1,588 Topics

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Member Avatar for buster2209

I want to be able to double left click my mouse on an entry in a populated listview window and pass that variable (as a string) to a textbox. Can anyone give me some sample code?

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for Brett3014

I have the RAQ-DEL2 keyboard and mouse that goes with it. My problem is that the keyboard becomes unoperableif I shut down or do not use my laptop for any sort of extended time. The only way I can use it again is to go into my Bluetooth device settings, …

Member Avatar for SSSD

Hello, recently i found one of my old USB devices but when i plugged it in and tried to delete a file it told me it was write protected. Now i have decided to format it but it doesnt let me because it is write protected. It doesnt have a …

Member Avatar for khakilang
Member Avatar for MpG

Hello, I own a samsung ml-1640 laser printer and after refilling the toner cartrige the printer needed a counter reset because it had reached the 2100 pages limit.I tried to reset the printer either by shortcircuit some mainboard pins or by software(solutions that worked before :P)but nothing.As i tried to …

Member Avatar for Crhiztian
Member Avatar for tez

Have installed HP G2410 scanner but when I try to open HP Photosmart I get the message "HP Photosmart has encountered a problem and needs to close. Sorry" Have downloaded available update but to no avail. PC is on XP 64 bit. THIS IS A BRAND NEW SCANNER!!! (HP - …

Member Avatar for patkeraudren

In my projet, I can't find how to determine which image and pixel coordonate when I clicking image in 2 different ScrollArea. The result was showing in statusBar() area. (See screenshot) I put a code in txt file with 2 jpg use with it. Thanks in advance. [CODE] from PyQt4.QtCore …

Member Avatar for katemnoble

I was given a Dell Inspiron 530 with Vista OS... The old owner used a wireless router but I am using a 2/1 modem from my internet, phone, cable company. The computer is not recognizing the modem at all. I know that it is NOT the modem because it's the …

Member Avatar for ladytiger

my boyfriend is having problems with his mouse. he has an imac computer with snow leapord and he is using a laser mouse by dell. that mouse always worked for him but for some reason it isnt moving at all, it's been doing that the entire day. i told him …

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for MpG

I use a Samsung ml-1640 in my office and used to share it from an xp sp3 machine so I can print from my vista laptop.After a printer driver update to both machines and an firmware upgrade to the printer( in order to reset page counter :-P ) the printer …

Member Avatar for thapelomashego
Member Avatar for vanderlyle

Hi, I'm after a digital camera. I need a) a high resolution (12MP minimum) as I do a lot of cropping and b) it needs to be rugged, reliable and likely to last a while. I'm looking into this - [url]http://ubuyhardware.com/p~p-1848567000~b-402~Olympus-Stylus-Tough-8010-14-Megapixel-Digital-Camera---Silver.aspx[/url] - do you guys think it'd be appropriate? Any …

Member Avatar for whipaway
Member Avatar for emmajayne

[I]my printer won't install properly, i don't know what i'm doing wrong? i have done everything it says to do on the installation wizard but is still unsuccessful.. please could you help me? thanks :)[/I]

Member Avatar for Master Rattley
Member Avatar for salil_danger

Hey, I wanted to format my PC. So just thought of trying it via USB this time. Can anyone tell me the complete Procedure for the format ? I have my .iso file. Any Help appreciated.. Thnx..

Member Avatar for samut
Member Avatar for fpsasm

Hi, I know that there are a lot of webpages devoted in telling me how the OpenGL mouse function works, but I still don't understand. What I need to know, when my: [CODE] void processMouse( int button, int state, int x, int y){ ... } [/CODE] Returns x,y. What does …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for elmoualh

Hello everybody, I am facing a little problem, and I wonder if you may be able to help me. I am seeking for a Barcode System (Scanner, Generator, printer). I would like to ask if anybody has got any idea on how to choose the suitable system for my company(It's …

Member Avatar for johny.eric

I hate neighbors! I had given my laptop to the boy livin next door and he returned it with the shift key missing. I will have to buy a new keyboard now L in 3 website main url post kar k bata do ok

Member Avatar for alvinthomas
Member Avatar for jindalarpan

Hello I am facing a issue while working with tata photon+ card (usb data card) and vmware. when ever the vmware player services are running i am not able to detect any usb device and work with photon card but when i am working on internet am not not able …

