10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for cy163

Hello ALL The project we're working on is a document retrieval system I have 3 tables as follows. Table 1 contains words from a example doc. Table 2 contains words from documents in a database. Table3 contain only one column ‘DocID’. I would like to search the database to find …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for hbmarar

Hi to xperts here, I do not know how to update with the follwing requirement [code]$score_update_query = "UPDATE participation_score SET score_last_update = '$date' , score = (IFNULL((SELECT avg(score)*0.8 FROM entity_score WHERE entity_score.contributor_id = contributor.contributor_id) , 4) + IFNULL((select participation_score*2 from participation_score where participation_score.contributor_id = contributor.contributor_id), 1) ) WHERE participation_score.user_id is …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for mr-cracker

hi everyone i think this is common problem among many, i'm getting this message when try to open ssh shell using cpanel "For security reasons, shell access is not enabled by default. In order to activate shell access on your account, you will have to contact your server administrator" i …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for liquoriser21

Hi ppl! Im using a java servlet to access a mysql 5.x database, BUT when I run the servelt from my web browser I get this error : "No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/spacemandb?User=root&Password=admin " I have intsalled all the necessary drivers viz mysql driver and it is working. here …

Member Avatar for liquoriser21
Member Avatar for peter_budo

I was under impression that declaration of [icode]char(4)[/icode] can store only values of [B]exact length[/B] of 4 characters. However I was able to insert empty string and strings of less characters than 4. Is there some datatype that will only accept string of declared length? Strings with less characters should …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for bornok15

Im trying to connect from windows xp using my program using odbc connector and SQLyog to a mysql server which is installed in windows 2000 server.. i keep on getting the same error.. i tried to use wamp server also but i was not able to connect at all.. i …

Member Avatar for bornok15
Member Avatar for cy163

Hi all, THere is no intersect statement in MySQL. I figure out a workaround as shown below. However, I am not sure if it is correct or not. Please help. [code] SELECT * FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT col1 FROM t1 WHERE... UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT col1 FROM t1 WHERE... ) …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for evios

Hi everyone, how can i get the updated number of rows from MySQL? Because i need the syntax to do the calculations on the number of inputs, thanks....

Member Avatar for bruce2424
Member Avatar for jsully1

I am taking a web design and development class and we have been thrown into MySQL along with java without much knowledge beforehand. Was wondering if anyone could help me with understanding how to query the database and update entries, as I am confused on how to accomplish this. I …

Member Avatar for jsully1
Member Avatar for idbgy

Hi, I'm new to Perl but I'd like to know more. For this purpose I downloaded the ActivePerl- .msi package and installed it on my computer OS XP Home. Xitami, PHP, MySQL were already installed, and PHP can connect to MySQL. Now I run the following code from the command …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for psycho007

Hi All I was wondering if somebody could help me as this is driving me crazy. I am trying to send an array from a mysql_fetch_array result to a seporate table. I have the following code: [code=php] include("config.php"); $result7 = mysql_query("SELECT * from order_total"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result7)) { $test = …

Member Avatar for psycho007
Member Avatar for mangel.murti
Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for psycho007

Hi there I was wondering if anybody knew how to change the below code (which currently defaults to a MS Access database) to a mysql database. The below code is apart of a Caller ID software [code=vb6] Private Sub OpenDataBase() Set fo = New FileSystemObject Set wrk = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", …

Member Avatar for psycho007
Member Avatar for queenc

hi i am using db layer foor all my quries.i want to know how to use mysql_num_rows in dblayer thanks in advance

Member Avatar for jack239
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hello all, greetings! I have been playing with DB, seom time ago and want to resume soon where i got stuck. I want to make MySQLdb to get working with wxpython GUI. I got stuck on how to attach the tuple I got from select command to series to the …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for psycho007

cut a long story short I have 2 tables, one called orders_total and another called orders_complete. the total_oders table contains rows of what the customer has ordered to eat i.e. colum called 'item' contains the item description colum called 'cost' contains the item cost for example i can sucessfully display …

Member Avatar for psycho007
Member Avatar for macuhail

I am attempting to write a shell script that executes a query on a mysql database. It seems to run fine in the mysql panel, but not in the script. The code is: mysql -u username -ppassword -e 'delete from table where forumid = 25 and replace (title, ' ', …

