10,938 Topics

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Member Avatar for CodeBoy101

I was wondering how do you countdown to a given date, like for and enevnt or something. Let's say you know the target date is let's say Christmas and you have the current date, how do I calculate how many days are between them?

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Member Avatar for hbmarar

Hi , Wishes! I am doing a iterative calculation and in the last iteration, i update few of my tables. What i am trying to do is , make this update more perfect. Is it possible for me to do updates in small steps with using LIMIT. i do not …

Member Avatar for hbmarar
Member Avatar for filch

OK, now that I managed to insert data properly into a relational database using a linking table, I am now faced with pulling the data properly out of the database, a displaying it so it makes sense. As a recap, I have inserted user data into a data base that …

Member Avatar for filch
Member Avatar for igeek

I'm working on a web app in which each user will have their own account. Each account would have its own data (duh) and this data needs to be kept separate from everyone else (either by putting it in another database JUST for that user or combining all data into …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for dottomm

Hi, Thanks in advance for any help someone could offer. I'm trying to display a list of stories submitted to my site from a table titled stories, the name of the person who submitted the story and how many comments about the story have been posted. I'm working with three …

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Member Avatar for stealthmode

Sorry all, this is probably an asked question already, but can't seem to find it. I have designed and uploaded a website for a company. Static pages (3) with a simple form using php to direct the form to one of the companies e-mails. I now need a members log-in …

Member Avatar for stealthmode
Member Avatar for Farismkhalid

hello guys, i know all of you are gurus at this as for i am a rookie, i am currently using MySQL 2000 and i would like to retreive information from the database from a certain table via an HTML website what are the scripts that i could run to …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for 123468743867143

[B][U]Question:[/U][/B] How to replace %20 characters in URL with a dash (-) when the information is coming from a MySQL db? Code:[B][COLOR="Red"] href='details.php?listid=$record[listingid]&title=$record[title][/COLOR][/B] It currently reads: [B][COLOR="Green"]http://www.mysite.com/details.php?listid=800&title=970%20South%20Bald%20Head%20Wynd[/COLOR][/B] It should read: [COLOR="green"][B][url]http://www.mysite.com/details.php?listid=800&title=970-South-Bald-Head-Wynd[/url][/B][/COLOR] I want to keep the title words for SEO purpose unless you think it is useless?? Thank you - …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for rouse

I am new to MySQL and did not notice this before. In order to get the query to work I have to use two different quote marks. Notice that the single quotes on the left where I list the column names are from the keyboard key with the tilde `~ …

Member Avatar for rouse
Member Avatar for seacaptdon

I am using the following PHP redirect script for a non-profit website, but because the blocked IP list keeps getting longer and longer, I want to pull the IP information from a simple mysql database that lists only IP addresses that have been blocked. I have tried several different combinations …

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Member Avatar for hbmarar

Hi, I wanted to make use of a algorithm script for computing scores nd though i started doing it with a single database, i after testing script, decided to get a master and score databases both having same tables and data. I imported 2.5 GB of data dump to both …

Member Avatar for hbmarar
Member Avatar for adam291086

I am trying to create an authentication script. I am trying to use the PASSWORD function within Mysql but it wont work. Any ideas [CODE] #!/usr/bin/python # e begoli, python connector for mysql # import MySQL module import MySQLdb import cgi print "Content-type: text/html\n" # connection db = MySQLdb.connect(host = …

Member Avatar for adam291086
Member Avatar for eagled2

First off i'm not sure if this post goes in mysql or php so if this is the wrong place please move this post for me. I am setting up a page with a list of commands that are pulled from a mysql database. I have the page that displays …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for enim213

hi guys! i am enim, i usually post thread in PHP and i guess its my first time here in mysql.. i have problem regarding the total count of the terminatecause.. i need the count of ANSWERED calls only and the total count of all calls.. can i do this …

Member Avatar for 123468743867143

Good morning everyone, Is there a way to find out [B]how many MySQL connections are on a particular page[/B]? I am limited to 50 db connections (MySQL+Linux shared server). It seems that my site cannot handle more than two people at once. I have been told by my hosting provider …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for filch