Member Avatar for jramx909

Ive used this site in the past, and Ive received excellent advice. My cd/dvd drive isnt working for some reason. The drive isnt listed under my computer, and it doesnt open while windows is running. The weird thing is that I can open it during the startup. Ive tried opening …

Member Avatar for jramx909
Member Avatar for ElieM

hello 1 week ago I lost my USB memory drive which I found 5 dayz later, but I got the scare of my life! I don't want to take the risk again, I know there's software out there that encrypt the data inside, but what I want is software that …

Member Avatar for KhairilSyahrin

i have an external hard drive with two partitions and i want to format both of them and combine it into one partition only. is there a software that can allow me to do this? thank you soo much for assisting me.

Member Avatar for bettersaid

[CODE]from Tkinter import * class ButtonHandler: def __init__(self): self.root = Tk() self.root.geometry('600x500+200+200') self.label = Label(self.root, text=str(self.mousedown)) self.can = Canvas(self.root, width='500', height='400', bg='white') self.can.bind("<Motion>",lambda x:self.handler(x,'motion')) self.can.bind("<Button-1>",lambda x:self.handler(x,'press')) self.can.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",lambda x:self.handler(x,'release')) self.label.pack() self.can.pack() self.root.mainloop() def mouseDown(self, event ): return 1 def handler(self,event,x): if x == 'press': self.mousedown = 1 elif x == 'release': …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for jubbie666

Hi Can anyone please help. My mouse has stopped working, I have tried 2 different mice and nothing. I have tries USB ports and the other one (sorry, bit thick) It stopped after I loaded a new game do you think its the game? Look forward to hearing some suggestions.

Member Avatar for UV1995
Member Avatar for Mitchfizz45

I got a new computer running on Windows 7. It read my USB for about 5 weeks untill it just would not apear in computer. Every thing I own is on my USB, because I don't have anything on my computer because it has not disk space! I have to …

Member Avatar for edgaaa
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=right]16216[/ATTACH]Intel revealed a new fiber-optic interface yesterday, capable of transferring an entire HD movie in a single second. Curious, considering they've yet to release their relatively modern [URL="http://techresearch.intel.com/articles/None/1813.htm"]Light Peak[/URL] technology that transfers data at an already astounding 10Gbit/sec. Their new interface ups the ante five-fold, and opens the door for …

Member Avatar for Herman

I want to disable the touch pad pointing device on my laptop, Fujitsu Siemens Amilo L6825. Note that the operating system on this machine is Windows 2000 (Not XP - Apparently these machines where optimized for XP - But thats a Long Story!!) Problem is that when typing in a …

Member Avatar for Gaia123
Member Avatar for JanetG

My Sony Vaio laptop VGN-NW1257 (Windows 7 upgrade) has recently started causing me problems. I always close all programs and then close the lid to my laptop. About 30% of the time, when I lift the lid and "touch a key" to bring up the screen, I get a bing …

Member Avatar for Cyber 14

Hello, I'm looking for write protection solutions for a Cruzer Micro flash drive. Is there anything in the U3 system that I might have missed that enables write protection (it does not have a side switch) or is there any software or other such thing to easily enable and disable …

Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

If you’re looking for a competitively priced portable Blu-ray alternative, look no further than Plextor’s recently shipped PX-B12OU. Available currently only in Europe for €92 including VAT, the 4x BD-ROM drive is an insanely affordable, fully USB operated external option for users still searching for their Blu-ray glass slipper. Not …

Member Avatar for patkeraudren

In my projet, I can't find how to determine which image and pixel coordonate at clicking image in different ScrollArea. The result was showing in statusBar() area. (See screenshot) I put a code in txt file with 2 jpg use with it. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for patkeraudren
Member Avatar for happygeek

The good news is that security savvy Windows users will, more than likely, have already disabled the AutoRun and AutoPlay features. The bad news is that a new zero-day vulnerability could care less, and executes automatically anyway. [attach]15918[/attach]The zero-day vulnerability in question was first spotted by Sergey Ulase, a researcher …

Member Avatar for LandlordKeatham

I have a Toshiba Satellite X205-SLi2 with Vista Home Premium. Ya, I know. I should be shot for it. I tried to put XP pro on it and finally took it in and they said Toshiba didn't write some dll that can run XP Pro on this laptop. Gates is …

Member Avatar for avadhraj12

The End.