954 Archived Topics

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Member Avatar for johny.eric

I hate neighbors! I had given my laptop to the boy livin next door and he returned it with the shift key missing. I will have to buy a new keyboard now L in 3 website main url post kar k bata do ok

Member Avatar for alvinthomas
Member Avatar for jramx909

Ive used this site in the past, and Ive received excellent advice. My cd/dvd drive isnt working for some reason. The drive isnt listed under my computer, and it doesnt open while windows is running. The weird thing is that I can open it during the startup. Ive tried opening …

Member Avatar for jramx909
Member Avatar for bettersaid

[CODE]from Tkinter import * class ButtonHandler: def __init__(self): self.root = Tk() self.root.geometry('600x500+200+200') self.label = Label(self.root, text=str(self.mousedown)) self.can = Canvas(self.root, width='500', height='400', bg='white') self.can.bind("<Motion>",lambda x:self.handler(x,'motion')) self.can.bind("<Button-1>",lambda x:self.handler(x,'press')) self.can.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",lambda x:self.handler(x,'release')) self.label.pack() self.can.pack() self.root.mainloop() def mouseDown(self, event ): return 1 def handler(self,event,x): if x == 'press': self.mousedown = 1 elif x == 'release': …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for jubbie666

Hi Can anyone please help. My mouse has stopped working, I have tried 2 different mice and nothing. I have tries USB ports and the other one (sorry, bit thick) It stopped after I loaded a new game do you think its the game? Look forward to hearing some suggestions.

Member Avatar for UV1995
Member Avatar for Mitchfizz45

I got a new computer running on Windows 7. It read my USB for about 5 weeks untill it just would not apear in computer. Every thing I own is on my USB, because I don't have anything on my computer because it has not disk space! I have to …

Member Avatar for edgaaa
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=right]16216[/ATTACH]Intel revealed a new fiber-optic interface yesterday, capable of transferring an entire HD movie in a single second. Curious, considering they've yet to release their relatively modern [URL="http://techresearch.intel.com/articles/None/1813.htm"]Light Peak[/URL] technology that transfers data at an already astounding 10Gbit/sec. Their new interface ups the ante five-fold, and opens the door for …

Member Avatar for Herman

I want to disable the touch pad pointing device on my laptop, Fujitsu Siemens Amilo L6825. Note that the operating system on this machine is Windows 2000 (Not XP - Apparently these machines where optimized for XP - But thats a Long Story!!) Problem is that when typing in a …

Member Avatar for Gaia123
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

If you’re looking for a competitively priced portable Blu-ray alternative, look no further than Plextor’s recently shipped PX-B12OU. Available currently only in Europe for €92 including VAT, the 4x BD-ROM drive is an insanely affordable, fully USB operated external option for users still searching for their Blu-ray glass slipper. Not …

Member Avatar for LandlordKeatham

I have a Toshiba Satellite X205-SLi2 with Vista Home Premium. Ya, I know. I should be shot for it. I tried to put XP pro on it and finally took it in and they said Toshiba didn't write some dll that can run XP Pro on this laptop. Gates is …

Member Avatar for avadhraj12
Member Avatar for SSSD

i recently found out i had the virus called RECYCLER, and that it had infected my usb and hard drive. So the first thing i did was end the process called ctfmon.exe, as i read it was part of the virus. I also ran a program called combofix with a …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for crackerjacker

Hello- i have a 16gb flash drive, and after installing Portable Apps on it, windows belives it needs to be formated and when i try to formate it (i've tried FAT32, NTFS, and exFAT) it gets to the very end(where it writes the system files) and then errors out saying …

Member Avatar for karabomoeng
Member Avatar for dallaspeg

I have new cartridges. I was printing the day I installed them. I have updated all the drivers and software. Cleaned and defragged my computer. Shut down both printer and computer, then restarted both at different times. The deep cleaning option doesn't do anything but print a blank piece of …

Member Avatar for Abdullahakeem
Member Avatar for wolfeater017

When I finally got the input to work in this code it stopped displaying the txt on the screen. Any suggestions on how to fix this. [code]import pygame, sys from pygame.locals import * import time mo = 0 # set up pygame pygame.init() # set up the window windowSurface = …

Member Avatar for bdmallalieu

Hi, I have a Humax FOXSAT HDR PVR which can only export recorded files through its USB 2 to an external storage device that is formatted FAT32 or EXT3 (not NTFS). Can anyone kindly advise me are any of the large storage HD’s compatible with that requirement? What is the …

Member Avatar for bdmallalieu
Member Avatar for rc_satina

Hi everyone, I have experience about this problem about my printer and my palm. everytime I hotsync, I received the that says "USB does not recognize the device". and also my printer if I tried to turned on my printer same problem came out. I tried using my palm to …

