10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for frank754

Thanks for your help in the past, and this forum is great. I have a question about dates, and in searching, there are huge amounts of results, but very hard to narrow it down to exactly what I'm asking. In using PHP, I have some variables pulled from mysql databases …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i am trying to get this code to work but there is something wrong with the array (not to good at these). the main part of the code works it is sending out the email but only ever to one registered user. here is the code i have so far. …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for kszunzun

Hi, I have a distributed DB , comprising of 800 db servers (huge data for a social networking company). the records are sorted in db based on user_account _id, and the table also has user's credit card number , now - given a credit card number I need to find …

Member Avatar for johnkhan

I'm not very good at MySQL stuff, so I need a little help with a problem I'm having. I'm trying to make a script that will open up a text file and print the contents of the list onto the screen. Additionally I wanted the contents of the file (a.k.a. …

Member Avatar for ahmksssv
Member Avatar for Andrieux

I have three tables: posts, topics, and forums. Each row in post table has a topic id and a author name. Each row in topics has an id that corresponds with the topic_id in posts, and then it has an id for the forum that it (the topic, containing the …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for aamresh1

We have integrated Paypal with our application and everything is working perfectly. But after the transaction is completed and successful we need that it should redirect to our application again. But its not happening. We have turned on the auto return option in the paypal too but its still not …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I use Ubuntu and want to restore a mysql file. How do i do it? It is on my desktop. Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for quill2

I keep getting the following error: [b]Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource[/b] on line 17. I'm trying to figure out if there's some problem with my SQL query statement, or what. When I try to print $result, nothing is displayed. I've included my code below. …

Member Avatar for ahmksssv
Member Avatar for millsy007

I have a query that brings though a list of passenger names, is there a way in which I can set the length of each of these names to equal 10 characters. So even if I have shorter names eg "bob, demarcus, adam and scott" they would display with the …

Member Avatar for manojjena1982
Member Avatar for millsy007

I am using the syntax: REPLACE(str,from_str,to_str) to replace data in my table. However I have a slight issue I would like to address, when I have the following records jon | jonathon | jonas | jonny and I do the replace with REPLACE(names, jon, '') I am left with | …

Member Avatar for manojjena1982
Member Avatar for Andrieux

I have three tables: posts, topics, and forums. Each row in post table has a topic id and a author name. Each row in topics has an id that corresponds with the topic_id in posts, and then it has an id for the forum that it (the topic, containing the …

Member Avatar for Andrieux
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i am trying to write a script that will send out an email to all the email addresses stored in a mysql db when the site has been updated. the code i have so far is as follows [CODE]$sql= "INSERT INTO $table (date, title, article) VALUES ('$a', '$b', '$c')"; if …

Member Avatar for kevin wood
Member Avatar for OmniX

[url]http://au2.php.net/function.mysql-query[/url] [code] mysql_query($query, $link_identifier); [/code] Which commands require $link_identifier, thought there be a list on google but to no avia. :( Thanks, Regards X PS: There not required but its good practice you use the connection string after the query string.

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, [code]INSERT INTO money (salary) VALUES ('100,000,000.00')[/code] 100,000,000.00 is stored as 100.00 in decimal (14,2). I don't know what is wrong? Thanks

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for OmniX

There are a few: - I am trying to use it in a function within a function, which then I call the second function (mysql > function > function) ? - Using within while loops (while ( VAR mysql_fetch_aray (query)) ? So any ideas? THanks, Regards X

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, Data is stored like this in Varchar(2500) (with paragraphs): [code] Looking for NET developer, programmer. Required skills: VB.NET NET MsSQL XHTML If you are interested, please call "000" number's test. Thanks [/code] When i echo it, it is displayed like this: [code] Looking for NET developer, programmer. Required skills: …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for deesudesu

I know this might sound silly....please forgive on this one I am not a programmer, but simply a graphic designer, but our programmer left us,and since that, my boss (which also my father) askin me to help about this matter. This company is still looking for the replacement, but we …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for jwill55

Hello everyone..How do i create a user manual or the instructions of the software in vb6? Is it possible to pattern the manual with the manual of mysql or the like.. Another question. How do i populate my treeview in vb6 from a mysql database?? Any help would be very …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Noko

Hello. I have experienced a very weird problem with my myisam table with appr. 1M rows. Query [CODE]select num,subnum from a where trip='!mOWjKAWAII' order by timestamp asc limit 10;[/CODE] executes immediately, which is just as expected. But with a slight modification: [code]select num,subnum from a where trip='!mOWjKAWAII' order by timestamp …

Member Avatar for Noko
Member Avatar for naekur

Hi there! I'm having a very odd problem with mysql_fetch_array my code looks like this: [code] function getMachines($domain){ if (! is_resource ( $this->connection )) { return false; } else { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) { $domain = stripslashes ( $domain ); } $query = sprintf ( "select machines from `domains`.`%s`", $this->escape …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for emiola

Despite the fact that my script runs perfectly well on the server, it fails to submit form data into mysql database. Kindly look into this for me. see code below: [code=php]<?php> $dbcnx = mysql_connect("localhost","user_name","password"); if (!$dbcnx){ exit('<p>Unable to connect to the database</p>'); } If (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $SchoolName = $_POST['SchoolName']; $SchoolEmail …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for Elmismo

I try to connect by ODBC 3.51 and I get connection and I can get data from MySQL database and show it in my VB 2008 Express Edition, but when I want to AddNew or Update something it gives me an error property "Item" is "ReadOnly" (about my rs). This …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for dottomm

Hello, thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with this query. What I am trying to do is to retreieve a list of all the users from the table 'users' and count how many posts the user has made. The code below will shows a list of users …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for maxicube

Heyy, need some help here. ok, I've got my script here right. [CODE]<html> <head><title>Display Records</title> <style type="text/css"> td {font-family: tahoma, arial, verdana; font-size: 10pt } </style> </head> <body> <?php $db="aseco121"; $link = mysql_connect(' 3306', 'root', '******'); if (! $link) die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($db , $link) or die("Couldn't open $db: ".mysql_error()); $result = …

Member Avatar for maxicube
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, In what sql cases we should lock particular rows? Is it UPDATE and DELETE only. Thanks

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for KevT

Hi - relatively new to MySQL & still coming to grips with its permissions system. Probably a slightly noob question - hope you don't mind! (should be easy then?) :) SITUATION: 1) I want to set up a standard set of records in my database (DB) with values that ALL …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for JasonCMK

Hello, I am quite new to PHP and MySQL. Could anybody please help me with this problem? Suppose I have a database like this, [ICODE][U]Type[/U] [U]Name[/U] [U]Price($)[/U] A ABC 150 A DEF 350 B XYZ 250 B UVW 450 C ....................... .............................[/ICODE] The user is required to choose the type …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for jakx12

Ok so what i'd like to know is how to have two where statements in a mysql delete query. I get an error if i do this: [ICODE]mysql_query("DELETE FROM user_notifications WHERE username='$acc' AND WHERE notification='$note2'") or die(mysql_error()); [/ICODE] Any help would be much appreciated, I know this is a silly …

Member Avatar for vinothkumarc
Member Avatar for xaris_gr

Hello to everyone. I am new in the forum, and my first post is going to be about mySQL. I am a total novice in mySQL and the problem i have is that i want to put a specific filter in reading some data. I have created a database with …

Member Avatar for javmedia
Member Avatar for manish812

HI I want to submit csv file data into mysql pls tell me how 2 do if any one has any program made to insert csv file into mysql pls give me the code i really need it pls help me bye

Member Avatar for mattjfox@gmail.

The End.