10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for sukhy_1

This code works but i want to add all the total costs up at the bottom of the search output, the[B] // Loop through data and display[/B] is outputs displayed from MySQL, from this code all i get is the total price for each booking but i want to add …

Member Avatar for sukhy_1
Member Avatar for dw-heath

Hello, I am having difficulties with this, I have been working weeks on getting a site finished and I'm down to the last couple of pages and this has become irritating. If you could help I would be very thankful. Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for mexaros

I am running a .sql file against my database to build the tables. However Once i reach the Create tbl_static i recieve the following error on one of the insert statements: MySQL said: Documentation #1366 - Incorrect string value: '\x80\x99s Ba...' for column 'fld_description' at row 1 The Insert Statement …

Member Avatar for trudge
Member Avatar for mexaros

I am relatively new to mysql. I am updating a site for a customer, and I'm using mysql 5 w/ phpMyAdmin. I was supplied an .sql (echeck.sql) script to build the database for this site. I create a database named "echeck" in phpMyAdmin, and once created go to the import …

Member Avatar for mexaros
Member Avatar for andy5000_uk15

Hi everyone, i am a newbie to PHP and i am struggling with the following error. i am trying to follow this [URL="http://www.roscripts.com/PHP_login_script-143.html"]link[/URL]l tutorial but its not working. Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/functions.php on line 73 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not …

Member Avatar for silviuks
Member Avatar for BenWill

Hey all, first post here and im also very new to PHP, but been having major headaches over one query. The query simply inserts some data into a table, which i've done in myphpadmin, the myphpadmin looks like this: Registration_ID int(10) No auto_increment Registration_Date date No Academic_Year int(2) No Year_of_Study …

Member Avatar for BenWill
Member Avatar for eparse

hi all experts here, i am currently doing my web project using PHP and facing no clue for the database connection between 3 tables....here it is: i'd created 3 tables, one keeps users' username, password, and id....the other keeps the details that user input from a form...both contain a common …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for trashed

Hi guys. I have a DB table looking like this: #DATE #NAME #C1 #C2 2007-08-27 user 1250 2294 2007-08-28 user 1816 3096 2007-08-29 user 89 3153 2007-08-30 user 71 2986 [..] I started collecting data in late August 2007 and it's being updated every day. I want to fetch the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i am adding elements to my db and the elemtents which have been add will be displayed on a different page. i am using an upload page which creates a thumb nail of an uploaded image and then stores the path for this image in a variable called $thumb_name. the …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for dr_paul

Hello I'm trying to teach myself how to use mysql and php via a couple of books and a lot of hacking away. I have Jesse Feiler's book "How to Do everything with Web 2.0 Mashups" and I'm stuck on chapter 11 which is a practical exercise in mashup building. …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for cancer10

I have a timestamp column in a mysql table. Using PHP, how do I convert the timestamp format which is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" into a format like "March 16 2008, 08:41 am" ? Please help Thanx

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for eparse

hi for all the expert here, i am now facing a minor problem on retrieving data here. MySQL do contain all the variables defined with data inside it. However, i juz need to know how to loop through the array to get all the data in a row? Below is …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for iketunde

Hello, I created this site on my local machine using PHP 5.0.4 and mysql 4.1 and it works perfectly fine. I then ftp it to my webhost but the code to retrieve values give me this error. Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/www/laterallinks/ApplicantInformation.php …

Member Avatar for visagar
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i am trying to connect to my database which i have set up and i keep getting the same message 'could not connect'. i have a php page which sets up the database, and i recall this page with the include db.php to connect to the server. i have tried …

Member Avatar for jinchiruki

anybody mind teach me how to connect between tables in db??say theres table a, b and c in db .how can i make all these table connected??theres any coding??im using EasyPHP as server

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for neverlearning

Dear all site members, my hosting provider says that there are SQL queries running from my i.p address (I am renting a dedicated server, if it matters to the question) to another i.p address on their network. Basically, something on my server is connecting to a MySql database on a …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for CrazyLady

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/doreen/public_html/trunk/template/posts.php on line 19 I don't know how to fix it

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for rashmigs84

hi , M facing the problem to get first 4 rows from the table . m using sql2000. i used count but it is showing total no of rows in a table . please let me know the query used to display rowcount.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for shockeye

I need some help suggesting an elegant way of doing something. I'm currently in the planning phase of a media management solution that comes in two parts; The administration website, and the deployment website. What I'm considering doing is, at the time a member signs up for an account, I …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for welbyobeng

How can I create a trigger to UPDATE this for me when a new record is inserted. I want to create a column called "fullthumb" where by default it has the words "http://example.com/thumbs/" and add the words in "thumb" column. In syntax: [code]UPDATE files SET fullthumb = CONCAT('http://example.com/thumbs/', thumb);[/code] I …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for dj_T

Hey everybody, I'm new to mysql, but I'm developing a real estate website, mostly for condos. I'm setting up the database and want to make sure it's sufficiently designed so that customers can search the database for the type of place they want. Specifically, if someone wants to search for …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i have created an image upload page in my web site which stores the images on the server using php. i now need to get the images to display on a different page. here is the code i have used to set a variable to the file directory // the …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for dwlamb_001

What would fundamentally change with MySQL between using XAMP or WAMPserver so as to render MySQL inaccessible, triggering a MySQL 2003 error code? Last Sunday I was comparing XAMPP with Wampserver. I used the same MySQL database. I approached the experiment from the analogous point of view of using the …

Member Avatar for petr.pavel
Member Avatar for wandie

Could some please help me. I am following a tutorial from "http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/MySQL/Building-A-Persistent-Shopping-Cart-With-PHP-and-MySQL/2/" I keep getting a " Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\xampp\htdocs\cart1\products.php on line 59" My db connection is fine but I am trying bring a result from the diagram shown in the url. Please help. This …

Member Avatar for Auzzie
Member Avatar for welbyobeng

How to create a trigger to UPDATE this for me when a new record is inserted. I want to create a column called "fullthumb" where by default it has the words "http://example.com/thumbs/" and add the words in "thumb" column. UPDATE files SET fullthumb = CONCAT('http://example.com/thumbs/', thumb);

Member Avatar for welbyobeng
Member Avatar for im1

Ok I got a new multimedia search engine that im hoping to launch pretty soon. ([URL="http://im1musicc.cs-webhost.com/search/"]temporary link here[/URL]) I all ready got the number of mp3 downloads counter set up there using flat files, but I didnt do that. It was all ready done when I got the script. Now …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for lordx78

[code=mysql] $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cycles WHERE Upper(brand) LIKE '%$brandC%' AND type LIKE '%$typeC%'"); [/code] Above code is not working, pls help.

Member Avatar for lordx78
Member Avatar for dbdesigner_2008

Attached to this thread is the DB schema I've come up with. I'm trying to do an outer join to join the exercises to the submissions regardless if there's a related record in the submissions table. Trouble is when a user logs in I want to execute this query and …

Member Avatar for luvphp

i have a text area where user can enter some notes ,i save that in database by taking text as data type ,and while retrieving it through Ajax its not retrieving as each new line in text area is entered as a special character ,please help me anyone to get …

Member Avatar for mostafadotnet
Member Avatar for ae1

This has become a horror, a horror I tell you. I am not a techie. I am not a developer. I do not want to be a developer. I am trying to set up a pro bono program for a non-profit law office that serves the poor. Every time I …

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The End.