1,024 Topics

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Member Avatar for richard-iii

Hi All, i want to make some automation pdf converter, and i choose cutePDF as the third party... but i stuck in save dialogbox ~~ just want to ask, how to bypass dialogbox? or, any suggestion for other freeware that can do xls2pdf automation? thanks all ~~ i appreciate all …

Member Avatar for FthrJACK
Member Avatar for cguan_77

I have a large pdf (>1 MB)that i want to preload on a html page that says "Please wait..." and display that at the middle of the screen.. so that users know that the pdf is loading (i know it says it at the bottom of the screen, but i'm …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for JurieBurie

PDF virtual printer in c# Hi All I have a small project that someone asked me to do for them and am struggeling quite a lot to get started. Could someone please steer me in the right direction. Here are the requirements: When you are in app such as word/excel, …

Member Avatar for degater1

I have a VB6 application that makes a call to crytstal reports 8.5 and prints documents directly to a printer, and I want to continue that process, but I now also need to create a .pdf file to save to a LAN drive. These are separate print jobs and need …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for sanjayrawat177

PLEASE PROVIDE ME A WAY TO PUT A JSP OUTPUT IN PDF FILE........ ACTUALLY WHAT I M DOING IS THAT......... There is a JSP page which displays charts (bar,pie) of students (name and marks ) from database ,,i want that this chart output also display in PDF file... pls help

Member Avatar for sanjayrawat177
Member Avatar for lalchetian

when excecuted it gives an error 424 object required what i intend to do is download a pdf file to a location in my pc [code= vb]DoEvents If DownloadFile(ie3.locationurl, App.Path) Then MsgBox "Download Complete", _ vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, _ "Done" End If ' Download a file. Return True if we …

Member Avatar for lalchetian
Member Avatar for blur0224

I'm trying to develop a simple program that automatically downloads PDF files from a web server and organizes them into Files. When I download any .pdf file, the size is roughly 30% bigger than when I download it with a browser and it pdf opens, but does not display. So …

Member Avatar for blur0224
Member Avatar for luiso

I´m new in this great xml world and I need to develop an application for perform transformations of xml into pdf format. I have a way to do this using Ibex library, but this is not free and I can´t affort it. Do anybody know how to do it ??? …

Member Avatar for BinodSuman
Member Avatar for coolmind259

Hi Guys, I want to convert an HTML document into PDF document. Then user can download a pdf document by clicking on the link. Actually I have a page where Dynamic data is being displayed, I want that data to be converted to PDF document , so the users can …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for jaiprakash15

Dear Friends, am working on a project where i have to convert the HTML file to a PDF file. am using tidy and fop methods for converting. am not good at XSL style sheet. when i try to run the program by giving the input file (39.html) to ma program …

Member Avatar for JustmeVSI

I'm having a project form school for a inventory management system and I want to do something extra. The inventory management system is for spare parts for machines and I want to be able to see the the manuals(PDF files) for thous machines in the GUI but I have no …

Member Avatar for hardik.rajani
Member Avatar for FlamingClaw

I think this will helpful for those who like delphi. :D Download,and read.This file contains the basics of delphi :) The file size is about 3 Mb. Thx for reading. With respect : FlamingClaw 2009.04.18.

Member Avatar for skdfljsdkjf
Member Avatar for TeCNoYoTTa

Hello All can you tell me about any free library[or a way] that can render PDF files and view them with needing Adobe reader to be installed and there is no such library :D can you tell me how to use C libraries like Mupdf in C# application Thanks in …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for chandradyani

dear all, I want to make a digital library goverment regulation which related to export import activity in my aoffice. The problem is: I dont know how to upload the .pdf file to local server and provide the link to acess it automatically, Please help me..:(

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for nspired

I have White Papers on my website that are PDF's. I use Dreamweaver CS3 and I want to make them fill out a simple registration page. Once they register the White Paper will be shown. Can someone please help?

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for michael123

I try to generate on-fly pdf files by php code, the pdf file will display the web page exactly the same as on browser, did some research but have no clue how to do that. The function: PDF_show_xy ( resource $p , string $text , float $x , float $y …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dipakxyz

Hi, i am generating html to pdf using [code] require('html2fpdf.php'); $pdf=new HTML2FPDF(); $dummy='<html><head> <style> .text11 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #434450; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } .text111 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #AE4506; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } .text122 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for bhanu1225

hi every one. import os from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.units import cm c = canvas.Canvas("/Users/venkatarampey/preview.pdf") c.drawString(8*cm, 28*cm,"HELLO PYTHON") c.showPage() c.save() FILE = open("/Users/venkatarampey/preview.pdf","r") The is the python script for previewing a pdf when run. Problem here is , i was able 2 generate a pdf on mentioned path but …

Member Avatar for bigfunkychief

Hello, I have a system that generates quotes, it opens a new window with the quote itself. I am trying to make it so I can generate a PDF automatically to a temp file on my webserver, and then use a script I wrote to email the attachment to the …

Member Avatar for piusbabbun

Hai everyone ... Can you please mention the ways to generate PDF contents using php...and the components which can be used for it ?

Member Avatar for foryounow
Member Avatar for gk0110

Hi all, I need to convert a JSP file to a PDF file dynamically After converting into PDF , I need to concatenate with another PDF which is already existing and this as a single document to the printer queue.. Please give ur suggestions.. Kindly post some source code which …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for rajasekhar1242

Hi everyone, I am trying to get PDF file output from the python program to give a print. is there any solution? please give me a valuable reply...

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for danish_k12

Hi, I am in Urgent need. I want to develop a software in vb6[coz good in it] to split pdf files. There are few software available for that but my issue is i want to split pdf file according to the data. The files contain statements some are 1 pages, …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for uthman4u2nv

How can i read my PDF files on my iPod. I have some notes in PDF that i want to be able to read on my iPOd on the go. I learnt its possible but i dont know how to know aw to go about it any suggestions?

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for danielagaba

hi i'm using pdflib class to generate a pdf which i want to display an array of results from my db, my problem is only the 1st row of the query results is dispayed. Tried using a for statement in relation to the number of rows found but that didnt …

Member Avatar for rm_daniweb
Member Avatar for william_stam

hi anyone know of a component that will make an image (preferably on the fly) of a pdf document. for eg... i upload a pdf file... it gets saved on the server.. when i view a record that the pdf document is attatched to... it generates a thumbnail of the …

Member Avatar for nikhita

hello all, Please get me a way to export all contents of a table in mysql database to a PDF file and it can be downloadable and can be printed from the website.. please provide some sample code. it is very much urgent for me. plz help

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for rogelioz

Hi. I need to modify a PDF document(alter some of its text). So far I've managed to do it by splitting the document into three parts using fpdf. Then, I modify the text on the middle part. Finaly I merge them back together. Is there a way to alter the …

Member Avatar for rogelioz
Member Avatar for ahha0ahha

My system: fedora 7 I have many pictures in multi-page pdf/ps files. I need to use some of them into my slide. I know transfer file between pdf and ps by using pdf2ps,ps2pdf, and I can transfer a single page picture by using ps2eps. My problem: How to transfer a …

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Member Avatar for zidaine

The End.