10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for r0gp

Hi, I have the following: [CODE] $_host = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['host']; $_name = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['name']; $_port = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['port']; $_user = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['user']; $_pass = $DHOY_CONFIG['db'][$connection_name]['pass']; $dsn = "mysql://$_user:$_pass@$_host:$_port/$_name?new_link=true"; print "dsn is $dsn"; if ($dsn != 'mysql://:@:/?new_link=true') { $db_connection[$connection_name] = DB::connect($dsn); if (!DB::isError($db_connection[$connection_name])) { return $db_connection[$connection_name]; } else { trigger_error("General system error ID: 00002 - …

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Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, How do I change maximum connection to mysql database and maximim user connection to mysql? Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I'm having trouble displaying special characters. I have a database that has a number of characters from different languages and I've managed to display almost all of them. But I still have some characters showing up as a question mark inside a diamond. The code I'm using in …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for servis

i want to insert non empt values (as $im1, $im2.....) in mysql database, code is as follow, im_id is auto_increment key [CODE] $im1 =image1['image']; $im2 =image2['image']; $im3 =image3['image']; $im4 =image4['image']; $sql = "INSERT INTO `class-ads`.`images` (im_id, image) VALUES (NULL, '$im1'), (NULL, '$im2'), (NULL, '$im3'), (NULL, '$im4') mysql_query($sql) or die('Error, Posting …

Member Avatar for phpbeginners
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi This isn't specifically a php issue, but i would be using php for the project... i am creating a site where people can upload articles, photos, docs etc - thing is, I want to keep everything as its own entity and use tables to link articles to images etc... …

Member Avatar for lifeworks
Member Avatar for eantz

Hi all, I'm still a newbie in programming world.. And I just realized that PHP has a function "mysql_insert_id()" to get the most recent id that generated by AUTO INCREMENT. But, before I use it, I want to know Is it safe to use it when many users insert data …

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Member Avatar for joshua__lim

Hi, i'm sql newbies, hope someone can help. I'm trying to do a tariff lookup table for my voip service. When a user makes a call, i capture the destination phone number which has the country code prefix (the prefix may have or not have the plus sign). I'm trying …

Member Avatar for joshua__lim
Member Avatar for s2xi

Hey, so I have a form and i want to break down the form into 2 sections when inserting into my database. I have made 2 tables to hold my values. this is my SQL statements. [CODE] $sql_insert1 = "INSERT INTO `agent_users` (`user_name`, `password`, `primary_email`, `secondary_email`, `join_date`, `last_accessed`, `activation_code`, `first_name`, …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Benbo1980

Hi there, I have successfully setup a page using a tutorial (shown [url]http://www.phpeasystep.com/mysql/10.html[/url]) It's all working fine as it stands. I have now added another column to the database that can either be 1 or 0 and I would like to be able to change it on the update page …

Member Avatar for freshmem
Member Avatar for jj.amonit

I have 3 tables, all linked. Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3. 1 to many. Table 1 will always have records in Table 2. However, Table 2 does not have to have any records in Table 3. I want to get the id's and names of the records in …

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for muruganasm

hi. i am senthilmurugan. i am learning to php language. one error occur. i try to connect to database. [B]Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)[/B]. how to correct the error . please reply the answer...

Member Avatar for alza
Member Avatar for ElegantElephant

I am currently working on a client management system for my Computing Coursework and I've come to the "Client Details" section, which allows staff and admin to view personal information about each client. I've successfully coded the query and everything else around it, I'm just a but stuck on how …

Member Avatar for ElegantElephant
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hai, In one of my project I need to add some data into my data base and redirect the page to a different page. In this case I need to check whether the data has uploaded successfully and then redirect. For a rough sample mysql_query("INSERT INTO") [ICODE] if(data added ){ …

Member Avatar for emhmk1
Member Avatar for prankyrules

Hey folks, I am loading the database from the text file using load infile command, what i wish to do is to delete last inserted data not just the last row i.e all the data i have loaded from text tile.I am working on MySQL. Thanks in advance Prankyrules

