10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for dharam_05

What are the main differences between trancate and Delete? And is "select" command is DML or DDL?

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for Easter Bunny

i have a small app that reads a forecourt program's database. i want to get the current shift's info from that and display/print it out. SELECT name, liters, amount FROM salemast ORDER BY name the above statement was my first idea, but that didn't add them. just got a long …

Member Avatar for Easter Bunny
Member Avatar for chennaiaras

Hi How to start mysql with binlog option enabled in windows. thanks in advance awaiting your reply regards aras

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, I want to know how can you connect to multiple tables at a time. I need one table to validate the username and pasword. I need another table to show his details. Please Give Some suggestions(I am using php and MySQL)

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for johnwayne77

hello! i'm implementing an e-commerce system to distribute key codes. right now i'm thinking of a sql syntax to do the following: i have a table: orders here i have the orders_id field (unique for each order placed) with this orders_id field there may be more than one products ordered …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for openhash

I have two tables Organisation and Employee having one to many relation i.e one organisation can have multiple employees. Now I want to select all information of a particular organisation plus first name of all employees for this organisation. What’s the best way to do it? Can I get all …

Member Avatar for varmadba
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, I've heard that SQL Injection is one of the most common tool that the hackers use to hack a web application. Can anyone please give me a brief overview of what SQL Injection is or any webpages that I can refer to. Thanks

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for Maxine

I am currently working on a program that should update mysql database online at an interval of an hour automatically. The user on the other side should be able to download the information in the database for use in his/her local machine. I am stuck in the process, I now …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for Punkis448

Hi all, I have a problem with my php and mysql project. I use an auctions software, named phpauction for my project. I import into my database with utf8 encodingm and I can see the greek letters inside the fields. The problem is that when i go to the site …

Member Avatar for Punkis448
Member Avatar for justted

Hello, I have set up a photo gallery and would like to resize the width for each photo displayed! However, I cant seem to get the coding right! Here is the snippet of code: [CODE] //Outputs the image and other data Echo "<img src=/photos/".$info['photo'] 'width=200' . "> <br>"; Echo "<b>Description:</b> …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for bear24

Hi all, I am currently doing on this project and i am struck at this section - which is deleting multiple rows from mysql with checkbox. The code i am using is [CODE]<?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password="root"; // Mysql password $db_name="advert"; // Database name $tbl_name="test_mysql"; …

Member Avatar for bear24
Member Avatar for katiiiii

dear all, i have 2 tables with no common column. and i wanna add the columns of the second table to the first. but when i use the below command a cartesian product happens! [code=sql]select column1,column2,column3,column4 from table1,table2 [/code] but i want the number of rows be fixed. so i …

Member Avatar for varmadba
Member Avatar for NLCGraphics

Hello again, I'm having a problem and don't know what is causing it. I'm copying from a book. double checked and can't figure out why I'd be getting this error (below in quotes) Link to live view of what is being accomplished (trying to be accomplished) [URL="http://skywardz.com/address_book/addEntry.php"]http://skywardz.com/address_book/addEntry.php[/URL] LINE 87 : …

Member Avatar for NLCGraphics
Member Avatar for ocbphoto

Hi guys, Probably this is something really over discuss but would you be so kind to teach me. I want to store prices on MySQL table, i currently have my Data Type as FLOAT with my prices on the table but it renders only the same number, what is the …

Member Avatar for ocbphoto
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I have a cookie with 5 products. There will be a loop to read one by one and reduce from stock in database for each product. Now, If something goes wrong half way through i want to cancel whole transaction. For example; everything went ok for first 3 products …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for justted

Hello, Im a little bit confused with this piece of coding I have! Im basically trying to add a script I have converted to a web page! The original code was using echo statements which was fine on a separate page but now I want it to be apart of …

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Im Not sure if I have spelled well the DLL file but It is file that comes with MySQL 4 and Now in MySQL 5.1. It is standalone server version of MySQL to embedd in App. Is there anyne who knows how to connect to it and Execute SQL commands …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for vssp

hi friends I need the query , I have stored the ids like this 4,10,12,13,14 in one filed. I need to search the id 4 avaliable in the one filed , how to search the number one single filed? Please advise

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for mattyb15

Hi i'm a newbie to PHP and MySQL. I was wondering if anyone could help me with some code to Add 1 to a number that is assigned to a person in the database. So, the person types their name in a form. Then the form has to find that …

Member Avatar for mattyb15
Member Avatar for vaishalinagare

hi, i'm using LIMIT command in mysql query to retrieve top 9 records but it takes 10-12 min. pl help. thank you in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for NLCGraphics

Hi, again... Can someone help me with the following code: [CODE](LINE 74:) $get_addresses_sql = "SELECT address, city, state, zipcode, type FROM address WHERE master_id ='".$_POST['sel_id']."'"; (LINE 75:) $get_addresses_res = mysqli_fetch_array($mysqli, $get_addresses_sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));[/CODE] it brings up this error: [QUOTE] Notice: Undefined index: sel_id in /hermes/bosweb/web185/b1859/sl.mavedog21/public_html/address_book/selEntry.php on line 74 Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for katiiiii

pleaseeeeeeee hepl meeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! i have 2 tables : time1 (noo integer,days varchar,times varchar,Tindex integer,primary key (noo,Tindex)) timetable1_1(COn integer,coursename varchar,dayss varchar,timess varchar, primary key(COn)) i have created a new table temptime1 and tried to fill it with the rows in time1 which their days and times are not available in timetable1_1 …

Member Avatar for NLCGraphics

Hi, newbie here just been going through the "Sam's Teach Yourself - PHP, MySQL" book. I've retyped the code for viewing records in an address book. My problem is this line appears to have a problem. Does it look correct? [CODE]$get_list_sql = "SELECT id, CONCAT_WS (', ', l_name,f_name) AS display_name …

Member Avatar for NLCGraphics
Member Avatar for edoal

i need some help in making a database....what are need entities in making database such as forums,bulletins and login purposes.... pls repzzzzzzzzzzz

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, MySQL function below is not working. I cant find the mistake. Can you help me? Thanks [code] CREATE FUNCTION testVAT(DECIMAL(4,2)) RETURNS DECIMAL(4,2) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE myVAT DECIMAL; SET myVAT = (myMoney * 0.17); RETURN myVAT; END; [/code]

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for odysseous

Hello, I have two mysql db which contains 23 tables. The problem is that i have merge them in a one db. Is it possible? Thank you!

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for 3DProf4online

Hello guys! The situation is the following - I have some databases on local host and now I am going to upload website to hosting! My friend provided me with some place on his hosting account and now I am going to test a website! Could you please explain how …

Member Avatar for vssp

Hi Friends I am working to draw a graph . I need to get the data monthly, for example JAN total hours FEB total hours , How to write the query get the total values per month? Advance thanks for your reply.

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for justted

Hello, I am trying to show a list of information using a FETCH and WHERE statements. This is my code: [code] $buds = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM buds2 WHERE bud_me = '$userid' AND confirmed= '1'"); $x = 1; while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($buds)) { $buddy = fetch("SELECT display_name,username FROM members2 WHERE id …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for Akilah712

Hi, I am very new to SQL and I am working on a query. I am to use a flat select statement I am to : Print all S#s such that the indicated supplier supplies a London project and also supplies a Paris project There are 3 tables, one with …

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The End.