10,942 Topics
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Hi, again... Can someone help me with the following code: [CODE](LINE 74:) $get_addresses_sql = "SELECT address, city, state, zipcode, type FROM address WHERE master_id ='".$_POST['sel_id']."'"; (LINE 75:) $get_addresses_res = mysqli_fetch_array($mysqli, $get_addresses_sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));[/CODE] it brings up this error: [QUOTE] Notice: Undefined index: sel_id in /hermes/bosweb/web185/b1859/sl.mavedog21/public_html/address_book/selEntry.php on line 74 Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() … | |
pleaseeeeeeee hepl meeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! i have 2 tables : time1 (noo integer,days varchar,times varchar,Tindex integer,primary key (noo,Tindex)) timetable1_1(COn integer,coursename varchar,dayss varchar,timess varchar, primary key(COn)) i have created a new table temptime1 and tried to fill it with the rows in time1 which their days and times are not available in timetable1_1 … | |
Hi, newbie here just been going through the "Sam's Teach Yourself - PHP, MySQL" book. I've retyped the code for viewing records in an address book. My problem is this line appears to have a problem. Does it look correct? [CODE]$get_list_sql = "SELECT id, CONCAT_WS (', ', l_name,f_name) AS display_name … | |
i need some help in making a database....what are need entities in making database such as forums,bulletins and login purposes.... pls repzzzzzzzzzzz | |
Hi, MySQL function below is not working. I cant find the mistake. Can you help me? Thanks [code] CREATE FUNCTION testVAT(DECIMAL(4,2)) RETURNS DECIMAL(4,2) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE myVAT DECIMAL; SET myVAT = (myMoney * 0.17); RETURN myVAT; END; [/code] | |
Hello, I have two mysql db which contains 23 tables. The problem is that i have merge them in a one db. Is it possible? Thank you! | |
Hello guys! The situation is the following - I have some databases on local host and now I am going to upload website to hosting! My friend provided me with some place on his hosting account and now I am going to test a website! Could you please explain how … | |
Hi Friends I am working to draw a graph . I need to get the data monthly, for example JAN total hours FEB total hours , How to write the query get the total values per month? Advance thanks for your reply. | |
Hello, I am trying to show a list of information using a FETCH and WHERE statements. This is my code: [code] $buds = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM buds2 WHERE bud_me = '$userid' AND confirmed= '1'"); $x = 1; while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($buds)) { $buddy = fetch("SELECT display_name,username FROM members2 WHERE id … | |
Hi, I am very new to SQL and I am working on a query. I am to use a flat select statement I am to : Print all S#s such that the indicated supplier supplies a London project and also supplies a Paris project There are 3 tables, one with … | |
Hey Guys, I have the following code, which averages the scores in a select statement and works no problem. [code] SELECT AVG(score) as 'avg' FROM (SELECT d_key_id, frequency, weighting,(frequency*weighting) as 'score' FROM users_to_keywords WHERE s_user_id=$user_id AND d_key_id = $score_key ORDER BY score DESC)a [/code] However, as there are some duplicated … | |
hi, I am trying to replace certain strings in my mysql database. I have addresses such as this: 60 W 23rd St, New York 10010 Btwn 5th & 6th Ave I would like to get rid off all the words starting from New York including the comma before the word … | |
Hi guys, I'm new to ASP.NET and MySQL. I've worked with Microsoft Access for a while (6 months or so) so I have an understanding on how databases work. However, now I am trying to create a website with ASP.NET 3.5 and MySQL. So far I've been able to get … | |
Does mysql_real_escape_string() escape HTML character entities? I want people on my comment board to be able to post quotes in their comments, but they get escaped as raw ascii, so I run them through htmlentities() first, but it doesn't help. I only get it to work when I remove mysql_real_escape_string(), … | |
Hey. I'm trying to make an activation script for a website, but for some reason my sql query is giving me errors. [CODE] $sql = 'UPDATE user SET active = 1 WHERE (password = "$_GET['hash']") AND (timestamp = ".base64_decode($_GET['stamp'].")'; $result = mysql_query ($sql) or die (mysql_error()); if( mysql_num_rows($result)==1 ) { … | |
Hello everyone. I know this is a C++ forum not MySQL forum but I need help with the C++ library for MySQL I am hoping that there will be people here who are knowledgeable about MySQL++. My problem is that I can't get the g++ compile to link to the … | |
Hi all, Im very New to My SQL and have done alot of googling and simple studies. I have two Questions: 1. Where can I start with Complete no knowledge of MySQL and databases in general (though i know a little) 2. I have tried to play with MySQL for … | |
[CODE] CREATE TABLE `categ` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `categ` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=8 ; INSERT INTO `categ` (`id`, `categ`) VALUES (1, 'General'), (2, 'Politica'), (3, 'Sport'), (4, 'International'), (5, 'Cultura'), (6, 'Hitech'), (7, 'Showbizz');[/CODE] [CODE] CREATE TABLE `ziare` … | |
I will explain... I downloaded `"mysql-5.0.45-win-src.tar.gz"` from Mysql download area.I tried to built Mysql.sln inside that,but i am getting errors(about 58) like Error 149 fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '..\zlib\release\zlib.lib' mysql_upgrade Error 319 error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Custom Build Step" mysqld Error … | |
Hello all! I have a few questions about putting images into the database. I have chosen to put the images on my server and then the location will be put in the database, instead of doing the blog thing. However, I am having a hard time trying to figure out … | |
In MySQL 5.1, I am using a table that has 3 integer fields a,b and c. I need a create a trigger that will UPDATE field c with the results of field a-b. ANy help would be appreciated. | |
Hello all, I have a fairly good grasp on how to design a database (took a couple courses on it) but I'm not sure how to set up a database for use with a website. My plan is to develop the website with ASP.NET and MySQL. The website will have … | |
hey guys, i am using XAMPP and i want to take the back up of my database. Please give some suggestions | |
Has anyone been able to compile the lib files using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express compiler? I downloaded and installed MySQL 5.0 Server yesterday, then downloaded MySQL++ source. Attempted to compile and got a bunch of link errors. I used dumpbin.exe to get a list of all the symbols in … | |
hey guys, i have made a database which has two fields namely username and password. Now when the user enters the password, i want that the password should be stored in encrypted form in the database so that the admin cannot see the password. Please give some suggestions. | |
Can someone please give me a brief overview of MySQL. It's advantages,disadvantages,security and other features. Thanks. | |
Hello all! I have been told for many reasons that when a user wants to end their account on a website, that you shouldn't delete the user out of the database for awhile. So if I need their information to be off the Internet, but still remain in the database, … | |
Hi i was making this code so I could connect to my server and run a database: [code=php]<?php mysql_connect("localhost","root", "samiscool"); mysql_select_db("test_db"); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM test_table"); while ($rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($sq1)) ( var_dump ($rows) ) ?>[/code] and this eror message came up "supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result … | |
i changed my password in mysql using the mysql server instance config wizard from the start menu. once i changed it, the access is denied to view all the database in phpMyAdmin.. #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) - this error appeared in the screen. i … | |
hai i am sridar in my project there is a database it is created by msaccess and at present i am using mysql database by vb.net coding by clicking the button i want to download a datas from msaccess database to my sql please any one help me my mail … |
The End.