Member Avatar for macuhail
Member Avatar for cy163

Hello ALL, I did the following query. the EXPLAIN result showed 'NULL' in the 'key' colume, meaning that NONE of indexes have been used. However, indexes have been created on Name fields for both tb1 and tb2. I wonder why MySQL does not use the indexes to speed up the …

Member Avatar for varmadba
Member Avatar for BhaBy AdiK

i have done making a table in mysql database, i was also able to add data through jsp into the database, i can also delete it but i just don't know how to edit or update the data stored in the database, using jsp...can u please help? just codes or …

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for bz029

What I have done/tried: 1) Download JDBC driver from Centura/Gupta/Unify website. Called and confirmed the JDBC driver is backwards compatable with sqlbase 7.6 2) Put jdbc file into mysql migration toolkit lib directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Tools for 5.0\java\lib\SQLBaseJDBC.jar 3) Open MySQL Migration Manager, configure: - source database Database System: Generic …

Member Avatar for muthu raj

what is the Major difference between Oracle,Sql Server,Mysql?WHat can do in ORACLE,SQl SERVER,MY SQL?what can't do in ORACLE,SQl SERVER,MY SQL? it is my big Doubt in DB.

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for jsully1

I am taking a web design and development class and we have been thrown into MySQL along with java without much knowledge beforehand. Was wondering if anyone could help me with understanding how to query the database and update entries, as I am confused on how to accomplish this. I …

Member Avatar for jsully1
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I need to find out the term for two different query types. I know that we name queries as PL/SQL stored in the database and called in web pages like view, str.proc. What do we call queries used in web pages as a string and send to dabase to …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for onlinesynch

The [B][URL="http://www.onlinesynchronization.com/mysql_synchronization.html"]Synchronization [/URL][/B]Manager enables one to set up data synchronization scenarios from one MaxDB to one or several MaxDB servers. The Synchronization Manager uses the standardized XML-RPC to enable asynchronous data transfer. An easy-to-use GUI is also included to simplify the definition of the synchronization scenarios. The new tool also …

Member Avatar for 123468743867143

[B][U]Question:[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]How to pull info from MySQL to populate title tag?[/COLOR] [U][B]Current code:[/B][/U] Include/common.inc.php <title><? echo PAGE_TITLE; ?></title> ________________________________________ Individual pages <? include("include/common.inc.php"); define ("PAGE_TITLE", "Blablablablablabla"); ETC ECT ETC ETC ... ________________________________________ I want to customize further the PAGE_TITLE in the file details.php ([url]www.mysite.com/details.php?listid=[/url]... ) to reflect information taken from …

Member Avatar for humbug
Member Avatar for jackakos

I am trying to query a table where at least three conditions have to be met and then the outcome stored in an array and printed into a table. I tried with the code, but I am having problems setting the conditional query and would be happy with an assistance …

Member Avatar for jackakos
Member Avatar for kiranpvsr

Hey, I have installed Mysql and launched it from command line using cd Mysql/bin/mysql. I want to now how to give user credentials as soon as it opens. Also, is there any default username by which it opens. I ask this because, without logging in I'm able to run all …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for bapak

i'm using vb.net 2005 express + mysql connector to connect to mysql database. i want to save image into mysql database. so i've created a table with img field as longblob. to save the image, first i convert it into byte() and then insert into the table. the problem is …

Member Avatar for moquitto
Member Avatar for elearner

I am creating a website to load images by registered members. I created a database for registration details and thats working fine (still few errors). But now my issue is to upload images into database. i tried different ways still i am unable even to load data into database. Anyone …

Member Avatar for elearner
Member Avatar for gmaster1440

Code: [CODE]<?php define( "DATABASE_SERVER", "blah" ); define( "DATABASE_USERNAME", "blah" ); define( "DATABASE_PASSWORD", "blah" ); define( "DATABASE_NAME", "blah" ); //connect to the database $mysql = mysql_connect(DATABASE_SERVER, DATABASE_USERNAME, DATABASE_PASSWORD) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db( DATABASE_NAME ); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `users`'; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die ('Error: '.mysql_error ()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { …

Member Avatar for somedude3488

The End.