Would you please send me a code for importing records in an Excel worksheet into my Asp Application database.

Your earliest response is higly appreciated. Thanking you in advance.

does this need to be done regularly or is it a once off? if it is once off then what you could do is create a csv (comma deliminated doc) and import it into your database. i am not too sure if it is possible to get asp to do it automaticaly.

Your best option is always to use the built in import/export functionality that already exists and nearly all database systems. If for some odd reason this is not an option for you, you can connect to an Excel spreadsheet and read the rows of data just like you would any other database. Your DSN-less conenction string would be similar to :

"Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DriverId=790;Dbq=" & Server.mappath("./YourSheet.xls") & ";UID=admin;"

Just loop through the recordset, grab the values, then insert them into another db.

i thought about it, makes sense if the excel doc is in proper format. no cell merges. the excel document would have to be uploaded to the server first, also the server would need to have the excel driver installed (don't think it is preintalled????

The Excel driver is installed as part of MDAC, which should come pre-loaded on all Windows servers.

that was fast. ok sorry wasnt sure, thought it came with excel / office.

Your best option is always to use the built in import/export functionality that already exists and nearly all database systems. If for some odd reason this is not an option for you, you can connect to an Excel spreadsheet and read the rows of data just like you would any other database. Your DSN-less conenction string would be similar to :

"Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DriverId=790;Dbq=" & Server.mappath("./YourSheet.xls") & ";UID=admin;"

Just loop through the recordset, grab the values, then insert them into another db.

Hi William,

I didn't get exactly the reply u have posted. Could you please eloborate the same and explain us in detailed manner as i am also having the same type of requiremnt and struggling for the same from past long time..Thanks much in advance for your time


Would you please send me a code for importing records in an Excel worksheet into my Asp Application database.

Your earliest response is higly appreciated. Thanking you in advance.


The same type of requirement i have with my project. Please anybody help us in this regards at the earliest.


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