10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for digidreams

Hello All, Can anyone help me how to insert html code in mysql database coloumn and also how to change the var char to 1000, for now it is 100. Please help me out thanks 7 regards Raj

Member Avatar for indianrock9
Member Avatar for egmik3

Hi, I am in the process of grabbing information from a mysql database. I need to just grab the date that was imported from the xml sheet. Is there any commands that can just grab information listed below: [code]...<expiration-date>2040-12-1</expiration-date>...[/code] This is located in between all the other information from the …

Member Avatar for egmik3
Member Avatar for indianrock9

Hi all, I using PHP & MySql. Here's the situation: 1. I have a website which is a meeting place for employees & employers. Employees can sign up for an account & select the skills they have. These skills list will be shown on their resume. I have an array …

Member Avatar for indianrock9
Member Avatar for spare

Hello, About a week ago, I created a new DB (e...), put it on the server and edited. [B]ALL FINE THERE [/B] However, certain tables with the [I]same names[/I] on a [I]different DB[/I] (f...), on the [I]same hosting account [/I]were over written with the information from DB e.. [LIST] [*]The …

Member Avatar for Achupa

Hi, I have this problem to solve [quote]Create a set of tables to store data for an address book (contact) application. Bare in mind the following design criteria. * The application will be used by multiple people so the database should also store a list of users. * The people …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for rexmont

Hello all, lets say i have a table like this which has 3 columns and 3 rows; -----------------------------------------------------------+ COLUMN_A.....|.....COLUMN_B.....|...COLUMN_C | .........X............|...........X............. |.........X...........| .........X............|...........-...............|.........X...........| ..........-............|...........-...............|.........X...........| -----------------------------------------------------------+ So, now i have an input like; (user submits a form) ----------------------------------------------------+ ......X............|...........X............|..........-.......| ----------------------------------------------------+ now; the first column of row#1 is X so it is …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for CodeBoy101

Hi I'm having trouble with a subquery and really need some help. I'm trying to count to count the number of beats sold by a particular producer. So the first thing I did was SELECT all the beats sold by that producer so I wrote the code [CODE] select name, …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for Blackeagle

Hello, i'm working on netbeans and want to access my database using this code: [CODE=java] import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class connect { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("error \n"); …

Member Avatar for Blackeagle
Member Avatar for Tom Tolleson

Hi! I've got a table of, let's say, widgets. Each has a unique id (primary key) and a few other attributes such as widgetid (unique, number) widget_name (string) widget_price (varchar) widget_color (string) BUT, for each widget, I also want to list other widgets (that are listed in the same table) …

Member Avatar for Tom Tolleson
Member Avatar for escolta

i get an excel report each month, There are two columns (person`s name and Salary) in this month report there was 99 persons. my question is , if in next month excel report there are less persons...say 75, and also 23 persons raised their salary.. how can i updatae this …

Member Avatar for ss.jagadish
Member Avatar for ksanthoshmail
Member Avatar for justted

Hello everyone, I am setting up a section of coding in which I need to add and subtract certain values to a mysql field. However ...the code only seems to add negative numbers (-13.0) as a postive number to the database and its really confusing me now! :( What I …

Member Avatar for justted
Member Avatar for vishalsingwall

Hi, This is urgent if any one could please help me resolve the stated issue....... I know how to create cursors in ProC* and how to manipulate them. But I have to do it with a combination of C and MySql. Can any one guide me as to how the …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi

Hello all, For creating dynamic title tags, I tried using [code=php] <title>welcome<?php echo '$pagetitle';?></title> </head> <body> : : <?php : $pagetitle = '$row[2]'; ?> //closing rest of the tags. [/code] I get nothing displayed on title ! So i changed the code to, [code=php] <html> <head> </head> <body> : : …

Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi
Member Avatar for BillyMako

I need to get the 'customers_info_date_account_created' from the 'customers_info' table where the field 'customers_info_id' matches with the field 'customers_id' in the following query: [code=sql]SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customers_id NOT IN( SELECT customers_id FROM orders )[/code] I basically have all the information in columns from the query and need an …

