10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Hi guys.! Good day! I have a one windows xp computer which ive installed wamp(windows apache mysql) package. I want to connect to this computer using one computer on a network. The code works fine when i run the program on this server computer because i will just specify the …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for dragon@dragon64

I would like to create a table in mysql, with one of the fields being images. Can any one tell me what type i should call the field, and also if i have to put in any special commands. thank you

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for srpa01red

i had a table categories category_id parent_id industrial null automotive null petrol industrial bikes automotive diesel industrial tankers automotive ....so on ihad another table CATEGORY_PRODUCT with fields(category_id) in this table i want to insert the category_id from category table as if parent_id=null then insert category_id as parent_id if parent_id !=null …

Member Avatar for it2051229

I have three tables in the mysql database. Let's say: Table: Human -> Fields: human_id (primary key), name Table: Attribute -> Fields: attribute_id (primary key), name Table: Human_Attribute -> Fields: human_id (foreign key to human table), attribute_id (foreign key to attribute table) Cardinality: Human Table to Human_Attribute Table (1 to …

Member Avatar for it2051229
Member Avatar for dmanw100

Hello, I'm pretty new to PHP and MySQL. I was wondering what the most efficient way to access a large database would be. All the tutorials I've seen show something along the lines of: [icode]$database = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table");[/icode] But it seems to me that if 'table' was a …

Member Avatar for theighost
Member Avatar for changeco

I have a registration page that needs one final thing and I'm a little stumped... In one table I have email, pass, gender, dob and the other I have company... In the registration page, I want to check that the company exists before I submit the form... Since I'm using …

Member Avatar for changeco
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi i had a big database and need to delete and add to it daily. About 500 rows are there in that table. I add add a check box in every row ( in the output page ) .. Something like this [ICODE]<table> <?php $select=select * from table ; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($select)){; …

Member Avatar for hemasow
Member Avatar for stevehart808

Hi I have the code below and I just simply want to return the results from another table ant the same time. I thought I could just add FROM member, members2 or add a join but nothing seams to work, I just get a blank page. [code] $sql = mysql_query("SELECT …

Member Avatar for frenchwr

Hello, I am just starting to get into mysql and have a quick question: I have a table that has a datetime field, and i simply want to store that datetime into a variable and be able to print it, and also compare it to the current date to see …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for Pado

Okay, I don't understand this at all. Maybe someone more polished could help me. I am trying to enter a group of numbers into the database using PHP and it works on my personal server, but then when I try it online it only takes the first number of the …

Member Avatar for Pado
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi I had a database . I need to take one of the cell content into an array. I had code but not working [ICODE]$select=mysql_query("SELECT * from db where name='rajeesh'") or die(mysql_error()); $new=mysql_fetch_array($select); $forfriends=$new['first']; $forf=array ($forfriends); while (list ($key, $val) = each ($forfriends)) { echo "$key -> $val <br>"; }[/ICODE] …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for jeffreyjs

Hi, I am currently developing a website which uses MySQL with PHP, and right now i wish to upload all files and DB to my server, but am stuck with the connection path... Server: Windows Database: MySQL Webhost C Panel: Helm Web Host Database name: hotel Can anyone provide me …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for bsteinex

I'm trying to use mysqli with Apache 2.0.63, Mysql 5.1.32, and Php 5.2.9-1 for Windows. Looking at phpinfo() I can see mysqli installed. I can also run a mysql query. However when I attempt to run a prepared statment I it fails at the if statement if($stmt->prepare($sql)) with the following …

Member Avatar for cvarcher

Hey Everyone, First post to the forum so go easy on me... So here's the deal... I am writing the php/mysql for a page that updates my database with the values of a member who's membership details have been edited. I am having problems getting the values to update into …

Member Avatar for cvarcher
Member Avatar for nikhita

hello all, Please get me a way to export all contents of a table in mysql database to a PDF file and it can be downloadable and can be printed from the website.. please provide some sample code. it is very much urgent for me. plz help

