10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for PinoyDev

[code=php] $_SESSION['MM_paymentstatus']="to be verified"; $modeofpay="Credit Card"; mysql_select_db($database_enamysqldb, $enamysqldb); $query_recunvesummary=sprintf("SELECT * FROM paymentsummary WHERE username=%s AND paymentmode=%s AND foryear=%s AND initialstatus=%s", GetSQLValueString($_SESSION['MM_Username'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($modeofpay, "text"), GetSQLValueString($_SESSION['MM_yearlynow'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_SESSION['MM_paymentstatus'], "text")); $recunvesummary = mysql_query($query_recunvesummary, $enamysqldb) or die(mysql_error()); $row_recunvesummary = mysql_fetch_assoc($recunvesummary); $totalRows_recunvesummary = mysql_num_rows($recunvesummary); $totalunvepayment=0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($recunvesummary)){ $totalunvepayment = $totalunvepayment + $row['amountpaid']; } …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for ceyesuma

[i] Topic The topic of this question is: Creating a MySQL table and Entity from Database. [/i] [icode] Hello and Thank you in advance for any assistance. [/icode] [u] [b] Purpose: [/b] [/u] [b] This is another attempt to render data in a visual web javaserver faces table. The purpose …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi i have created a website for my client using PHP and mysql . The client need to backup a table in database as excel file every day. Well he had no idea about coding and all ... He need to backup using a simple way. Please anyone let me …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for 1baxter1

Hi Ive just came across this syntax error and have no idea on how to go about fixing it hope someone can help? Im using Php myadmin # Server version: 5.0.45 # Protocol version: 10 Here is the error: "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual …

Member Avatar for claritydigital
Member Avatar for dragon@dragon64

i am trying to mutiply and add 2 dnamic texts on a php form, but i do not seem to get the reply, but i get the following results "sum (4 + 1)" This is the code that i typed in [ICODE](<?php echo $row_standings['w']; ?>+<?php echo $row_standings['d']; ?>[/ICODE] The 4 …

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Member Avatar for cuddykid

Hi everyone, I am trying to create a vacation planner where users can log in and save their plans. I have created a table called planner_plans and this is going to contain the main info such as title etc. but how do i make it so that when the user …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for deesudesu

Hi all, I just learn PHP couple days ago, due to some 'trouble' in the company and my boss asking me to create an employee database Help on PHP MYSQL Forms Input With some help of dreamweaver, i finally manage to create a form for employee database but..... Sadly....some of …

Member Avatar for Patrickkahuna

hi, I am having a problem doing a select in MySQL among multiple tables. I have two tables that are virtually the same except that one table is for January and one is for February. I have two columns in each of the tables i want to match on: Account, …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for Martin Kovac

Hi, I'm new in using MySQL database and have problem with character encoding. Database was created by this query: [code=sql]CREATE DATABASE 'dbname' CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;[/code] Then I've create table using this query: [code=sql]CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'tblname' ( ... ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;[/code] AFTER query: …

Member Avatar for SofiaMaria

Hi there, I am new to Php and MySql. However, i have been learning for some time now. I get the above error and my line 77 has the following statement: $result=mysql_query($query,$conn); Any ideas? If you need more of the code please let me know. Thanks a lot, Sofia

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi The user clicks on a buttons to delete all posts in a thread (this also deletes the parent post). The code is bellow. This however isnt working, its deleting all the parent posts, even those that dont correspond to the topic clicked on. Any ideas [CODE] if (isset ($_GET['delete']) …

Member Avatar for humbug
Member Avatar for scott_rider

I am getting an "Connection must be valid and open" error. After some research I have found two possible reasons for this: malformed sql or bad connection string. Since the error is being thrown on a second .executescalar statement I will assume the connection string is working. I have two …

Member Avatar for Tschuikow
Member Avatar for herms14

hi..I'm just a newbie programmer who needs some help. I'm trying to enter a date and save it in a mysql database. however the format in mysql is yyyy-mm-dd and the format in vb.net is mm-dd-yyyy. how can i format the date in vb in order to successfully enter it …

Member Avatar for c0deFr3aK
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day.! Thank you for all of you in this forum in helping me in all my post. I just got one last problem with my project.!Please help me on how to back up and restore my mysql database that when i click backup my mysql database named (onlineenrolement) will …

Member Avatar for nmakkena

My system is a stand alone system, I want to connect to MYSQL using PHP, I am giving hostname as localhost, and the needed username and passoword. In the browser i am getting Internal server error 500. Any sort of help much appreciated, Thank you

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for mangel.murti

hi all, Donn't know much php........... i want that when user register,his registration date store in db.i want to use server date not his system date in db. thankx in adva...

