1,588 Topics

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Member Avatar for perosf

Hi i have this problem in my web cam fujitsu siemens pa2548 OS windows XP 32bit [URL="http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/2883/errorwq.jpg"]http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/2883/errorwq.jpg[/URL] I scan my computer with a [URL="http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/blue_screen_view.html"]http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/blue_screen_view.html[/URL] and shows me these errors [TEX]================================================== Filename : BisonCam.sys Address In Stack : BisonCam.sys+30e2 From Address : 0xa47b6000 To Address : 0xa4873980 Size : 0x000bd980 Time …

Member Avatar for akashnemani

Hi, I am trying to create a service for my windows application. The service would just call an application if it detects a USB device inserted on the computer. I want to register for device change notification to receive all the usb device event messages. In order to register for …

Member Avatar for kajayasinghe

After taking some pictures I receive a static video frame. My application stop and start video camera every time it takes a picture. Is there a restriction on number of stop and start cycles web camera can go without any issues. really appreciate your thoughts. Thanks

Member Avatar for mowzac

I purchased a Sony Vaio VGN-FE670G three weeks ago and today the backspace key keeps repeating like it is stuck. The problem started when I noticed it had difficulty connecting to the internet so I attempted to shut down the machine, but it wouldn't shutdown and there were no programs …

Member Avatar for awestrope
Member Avatar for arunkumars

Hi all, Want ur help to kick start one of my projects, where in I have to read and write data from USB port. If some1 here could help me out about how can i start and go about it would be a good favor, Also some links which contains …

Member Avatar for Marc Reed
Member Avatar for dylank

Hey Daniweb; Ive scoured the internet for scripts that make a <div> follow the mouse, and have found one that seems to work well. However, I want the <div> to stop moving when the CTRL or the SHIFT key is pressed, I dont care which. Hopefully, I can have a …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for mcwoof

Hey all, I just bought an iomega external USB drive, Ive hooked it up to my mac but it's not recognising the drive. It's formatted in FAT32; is that not mac compatible? It's a 1TB drive, do I need to partition it into smaller sections? Which format should I use …

Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for crackerjacker

I have found many tuts explaining how to do this, and i think im doing it correctly. all up to actualy putting the iso's on the drive. how do i do this, do i just put the iso in the root and modify the menu.lst accordingly or do i have …

Member Avatar for ilovelinux
Member Avatar for mikejeckson

Hello friends!:) I am using Bravo Pro Xi and Bravo XR disc publishing solutions being offered by Primera. Hope you too would be familiar with these leading brands of disc publishing solutions. I would like to know, what kind of difference we may notice if we use Primera refill ink …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for leoke96

Hi, I have 2 AXIS webcams model M1031-W with firmware version 5.00.1 I would like to trigger an event when the sound recorded by the webcam exceeds a certain level. The event generates a 'HTTP notification' that should be handeled by a CGI script. Can anyone help me this? In …

Member Avatar for leoke96
Member Avatar for FirstTimeUser

Recently I got my computer reformatted, however yesterday my mouse began to act strange. It wouldn't click on things in firefox, or on the desktop at certain points. In order to be able to click anything, I have to minimize the window and restore it. I am not sure whether …

Member Avatar for FirstTimeUser
Member Avatar for raydabruce

I have [I]Clear.com[/I] 4G Mobile USB "WiMax", which is great, but a friend told me I could "bridge" the WiMax with my internal Wi-Fi and/or an ethernet connection. Is this possible? If so, would my bandwidth be increased or only as fast as the fastest connection? And how is this …

Member Avatar for jmessiaen

My laptop is a Dell Latitude D800. For some time now, the mouse cursor suddenly startsq running up or down for some seconds, and then becomes 'normal' again. Changing the mouse or disabling either the the mouse-pad or the mouse-button (or both) won't help. Anyone a splendid idea? Would changing …

Member Avatar for Tech B

When I watch full length movies online, sometimes my mouse is hidden on the browser. Just inside the browser though. I have to repeatedly hit the ctrl button to see where its at. This only happens when I watch divx streamed video for long periods of time. After the mouse …