Member Avatar for delacalle3
Member Avatar for 141.ruchi

[COLOR=#444444]Hey there! [/COLOR] [COLOR=#444444]I have been using speakers with my PC(Windows Xp) which works fine. Now I wanted to talk to my friends online so I tried to plug in my headset with attached microphone. I can hear fine on the headset(listen to music hear sounds on theweb etc.) but …

Member Avatar for norela18
Member Avatar for morelve

I want to make a native win32 program that simply moves the cursor to x=100 y=200 on the screen, and then clicks the left mouse button once. Where do I start? For once, Google got me nowhere. I use VC++ 2010 to compile.

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Interesting that the US Department of Defense has banned thumb drives. The problem is that they can carry viruses and infect computers - and if your nation's defense depends on these systems (and by extension in the case of the US so does the defense of the rest of the …

Member Avatar for smart176
Member Avatar for Faltho

About 2 months ago my printer, a Hp Photosmart C6380, out of the blue turned itself off and tried to re-boot. When it tried to re-boot the little screen on the left went blue flashed an error for a couple seconds, then went white and all the buttons began flashing. …

Member Avatar for giantred
Member Avatar for N00b3r-1

Not really sure if this is the appropriate area but I just couldn't put it on windows... ^^'' Anyway, is there anyone willing to give me a hand as to restore a register I accidentally deleted? Specifically for the HDD Protection by Toshiba for an M900-00R006 laptop. Before anyone else …

Member Avatar for N00b3r-1
Member Avatar for iskalabatoto

ok,i accidentally plugged my usb(accessible) out because i'm in rush..after few hours,i plugged back again, nothing happened...i mean,NO AUTOPLAY,NO ACCESS unlike before. I can't see any drive in My Computer.when i go to Device Manager>USB controllers...there is one icon there with a "yellow !"..thinking it's my usb, i always tried …

Member Avatar for iskalabatoto
Member Avatar for Lynn

I have an Asus A7V266C Board. Is the proper procedure to remove all the periferals. Second remove all the software and driver to all the periferals? Then reinstall the MoBo drivers, then the software for the Printer, USB Joystick, and Scanner. Thanks for any advice. Lynn. Everthing else is working …

Member Avatar for Ajeeshreloaded
Member Avatar for justBell

Hello all! I've been trying to assist my sister with her Dell All-in-One 922 printer/scanner. I refilled her black cartridge by removing the sticker that says 'Do Not Remove this Sticker' and injecting ink the same way I do with my Canon printer cartridges. It worked for about 10 pages, …

Member Avatar for merryjohnson
Member Avatar for skybomb0

I am trying to create my own menu (and practice a little c#) and I am almost done. I have the menu and the context menu that will be shown created. I also have the context menu showing at the correct time. My problem comes when the menu disappears when …

Member Avatar for skybomb0
Member Avatar for tonymuilenburg

Hi All, I'm building a C# game that will handle drag and drop of images and labels in a visual studio form, but when I drag around a component, the form takes big performance hit. For example, I have some images moving around on the form (pictureboxes) and these stop …

Member Avatar for tonymuilenburg
Member Avatar for greeneca

I have a ip1800 connected directly to a Windows XP machine. When trying to print the printer dialog just states that the printer is offline. All the cables have bee checked, the printer and the computer have been restarted. This printer has worked for awhile on this machine.

Member Avatar for greeneca
Member Avatar for BrentA

Greetings! PROBLEM: switching between USB desktop speakers and USB headphones to listen to online music without closing browser. I'm running an HP laptop with XP(SP3). Sometimes I use USB desktop speakers and sometimes USB headphones (through a USB hub) to listen to online music. I unplug the headphones from the …

Member Avatar for murpeg
Member Avatar for Olio

i'm looking to connect a playstation controller to my pc. i know how to get it to work with db25, but there's the issue of not enough power through db25. however, usb i believe can provide quite a bit more power than parallel. but i've not been able to find …

Member Avatar for Sanji
Member Avatar for rhschmitt

How do I connect an esata hard disk to a Windows PC. What is the advantage of using a SATA cable as opposed to a USB-2 cable, if there is an advantage? Thanks, Robert

Member Avatar for rhschmitt
Member Avatar for ChrisMohrSr

I experienced a paper jam which I corrected. After cleaning up the mess I decided to clean the print heads. I do not use the printer's cleaning cycle because it uses too much precious ink. I remove the ink cartridges and clean the heads with a solution that is supposed …

Member Avatar for bryanwheeler1

The End.