I am using the following PHP redirect script for a non-profit website, but because the blocked IP list keeps getting longer and longer, I want to pull the IP information from a simple mysql database that lists only IP addresses that have been blocked. I have tried several different combinations but cannot get them to work. I have an _include.connection.php that works well. The database is maintained using an admin page so adding the IP addresses to the database is no problem. Thanks for any suggestions and help.
// the list of banned IPs, including partial IP addresses
$iplist = array("82.128.","","","","");
$ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); // get the visitors IP address
// echo "$ip";
$found = false;
foreach ($iplist as $value) { // scan the list
if (strpos($ip, $value) === 0){
$found = true;
if ($found == true) {
echo "top.location = \access_denied.php\";\n"; // page to divert to