Member Avatar for Designer_101
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi i had a database table which stores images in columns. ie [ICODE]idno + image name + name 1 | lal.jpg | raj 2 | lal2.jpg | raj2 3 | lal3.jpg | raj3 .....[/ICODE] Now I need to show this images and these names in a page as 3 columns.... …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for praskuma

I have these two tables.. [B]Product[/B] ============================= ID Title Description ============================= 1 My first product First description 2 My second product Second description … … … …. …. …. [B]META[/B] ============================= ID PRODID KEY VALUE ============================= 1 1 StartDate 22-MAR-2009 2 1 EndDate 23-MAR-2009 3 2 StartDate 28-MAR-2009 4 2 …

Member Avatar for praskuma
Member Avatar for Codethat

Hi, I want to use a php form textfield to change a value in my databas. Statement i want to send the databas: UPDATE people SET name='VALUE FROM TEXTFILED' WHERE id=1 How do i integrate this statement into a php form textfield?

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for dani190

Hello guys, quick question for ya... Here is the code i am looking at [CODE]<?php $conn=mysql_connect("internal-db.s*****.gridserver.com","db*****","*******") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("db*****_gradsurvey") or die(mysql_error()); function generatePassword ($length = 5) { // start with a blank password $password = ""; // define possible characters $possible = "0123456789"; // set up a counter $i = …

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Member Avatar for slider_44

Hello everyone, I need help. I have two table name: Table 1: resortid resortlocation Table 2 resortid resortname Now I want to get the maximum of resortlocation then getting the name of that specific resort also. I am having a hard time. Can someone please help me? Thanks.

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Member Avatar for daveomcgee

Hi everyone :) I'm completely new here. Let me introduce myself - My name's Dave and I'm a student studying Multimedia applications development at the Waterford Institute of Technology in Waterford, Ireland. [B]I'm currently involved in a college project where I have a JSP web application connecting to a MySQL …

Member Avatar for michaelG13

Hello, Im new to that kind of code so forgive me. I have 3 diferent tables players: id_player name_player players_details: id_player position age players_eval: id_player value wage You can see that the ‘id_player’ is in all tables. Now, what i want to do is export on csv and if the …

Member Avatar for arkaprava

Accorting to MySql manual and web site I modified the environment variable for installing JConnector for mysql as follows : CLASSPATH C:\Program Files\Java\mysql-connector-java-5.0.7\mysql-connector-java-5.0.7-bin.jar where my MySql connector Folder is placed on Java folder in program files (I put there willingly) But actually when I want to do any testing program …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for niksni

hi i want to merge two rows in a table. but a little confused.. Please help!:confused: the example is as shown below Record #1: [B]Nikhil [/B]Bhat [B]1Jan2009 [/B][B]Married [/B]ABC Record #1: Nikhil [B]Ong [/B]1Feb2009 Single [B]DEF[/B] Meged Record : Nikhil Ong 1Jan2009 Married DEF There is a primary key 'ID' …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, How do i order results for most relevant one? [code]Select id, title from data where (titleLIKE '%PHP developer%')[/code] id title ---- ------------------------------- 1 ASP developer 2 WEB developer 3 PHP 4 PHP developer In this case, it should be displayed in this other 4, 3, 2, 1 OR 4, …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for T.Cavanagh

Hi I am writing a search script that you will type in a search term and then the system will go off and search 2-3 tables at once and bring back the search results. Now the proble that i have is that i am unsure how to go about sorting …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi I seem to be getting this error on the reply section of my forum. I've never had this problem before and have tried google but found nothing. So, now i turn to daniweb, surly someone must be able to help me here. [B]This is the error:[/B] [CODE]Warning: Wrong parameter …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for cdeniz

i have a code like this [CODE]select * from tableX group by fieldA order by fieldB[/CODE] this code sort according to fieldA. but i need to sort according to fieldB. please help me ??

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for rouse

A simple question I hope. In using the OOPs mysqli protocol how do I get the number of rows returned in a select query such as: [code] $queryStr = ("SELECT * FROM entry where username='$userin' AND password='$passwordin'"); [/code] Thanks! WBR

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The End.