Member Avatar for Grantsarver

I run a non-profit association bulletin board using vBulletin software. I have been unable to find a vBulletin coder to help me with a MYSQL query. Seems straight forward to me. I have a csv email file of paid up association members. I also have vBulletin members/users who might or …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for Virangya

Hello, I wrote a query to find the products names by the name entered and to count now many records are outputted. $query="SELECT COUNT(product_id) AS tot,product_id,product_name FROM tblproduct WHERE product_name LIKE '%$pname%'"; $query="SELECT COUNT(*) AS tot,product_id,product_name FROM tblproduct WHERE product_name LIKE '%$pname%'"; I tried both way. but always it returns …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for Silvershaft

Hey! I am making a program that keeps track of users so the program has to update the number in the database how do I actually do it? I know how to select things and such, but have no idea how the update works.. I didn't really find anything for …

Member Avatar for Silvershaft
Member Avatar for rarun
Member Avatar for 07-0466

I have linked my vb.net application with mysql database but i am having a problem inserting data from the vb forms into the relevant fields in the database... Any assistance will be highly appreciated! thanks:-)

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for hickyfunkymonke

Hey there, I hope this is the right place to put this in? Anyway, Im currently using PHPMyAdmin application on the yahoo small business web hosting. Basically when I click the privelages button I recieve this errer: [QUOTE]Warning: Your privilege table structure seems to be older than this MySQL version! …

Member Avatar for pbd4499
Member Avatar for rnrajput

[CODE]<?php $host='localhost'; //Change the user,password and database variables as desired $user='root'; $pass=''; $dbname='imagedb'; $link=mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die(mysql_error()); $db=mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error()); ?> <html> <head> <title>Uploading image to MySQL database and displaying it</title> <script src="mootools1_2.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> <script src="ajax.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <fieldset> <legend>Upload Form</legend> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' name='frmupload' …

Member Avatar for rnrajput
Member Avatar for kukie

Hi everybody I am very new to PHP and MYSQL How can I implement : [CODE] $q=$_GET["q"]; $CMY=$get["CMY"]; ... $query=("INSERT INTO the_array($CMY, model) VALUES('$q','dddd')");[/CODE] $q and $CMY are results I get from AJAX, and I think the only way to save the results is using the DB.

Member Avatar for kukie
Member Avatar for tmani_85

Hi. i have a Stored Procedure like this DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `foundation`.`TEMP_TBL` $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `TEMP_TBL`() BEGIN -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TEMP_TBL; DECLARE done int(10); DECLARE a,b,c,cname CHAR(26); -- DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT id,ccode,accname FROM account_master; DECLARE cursor1 CURSOR FOR SELECT id,ccode,accname FROM account_master; …

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The End.