Ok ... after receiving some great help and education as to how to design a relational database, I went on to try and create the front end for one. I am learning here so bear with me. To put this into context, so you know, I am using DreamWeaver and …

Member Avatar for filch
Member Avatar for MxDev

hi guys, is it possible to distribute a mysql database and java application together without need the server to run the database from, is there's a way around to make this happen?? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for genoinchina

Hi there, please can someone help me with this. I have a VARchar field for NAMES and I need it order numbers correcly and I cant seem to work out the right SQL systax. My sql is this [CODE] SQL = SQL & " Select Distinct" & vbCrLf SQL = …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for kyriakos70

Hello, I have a master/detail table, in the detail I have a filed payment and another field sum_payment, all I want is when a new record is inserting the values of the field payment to displayed in the field sum_payment. I tried default value but nothing supports this, also tried …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for master_m

Hi I am trying to get my dreamweaver cs3 to get connected to mysql. But I got this error "your php server doesn't have the mysql module loaded or you can't use the mysql(p)connect functions" I have configure php.ini and the environment setting. extension....mysql.dll extension...mysqli.dll Previously I have install xampp …

Member Avatar for master_m
Member Avatar for darjana

Greetings, I have the following code [CODE] <? include("conn.php"); $sn=$_GET["sn"]; $sql="select * from kpi where no='$sn'"; $result=mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $sn=$row['id']; $no=$row['no']; $pdetails=$row['pdetails']; $kpistatus=$row['kpistatus']; $status=$row['status']; $cols=$row['cols']; $rows=$row['rows']; } ?> <form name="form1" method="post" action="formsubmit.php?mode=addtable"> <table width="100%" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><strong>Add Table</strong></td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>NO</td> <td><input name="no" …

Member Avatar for c3057788

Hi all, I've been given a project to design/build a distributed database on a small parallel cluster. I have plenty of experience with mysql but none with distributed databases. I've been searching information all over the net, but haven't located much on actually building a distributed DB. Can somebody point …

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Member Avatar for JasonDFR

Hello all. Thanks for the help! Two tables: Table `posts` holds 'p_id', 'post', 'u_id' Table `users_profile` holds 'u_id', 'profile_key', 'value' How do I return [U]one[/U] row for each 'p_id' that includes all the information in the `posts` table as well as the information in the `users_profile` table WHERE `posts`.`u_id` = …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for jsully1

I am using Tomcat as a server to work on a servlet that need to access a database and I need to use CachedRowSet, but I cannot seem to connect to the database correctly. Currently I have [code] public class FaqListingServlet extends HttpServlet { private CachedRowSetImpl cachedRowSet; // set up …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for zyaday

I'm a nubbie network administrator in my office, a couple of guys installed a mysql server, deployed a database(along with it) and also an application program that accesses data from the mysql server. I can ,using sqlog, log using a specific username, pwd, port number, servername(here i use localhost) . …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for kiel19

Hi, I have finished creating interfaces for my site but I don't know to connect them to my database that I created using mysql. How can it be done to support: 1. Inserting data into the database 2. Deleting data from the database 3. Applying the login feature on the …

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Member Avatar for siriyal
Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for moerpheus

hi guys, I want to create my own PHP, MySQL forum for my website. Please can anybody give me or direct me to a website where I could get the source code. Thanking you in advance

Member Avatar for martin5211
Member Avatar for ocbphoto

I am trying to build a refine search like this one, [URL="http://www.k-tech.uk.com/store.php?category_id=5&offroad=1&manufacturer_id=&model_id=&Submit=Go"]http://www.k-tech.uk.com/store.php?category_id=5&offroad=1&manufacturer_id=&model_id=&Submit=Go[/URL] My search is smaller that the link above, i have only 3 products and each product has his own page, i ned to run a search for MAKE, MODEL, YEAR and depending on this values i need to …

Member Avatar for K.Vanlalliana

Hi, If you are interest in using MySQL as your back end database, here is one way to connect: By using ODBC: 'Declare ADODB variable Public ConnectData As New ADODB.Connection Set ConnectData = New ADODB.Connection ConnectData.Open "DSN=MySQL_ODBC" If you want to use MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver , You can write …

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The End.