Member Avatar for jazz_vill
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi guys, I am having difficulties to purchase a HONEST and DECENT Linux hosting for my PHP + MySQL website. I am asking you to suggest me one or two based on your experiences because most of hosting companies offer very exciting stuff but most of them are hustlers (I …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for takeshi

Knows the code importing file in mysql using php? that would save all the data saved in excel to mysql database..tnx GOdbless

Member Avatar for takeshi
Member Avatar for k2k

i am writing a java problem connecting to mysql database. i don't know why data type decimal or numeric woudn't store any decimal numbers. my java program would output: [code] Type was: DECIMAL [/code] when trying to insert number like 23.50. what data type should i be using? probably not …

Member Avatar for k2k
Member Avatar for by89

userfood table auto_id | userId | date | foodname | perserving | satfat | monofat | polyfat | protein | carb 1 ------ 1234567S --2010/02/01 -- chicken rice- --- 382g ----- 8.7 ----- 9.1 ---- 3.7 ------ 25 ----- 75 2 ------ 1234567S --2010/02/02 -- mee siam----- --- 683g ----- …

Member Avatar for compusolver
Member Avatar for hellcrow

I am not familiar with Linux/ Unix and I encountered a corruption. How do I repair this? Warning: mysql_num_rows():supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in usr/local/apache2/htdocs/vicidial/AST_timeonVDADall.php

Member Avatar for nancy86
Member Avatar for dmkc

Hi guys, I'm pretty much self taught, and I'm working on a site that stores mysql data using php. In the site I previously did, I used separate pages with a query relating to what I wanted to show, eg. a page called Manchester.php that displayed all records with an …

Member Avatar for Hangfire
Member Avatar for Muhammad shah
Member Avatar for Pari13

Hey Brother, I have need to create new table into new database from exist table of old database. So how I can copy that much table into other database. I have tried below code. but it give error at "IN". [CODE] SELECT * INTO dbo.pqrnew IN "NewDatabase" FROM dbo.pqr [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for Ashwin Vasnai

If in big problem, I want a to add the ResultSet of MySQL in JTable.Table should in Panel. and There should be autosizing of the result.

Member Avatar for lanhlung696
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi all, Im failing to see why this record wont update...... [code] $sql = "UPDATE tbl_sellers SET propertytype = '$propertytype', propertyaddress = '$propertyaddress', propadd2 = '$propadd2', proptown = '$proptown', propstatecounty = '$propstatecounty', proppostzip = '$proppostzip', propcountry = '$propcountry', propbedrooms = '$propbedrooms', propgarage = '$propgarage', eighteenplus = '$eighteenplus' WHERE ID = …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for jvestby

Hi I'm trying to input a number like 2,5 from a form into mysql but it only register 2. 2.5 works great but is there something I can do to make it accept the "comma" number?

Member Avatar for kishan112
Member Avatar for prithvi.web

hi, I want to display the mysql records in to row and column....like [CODE]user1 user2 user3 10 20 30[/CODE] where this users are dynamic and the rows also. here is the code [CODE]$sql=mysql_query("select * from report,admin_table where report.admin_id=admin_table.admin_id and which_day='".date('Y-m-d')."' ") or die(mysql_error()); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $admin_name=$row['admin_name']; $activity=$row1['activity']; }[/CODE] Now it …

Member Avatar for prithvi.web
Member Avatar for Chosen13

Like if you have to run a query for one million people, how would you display the percentage of the query finished?

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for harshbavaliya

sorry but i am new to my sql, I have just a basic question.. and that is how can i create a database or table on the server! I have learned that we can create database or table by using my sql command line... but the main problem is our …

Member Avatar for harshbavaliya
Member Avatar for aneeka

good day! Please help me here, I need to count the record according to my condition but with my code it only counts the last record in the table in MySql. Here is my code.. Thanks! [CODE]<?php //establishing connection mysql_connect("localhost", "abc", "bbb") or die(mysql_error()); $submit = $_POST['submit']; $cancel = $_POST['cancel']; …

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Member Avatar for hypnos4

Hello, I've got a problem with my project... in short I've got a mysql db bond through a DataSet and BindingSource - if I'm editing like a user the gridview then all changes are commited to the db no problem... But I need the user to responsibly change foreign keys …

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The End.