Member Avatar for mervas

Hi I'm new here so I apologize if this thread is not in the right spot...I have just finished installing Wndows XP on my Dell d610, and now the CD_ROM can't read anything. WIndows still sees it but if I click on it it says "Please insert a disk into …

Member Avatar for mechbas
Member Avatar for red_lynx

Hi all, i am not an experienced Java GUI programmer and its the first time i'm asking for help in programming on a forum. I have this simple GUI which allows people to mark text with different categories. I use JTextPane and DefaultStyledDocument. Basically, i took most of the code …

Member Avatar for red_lynx
Member Avatar for dgknauf

Do laser mice wear out? My logitech wireless laser mouse is about a year old and has become hesitant and occasionally, won't work at all. Later in the day, it works fine. The only thing I've learned from installing new batteries, cleaning USB connectors, cleaning lens on laser, etc. is …

Member Avatar for dgknauf
Member Avatar for talablink

My epson stylus TX110 printer doesn't show ink levels anymore. It was fine when I bought it but after my black ink ran out I changed the cartridge and the ink levels won't show anymore. All of the ink levels are gray, gray as in disabled gray. All I did …

Member Avatar for talablink
Member Avatar for inhouseadvert
Member Avatar for merryjohnson
Member Avatar for arbo

I have a T6534 eMachine with a K8NGM2 H motherboard. All 5 USB Ports have perferral power but no signal and therefore the USB hardware (like a keyboard, camcorder, ipod, etc) when plugged-in is not recognized. The Windows xp Device Manager indicates all systems are working properly. Uninstalling the USB …

Member Avatar for dee101g
Member Avatar for lewashby

I have a desktop with no monitor and a lap top. I've purchased a cable to connect from the back of my desktop to my laptop so I could have access to my desktop, but I don't know how to make my laptop display the contents there in. Thanks for …

Member Avatar for techsheaven
Member Avatar for jackgym

I have files and data backed up on a Maxtor external drive from my Windows XP computer. Can I copy this data straight onto a new PC running Windows 7?

Member Avatar for jackgym
Member Avatar for Pitufo

Hi, If I move my mouse fast left or right (but not that fast) the cursor starts moving up or down or some other direction it shouldn't be. It's real frustrating for some games. Is this normal??? It's an optical mouse came with the computer, not USB. I don't remember …

Member Avatar for cunnyfunt2001
Member Avatar for Kurtismonger

I have a machine running XP Pro and a Creative Labs Audigy 2 ZS sound card feeding an Altec Lansing 2 speaker system with a subwoofer. The audio out goes into the subwoofer which then has outs for the speakers. Into a second audio in on the subwoofer I also …

Member Avatar for Kurtismonger
Member Avatar for MacGregg

I have a MX300 mouse on a Boxx Computer running WinXP32 that keeps freezing:confused:, if I just unplug and replug it in it will work again for a few minuter to a few hours! I have reinstalled the driver several times to no avail with the latest driver which used …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for mjhorn0

I have been using Logitech Vid (similar to Skype) for a while, with no problems. Since I was supplied with a new router (D-Link DSL-2640R) by my ISP the application doesn't function properly. I can see and hear the other party fine, but all they receive is a blank screen …

Member Avatar for mjhorn0
Member Avatar for sc.farid

I want to use my pc as a test equipment so that it can be used as a volt meter,as a AMMETER,as a frequency counter.Pl.help me with schematic diagram and circuit description and applicable software.

Member Avatar for Mommbo

Ok. My computer does not even do anything to reconize the microphone. the microphone is old and my computer is new. Nothing is muted and i've looked in your other forums and nothing seemed to help. My microphone is a QS-5841 by QuickShot and i'm using an Alianware. I have …

Member Avatar for chopper0
Member Avatar for FranDavey

Hi, I spent a lot of time searching for a solution to a problem I was having getting into CMOS with my USB keyboard, which is connected to a KVM switch. All of the USB options were enabled in Integrated Perpherals, but the keyboard wasn't functional until after the boot …

Member Avatar for Meldair

I recently purchased a used 500gb Buffalo HDD. I attempted to access it and found it had a password on it. I was wondering if there was any way to reset the password so that I can use it. I would hate to have to return it as I got …

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The End.