10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for svulli

We are trying to implement MySQL clustering on our E-commerce database, but presently the tables are MyISAM based and some of the tables have full text search index on. In the wake of Clustering environment, one of the requirements is moving to InnoDB. However, that would pose the problem of …

Member Avatar for svulli
Member Avatar for khatter

Hi guys I am building a website which allows people to advertise their property online for free. I allow people to upload up to 5 images to my database. I store the name of the file in the database and the image itself is stored elsewhere on the server. I …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for davani

hi i have problem when sorting file path like c:\test in mysql varchar field it retrieve like c:test what is my problem? what can i do to correct that i am using vb.net so please help me

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for ashercharles

hai ive got two tables company table serial_no smallint(5) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment industry varchar(255) company_name varchar(255) person table serial_no int(25) company_name varchar(255) contact_person varchar(255) i want to insert the serial no in COMPANY to PERSON i used the following code [code=sql]INSERT INTO person(serial_no,company_name) SELECT company.`serial_no`,person.`company_name` FROM company,person WHERE …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for Studio

i have a simple question which is that if MySQL database and PHP are installed on the same system do i require a secure connection or can i just place the connection code in a php file and call it as needed. Thanks Studio

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, Is a stored procedure faster or a normal inline query in a web application? I use mysql but i guess answer must be same for all databases. Maybe not! Also, how do i test speed of the query in php page and in mysql client application? Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

If anyone can answer [URL="http://www.programmingforums.org/thread16958.html"]my question on PFO [/URL]I'd apprecaite an answer. I don't want to repeat it here because it is somewhat lengthy.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Leandro-AL

Hi all! I'm trying to write a "last login" message in my login script. The plan is to store dates in the database with UTC_TIMESTAMP and then show them back to the user with CONVERT_TZ, using each user's specified timezone (they have set that on registration). However here lies the …

Member Avatar for Leandro-AL
Member Avatar for KingTheoden

This one is worth two gold stars. I am working out of Cristian Darie's PHP and MySQL Ecommerce 2nd edition book and am woefully stuck on chapter 6. For some reason, on the main page load (i.e., index pulling in products_list.tpl) I am getting a repeating option dropdown and all …

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for kosilence

Hi, This is my SQL exercise questions. I got it from my friend. Honestly, I am starting to learn SQL language. Now I am using MS SQL 2003. When I've tried to answer the question, there are much error in my answer. So, could you plz try to answer the …

Member Avatar for abidns
Member Avatar for forwardlookguy

Hello everyone, I'm having trouble populating a dropdown box with mysql data. I have a table with columns makeid, yearstart, yearend and makename. Sample data would be 1, 1936, 1941, American Bantam. I want the dropdown to list the years a certain brand of car was offered. For instance, a …

Member Avatar for petrov50
Member Avatar for pelijugon

Hi, I would like to know how I can send the changed data over a period of time to another database on a different server. If this is possible without replication... Must be the same tables in the two databases? Thank you so much

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for mostafa aedera

[B][I]please [/I][/B]I need to learn how can I [B]synchronize[/B] between tow [B]MySQL databases [/B]. thanks for everything. mostafa .

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hey Underneith is my code, im having a problem where as when i click the delete button it does what i need it to do (delete a thead) however it also delete the 'title' fields from every other entry in my database ?? this is substantually weird can anyone help …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for AON07

I need help deleting a row from a mysql database using a drop down menu form. i want to be able to just select the category i want to delete and then hit the delete button. For some reason I can not get this to work. I'm also fairly new …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for briandouglas

Hi everyone! Unexpected situation. Is there a setting in MySQL that permits a record to be output to the requesting page even though one of the two value pairs is incorrect? And if so, can it be changed? Here's the problem: I have attached a querystring to a URL. It …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for trick

Hi everyone. I am totally new in MySQL and I am wondering if you could guide me. I am to make a simple company database (name, salary, age, etc) using three programs: DevC++, Glade 2 and Xampp, wherein a user could add, serach, delete entries. I can't seem to find …

Member Avatar for steveissuperman

I've got this site that I've been working on that functions very similar to Digg/Reddit. Users submit headlines and the rest of the community either upvotes or downvotes them. Right now I'm just setting a cookie every time a user votes on a story, but this only lasts for awhile, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for threebluIdboys

As I have previously mentioned in another thread mysql and php are new concepts to me and currently I am having many problems. My question is a recommended setup. Can you please tell me about your current setup for working with mysql and php. I have read several things that …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for babydolphin

i'm trying to display the data from one particular table. everything seem to run fine. but not the data from the table. Please advise, anyone. Codes is as below: [code=php] <?php include ("login.php"); $query = "select * from news"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(!$result) { die("could not query the database: <br>" …

Member Avatar for babydolphin
Member Avatar for cy163

Hi ALL, The project we're working on is a document retrieval system. Two kinds of Features for each document in a repository are extracted as described in table-1 and table-2. Table1 DocID Word LocationName PersonName Freq 1 Book N N 9 1 Study N N 3 2 Work N N …

Member Avatar for cy163

Hello ALL, I am new to MySQl. I am using MySQL ver 5.1.28 I have got two questions. (1) Can I make a user-defined function return a tabular result.(say, a list of person name) (2) Can I call the function in a select statement, like [CODE] SELECT * FROM Employee_List …

Member Avatar for 3DProf4online

The situation is the following I used phpmyadmin 2.11.5 on localhost when creating databases, but I have phpmyadmin 2.11.6 installed on my hosting account. I am planning to upload databases to hosting really soon and I have some questions about uploading databases to hosting. Can phpmyadmin version difference cause any …

Member Avatar for brianlevine
Member Avatar for k2k

would anybody please point out what is wrong with the "order table" .. i spent hours and can't figure it out why this simple table won't work. i appreciate it. [code] CREATE TABLE customer( cid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, fn VARCHAR(10), ln VARCHAR(10), phone VARCHAR(15)); CREATE TABLE address( …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for twmprys

Yes, I know this is a common one, but I've inserted images in a database and can't for the life of me get them to display. And before anyone suggests I shouldn't do it, they are only small pictures and a maximum of four. I am currently using two pages …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for ashercharles

hai i have a page where i there is a single drop down box after the user finishes his selection the content of the selection should be returned on the same page to tell the user what he has selected........

Member Avatar for kburb23
Member Avatar for joelogs

i was trying out how to configure manually postgreSQL and mySQL database servers into Apache with php as a module. luckily i was successful in configuring those things. however, to have better management on mySQL databases in tried to install and configure phpMyAdmin. but i always encounter error (attached image …

Member Avatar for joelogs
Member Avatar for therealme2006

Ok - so I have what should be a simple pull into an array for display in a form - however, I am getting this error: Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in ...Database.php5 on line 30 Basically, the function is built in Database.php5 [code=php]function …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for whitey bear

Hello. I've been banging my head against the wall with this problem and am lost as to how to work it. I have two tables headlines comments The primary key of the [B]headlines[/B] table is HID, and this value is placed by hidden field into the form to submit comments. …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for krauz2

I just created a sql database through my host server. I also created a user with a pass word for that. How do I link that to my dreamweaver site? Thanks for any help.

Member Avatar for techbongo

The End.