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for srpa01red

i had a table productcs with stucture as pid,name,description,applications,created_at as datetime,updated_at datetime. i will load the data from a csv file.now i want to insert the current timestamp while loading the data i.e the present time at which i am loading the data .is it possible to insert the current …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for andrewsCWD

Hello, The problem is I have made a second user account for my databases, every time I open the MySql monitor it doesn't prompt me for a username, it just assumes I want to log into the Root and asks for my Root password. It doesnt ask for a username …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi everyone, I am inserting value in a table in a database through query but it is giving some error as like this :- Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Roybut

Hi, I'm not sure if this shpould be in PHP or here so apologies if I'm in the wrong place. I'm trying to encrypt a password and insert it into my database along with other data. Everything works when I remove the md5 password encryption. It doesn't work when I …

Member Avatar for Roybut
Member Avatar for george.blufpand

Though the directories and files still appear to be there, I don't see any of my MySQL databases when using the tools I normally use. This happened after I restored yesterday's backup. Need help.

Member Avatar for pandiarajan.pmk

I give two parameter like year & period. For example year = 2009 & period=3 Result : 22 working days in this month Plz help me.

Member Avatar for pandiarajan.pmk
Member Avatar for srpa01red

i want to insert data into third table for two tables that is first table:table struct: pid -->int,name-->string ..etc second table :cid -->int,parentid-->int....etc third table struct is:pid-->int,cid-->int now iwant to insert data into third table from the other two tables pid from first table is a prime key and pid …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for JP_L

Hi everyone I'm new to JSP and followed a code I read in a book here is my code: [code=JSP]<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> <%@ page import="java.io.*" %> <% String connectionURL = "jdbc:mysql://"; Connection connection = null; Statement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); Connection cn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL); Statement …

Member Avatar for JP_L
Member Avatar for muskan

please help me to resolve the databasbase connectivity problem in java for mysql .i am using jdk 1.5 ,if there is need to put a file then please mention where it should be copied ,and i am writing the code and error occuring that code. code: import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

[code=php] $_SESSION['MM_paymentstatus']="to be verified"; $modeofpay="Credit Card"; mysql_select_db($database_enamysqldb, $enamysqldb); $query_recunvesummary=sprintf("SELECT * FROM paymentsummary WHERE username=%s AND paymentmode=%s AND foryear=%s AND initialstatus=%s", GetSQLValueString($_SESSION['MM_Username'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($modeofpay, "text"), GetSQLValueString($_SESSION['MM_yearlynow'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_SESSION['MM_paymentstatus'], "text")); $recunvesummary = mysql_query($query_recunvesummary, $enamysqldb) or die(mysql_error()); $row_recunvesummary = mysql_fetch_assoc($recunvesummary); $totalRows_recunvesummary = mysql_num_rows($recunvesummary); $totalunvepayment=0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($recunvesummary)){ $totalunvepayment = $totalunvepayment + $row['amountpaid']; } …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

[i] Topic The topic of this question is: Creating a MySQL table and Entity from Database. [/i] [icode] Hello and Thank you in advance for any assistance. [/icode] [u] [b] Purpose: [/b] [/u] [b] This is another attempt to render data in a visual web javaserver faces table. The purpose …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi i have created a website for my client using PHP and mysql . The client need to backup a table in database as excel file every day. Well he had no idea about coding and all ... He need to backup using a simple way. Please anyone let me …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for 1baxter1

Hi Ive just came across this syntax error and have no idea on how to go about fixing it hope someone can help? Im using Php myadmin # Server version: 5.0.45 # Protocol version: 10 Here is the error: "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual …

Member Avatar for claritydigital
Member Avatar for dragon@dragon64

i am trying to mutiply and add 2 dnamic texts on a php form, but i do not seem to get the reply, but i get the following results "sum (4 + 1)" This is the code that i typed in [ICODE](<?php echo $row_standings['w']; ?>+<?php echo $row_standings['d']; ?>[/ICODE] The 4 …

Member Avatar for dragon@dragon64
Member Avatar for cuddykid

Hi everyone, I am trying to create a vacation planner where users can log in and save their plans. I have created a table called planner_plans and this is going to contain the main info such as title etc. but how do i make it so that when the user …

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The End.