10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for kwesiaryee

:S Hi, I am terribly stuck with this code. It is suposed to upload my images to the mysql database with the foreign key(property_id). At first it worked, then later started giving serious errors where the web page could not load. I am lost. Can any one help me, solve …

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hello there! I greet you all, I have a question on Database. First of all I'm completely new In Database realm and know a little . Just definition and little about it. Can anyone tell me how to do database programming (Specifically MySQL) in both server and embeded sever mode, …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for lonewatcher

Hi all... Let's say that I have a database with two tables: departments (dep_id, dep_name) & employees (emp_id, emp_name, dep_id). I need to select the departments that have the employees with ids 10 AND 20. How do I do that with SQL? Note: The following is NOT what I want: …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for shaikh_mshariq

Hi EveryOne, I am working on 5.1.18 mysql community edition. It has a large number of records. I wanted to create an event to handle some particular tasks regularly. So I googled and found that i would have to set a global variable event_schedular=ON. So I have run following command: …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hello there! I greet you all, I have a question on Database. First of all I'm completely new In Database realm and know a little . Just definition and little about it. Can anyone tell me how to do database programming (Specifically MySQL) in both server and embeded sever mode, …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hello there! I greet you all, I have a question on Database. First of all I'm completely new In Database realm and know a little . Just definition and little about it. Can anyone tell me how to do database programming (Specifically MySQL) in both server and embeded sever mode, …

Member Avatar for ndeniche

k... so, here's the thing... I'm creating a User's Interface to insert some data into a database, and there are some fields that have foreign keys to other tables, which i have listed in a [ICODE]<SELECT>[/ICODE] form, so the user would just select the vlue from a list instead of …

Member Avatar for shaikh_mshariq
Member Avatar for Asiima

Can any one help me. I trying to develop an e-mail system for an intranet but i dont know where to start from. Am using WAMP SERVER. Thanks

Member Avatar for PoA
Member Avatar for ashziz

I am using phpbb forum and tried to link the forum from index page of website by including php files that contain following code: [code=php] <?php include("config.php"); $result = mysql_query("select * from phpbb_topics WHERE forum_id = 5 ORDER BY topic_id DESC LIMIT 0,10"); while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $topic=$r["topic_title"]; $link=$r["topic_id"]; echo "&raquo;"; echo …

Member Avatar for bennymartinson
Member Avatar for mouryan3108

Hello members i am developing an application where user registers and uploads music files to server and if je wishes listens to music present in the portal............problem is this is my first to this type of application.........please any one help me ............. please guide me how to upload audio files …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for gauthampdas

I have to copy a file into MySQL database as a Blob. I tried it using 2 methods. [B]1. Using MySQLdb module 2. Using mxODBC & pyodbc modules (through ODBC) [/B] The first one executed properly and I was able to retrieve the data from database. When I tried it …

Member Avatar for morphosin

Hi all, I need to import a database (currently in excel) to Mysql. I searched a little and found out that CSV files can be imported. However, there is a problem that I am facing. The delimiter for fields in a CSV is a ',' obviously. But many of the …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hey I host a website for a sports team, theres a nominations page where each member, when logged in, can cast a vote to whoever in the team they want to be captain for a tournament. The Problem is when someone votes i store the id, name and there vote …

Member Avatar for Designer_101
Member Avatar for palavi

hi, i ve hospitaldb created in MYSQl, i have connectivity problem like[CODE] String connectionURL = "jdbc:mysql://eall:3306/hospitaldb"; // declare a connection by using Connection interface Connection connection = null; // declare object of Statement interface that uses for executing sql statements. PreparedStatement pstatement = null; // Load JBBC driver "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.hospitaldb").newInstance();[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for palavi
Member Avatar for dharam_05

Hi, I just want to retrieve name of the employees who have two or more than two email_id in employee table. pls help me out..

Member Avatar for varmadba
Member Avatar for udaydesai

hello friends plz help me, iam uploading excel sheets into the database. it is succefully entering . the problem is when again uploading excel sheet i want to check the database and if excel sheet which i send is there already i have to restrict by inserting into the table(resource_table) …

Member Avatar for udaydesai
Member Avatar for rubz_rav

Im a newbie, I have compiled apache and mysql in the same server;i need to host a site that has perl scripts and the database linking .How to integrate the mysql server to apache for smooth functioning of this site??

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Budz_delz2008

I'm creating a project right now which is entitle Agenda Management System. I want to log in to server with a flexible connection. I was able to code my server connection but my other forms which contain the saving, updating and deleting command was only working to the computer which …

Member Avatar for kohuke

Hi, Well to start od i decided to learn how to create jsp pages and finally finish my project. So i used the netbeans tutorial for making jsp pages. The sample worked fine, but when i wanted ti retrieve information from my own database it do not work like it …

Member Avatar for kohuke
Member Avatar for rickya100

Hi, Thanks for checking this out. My goal is simple. Create a list of all the years that have had articles published in them (so basically every year). I have three unique dates in the date column, 2008-08-20, 2007-08-20, and 2006-08-20. The code below only returns this as the print_r …

Member Avatar for rickya100
Member Avatar for youmak

Hello everyone :) Sorry for bothering you, but I have a problem with solving one query, in general query is much more compllicated, but I will try to simplilfy it Lets asume that we have table named info and it looks like this: id , name,price, from_date, to_date, 1 , …

Member Avatar for youmak
Member Avatar for mekdes

i am working on a project and i have faced trouble in connecting php with mysql. anyone out there who can give me a clue can contact me. thanks mekdes

Member Avatar for heni_pro
Member Avatar for dina

Hey there everyone! I'm just about to start a database assignment for uni but don't know whether to use MS Access or MySQL. I am an adequate use of both but does anyone know the advantages and disadvantages of them??? Thanks ;)

Member Avatar for morphosin
Member Avatar for jackparsons

Hey Guys Can anyone help me. On my website i receive this message Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/mangofitness.net/httpdocs/developments/includes/mysql.inc.php on line 26 The coding for this file is below, can anyone help me get no errors. <? require_once("config.php"); function db_connect() { mysql_connect(DATABASE_SERVER,DATABASE_USER,DATABASE_PASSWORD) or …

Member Avatar for jackparsons
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi Code below generates this error "Table 'sis_audit.pay' doesn't exist". [code]UPDATE pay SET Ref='111', date='2008-11-11' WHERE id=29[/code] When i create same table in different database, no error at all. Why? Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for xcesmess

I'm fairly new to the C++ world (did some C work in the past years ago) so I'm a little rusty on some things :) I've got a small table in a database and I'm trying to grab some date information out of a UNIX EPOCH time stamp (all seconds). …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for dragonflyuk

Is there any easy way of mirroring a mysql database, without having access to the config files?? Reason I ask is that I have 3 servers all running of the same mysql databases. 95% of the access to the DB is read data. So what I'm thinking is for both …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for mavelgm

Uhmm,, im new round here, And i just wondered something,, I have recently made a private server for World of Warcraft.. And i need to make a website to advertise obviously. But the only thing is that i have no idea how to make a registration page so people can …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for sweet cLassy

i am assigned to convert data from microsoft excel to mysql... pls tell me how. pls help. thanks ! :(

Member Avatar for sweet cLassy
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, How do we save person's pictures in database?Do we just create column "pictutePath" and enter this value "../pictures/user1.jpg" for each person or is there any other way? Thanks

Member Avatar for buddylee17

The End.