5 Topics

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Many American readers won't have noticed - why should they? - that the UK is in the middle of the lead-up to a [URL="http://www.parliament.uk/about/how/elections.cfm"]General Election[/URL]. We don't do it like the Americans, we elect our Members of Parliament, the leader of the majority party becomes Prime Minister automatically and our …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It's happened at last. Someone has come unstuck because of the contents of their blog. And, relief of reliefs, it's not me. I should explain. Among my activities as a journalist I offer media training - coaching for people who're about to talk to the press. Not how to spin …

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Member Avatar for John A

The French parliament is now going to dump Windows in favour of open-source. More specifically, Linux. The planned switch date is June 2007, with over 1000 parliament workers switching. No word yet on what Linux distribution they're going to use, or what email client -- one thing is for sure: …

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Sleek. Powerful. Graphic. Capable. Stable. Portable. Clean-design. This new iMac G5 Rocks. At a special event today (Oct 12, 2005), Apple Computer released two new awesome pieces of hardware -- an iPod that can play video, and a new awesome iMac G5. Let's talk about this new G5 and why …

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Launched September 5, 1977, the Voyager 1 spacecraft has crossed the Termination Shock* of our solar system, and has entered a new region of space at extreme distances from our sun. According to researchers at the University of Maryland, Voyager made this transition December 16, 2004, and it took researchers …

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The End.