Member Avatar for BillyMako
Member Avatar for webdude12

I have a PHP script I am trying to convert to PERL and need some help. Here is the code in PHP [code] $store_list_name = $prod[10]; $category = $prod[11]; $sub_category = $prod[12]; $searchfor = $store_list_name . "->" . $category . "->" . $sub_category; $getcat = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE …

Member Avatar for chrisranjana
Member Avatar for balakrishnan.kb

hi all how to run the multiple sql statements same time in mysql querybrowser? for example i am write two sql statements, i want run the second statements in mysql query browser, how to terminate the first statement thanks

Member Avatar for varmadba
Member Avatar for tucksterble

Hello everyone. I've just signed up to 1 years hosting with Uk based Fasthosts. They provide support for Python scripting and a free 150MB MySQL database on their Linux package. My problem is that they don't seem to have the MySQLdb module installed. Is there any way I can get …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for BillyMako

What i want to do is display all the customers data which is in the 'customers' table where their 'customers_id' is NOT IN the 'customers_id' field in the 'orders' table. I hope i made sense! Thanks, Billy

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for parhs

Hello.. I couldnt find anything for this topic. I know how to connect to a mysql database and close the connection.But that means that for every script a connection should be established and closed. Is this right and ok for big projects? About 200 concurrent users for example; Having a …

Member Avatar for pkpandit
Member Avatar for etc123

I'm quite knowledgeable with T-SQL and know a little VFP. I would like to code what I think would be a very simple program. I have an excel spreadsheet that has two columns, a date column and a system code column. One of the applications that I use on a …

Member Avatar for etc123
Member Avatar for idbgy

Hi all, I am using MS Windows SP2. I should like to share my positive and negative experience with the PPM (Perl Package Manager) with the community. For a reason I uninstalled Perl from my computer and installed again. After installation only DBI was present, and for Mysql the DBD::mysql …

Member Avatar for idbgy
Member Avatar for CodeBoy101

Hi, I was wondering how I would enter something like a paragraph in MySQL if you declared it as type TEXT. So how would I enter something like: [COLOR="Red"] John 3:16 (New International Version) 16" For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for hbmarar

Hi, For 2 lakh records, this works well but when the total number of queries is more than 5 lakh it does not . Actually i have 64 lakh records to work with and this gets forever. [code=sql]UPDATE tmp_yk_contributor set score_last_update = '$date' , ykscore = (IFNULL((select avg(score)*0.8 from yk_entity_score …

Member Avatar for varmadba
Member Avatar for hbmarar

hi experts, Is it possible that i could get the 3 queries made into one single query.Any help could make me understand and correct myelf in better queries. Each query is taking long time and sometimes the first query crashes , with > show processlist showing status as 'copying to …

Member Avatar for varmadba
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi all, i have a auto suggestion box which displays countries when we type [B]a[/B] it will display all countries starting with letter [B]a[/B] like alaska,australia etc...,but i want to display every name which has letter [B]a[/B] in names like [B]a[/B]ustr[B]a[/B]li[B]a[/B],indi[B]a[/B], etc...

Member Avatar for varmadba
Member Avatar for filch

OK .. I was migrating an application from a staging server where the MySQL version is 4.1.10a to a live server where the MySQL version is 5.0.45. There apparently is quite a difference between query syntax on one versus the other. For example, in version 4, this worked: [CODE]SELECT uas.usr_id_users, …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for mece

I am attempting to input data from a log file into a database with tables for each network device. The table name is set via a parameter for the function. The script crashes after running stating the table name does not exist. If the actual table name (routerA) is listed …

Member Avatar for mece
Member Avatar for almualim
Member Avatar for PomonaGrange
Member Avatar for dragonflyuk

I have 2 tables with the basic structure town, latitude, longitude postcode, latitude, longitude where latitude and longitude are both floats, and the town and postcode are just descriptive text. I want a query that will display the closest postcode to each town, is it possible?


The End.