39,388 Topics
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Hi, I use the code below so as to print a text: [CODE]$query_a = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM table)"; $result_a= mysql_query($query_a) or die(mysql_error()); $text_a = stripslashes(nl2br($row_a["text"])); echo "<div class='uneven post'>"; echo "<p align='justify'>".$text_a."</p>"; echo "</div>";[/CODE] In variable $text is stored text from a textarea (form). The … | |
Hai 2 all I have a small correction at password: now invalid charcters also taken in form plz modify prog if u enter ivalid charcters like~!@# tis type it show an error msg invali charcters display it one plz [B][B]HTML CODE[/B][/B] [code=php]<html> <head> <title>Registration</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <script type="text/javascript" … | |
Hi All, I am stuck in a module. I want to know how to get back the response and see it in alert message from $ajax->observeField in CakePHP. What do we have to write against 'complete'? Moreover, i dont know whether it can be done in $ajax->observeField or not. Any … | |
I want to send emails to a list of people who's addresses are extracted from a database.I know the function to be used is 'Bcc:' but an not able to figure out the correct place where it should be placed in-the code. It would be good if anyone could come … | |
I have a PHP program that makes a simulation of an aircraft motion (for technical studies). It requires quite a lot of input data. Therefore it would be advantageous to be able to save that data on the clients computer and recall it when used. Of course there is a … | |
here is my source code about login into a web [CODE= php] <?php /* $login=$_POST['login']; if($login=="Login") { */ $connect==mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if(!connect) { die ('Cannot connect to the database'.mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("firstdbs",$connect); $in_user= $_POST['username']; $in_pass=$_POST['password']; // To protect MySQL injection $in_user = stripslashes($in_user); $in_pass = stripslashes($in_pass); $in_user = mysql_real_escape_string($in_user); $in_pass = mysql_real_escape_string($in_pass); $sql="SELECT … | |
Hi all.. I am Working on an Birthday Reminder Script but i have an Problem in This Script That I Want to Send a email to User That's Birthday is Today. and am Done it Automatically by Scheduled. For Ex: Today is One User Birthday Then a Email Automatically Send … | |
Hi and I have learned 2 ways of making a php cms both with simular results on the client side. That is, is it best to have all pages pointed to index.php with mod rewrite and url vars or is it best to have a couple dozen php files each … | |
hi, i've got a problem, hmm...there are three groups (A,B, and C) and their IP address are: A ==> 10.204.xxx.xxx B ==> 10.205.xxx.xxx C ==> 10.206.xxx.xxx how to read an IP Address, but only for 2 octet, (10.204, 10.205, 10.206)? I want to put them on index.php, so: if user … | |
Hi all. I have some problems with radio buttons. Hope to get some help here. Thanks in advance. Here's the html: [CODE]<?php while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> <input name="replacement" id="replacement" type="radio" value="<?php echo $row['date']; echo $row['title']; ?>"[/CODE] I need to validate if none of the radio buttons is checked using javascript. How … | |
i m going to make something like [url]www.respectance.com[/url] pic gallery with read more content..!!! uptil now i use hard code for my pages..!!! this time i thought i should give a try on some framework..!!!! So can anyone guide me which framework is good for such type of site Which … | |
Hi Folks, I was wondering if anyone knows how to create a pop up window like this page: [url]http://www.allhealthcarejobs.com/aspx/JobPostingView.aspx?ja=indeed&code=K14&jobid=600694&=indeedOrg&utm_source=Indeed&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=Indeed[/url] You will notice that after loading the page for 2 seconds, a pop up window appears that asks for the visitor's email id. Does anyone know how to create this kind … | |
I was just testing out a code and I found something rather pathetic. This code does not produce anything. [CODE]<?php $source = file_get_contents("http://mysite.com/random/page.html"); echo $source; ?> [/CODE] But this code does [code]<?php $source = file_get_contents("page.html"); echo $source; ?> [/code] The php script and page.html are in the same folder, so … | |
Hi Everyone, What I want to learn is how to write a php template. So any edits I make to the headers,footers etc. are changed throughout the website. I know I can just use a series of includes but I was wondering if there is a right way to make … | |
i dont no whether it is the place or not to share my problem........the problem is that i have a little problem with my router..........!! when ever the electricity failure happens, my internet connects gone to disconnect imediately............then if i turn on and off my router manually it connects again … | |
Hello, I have a piece of code that pulls data from a mysql database. I am displaying the results in a table but want to format the background of certain cells based on the query results (ie red for no green for yes). Here is my code: [CODE] $query = … | |
Hi frnds... Here i am creating thumbnail image...the code is working fine... The variables are not working calling funtion....if i give static path, its working fine... incase of dynamic path it displays some errors,but image created..image with full black(no photo).......plz check the below code... [CODE]function createthumb($name,$filename,$new_w,$new_h){ $system=explode('.',$name); if (preg_match('/jpg|jpeg/',$system[1])){ $src_img=imagecreatefromjpeg($name); … | |
Hi I do like to modify the .php extensions to .html. could any body advice me. how to do it. Present URL: category.php?cat_id=C001&prod_id=XX09 Required URL: category.html/C001/XX09 or Required URL: category/C001/XX09 in any of the SEO format. Please help me to sort out. or advise me to refer URL. or tutorials. | |
Hi, I am trying to embed audio/video content such as youtube links and playlists from imeem.com into my website for each user of their choice. What are the measures to be taken to display $user_choice_video variable which is retrieved from database!? I am afraid there might be attacks if i … | |
hello, i was woundering if somone could point me in the right direction. Im making a CMS/socialnetworking script for fun and want to change how the url gets the data for profiles. at the moment its using the tradition $_GET['id'] thing from the broswer url, but id like to try … | |
I`M USING THE PHP MAIL FUNCTION TO SEND EMAILS TO MEMBERS IN MY SITE. [CODE=PHP] sendto="xxxxxxx@yahoo.com"; $to=$sendto; $from="From:mysite@mysite.com \r\n"; $subject="$fullname contacted mysite"; $content="$message \r\n his/her email address is $email"; if($content){ mail($to, $subject, $content,$from); echo"<font color=green>Your email was sent successfuly to adminstration of mysite.<br/><a href=index.php>Continue to the site</a></font>"; } [/CODE] i … | |
hi guys. can someone show me the right syntax to make link based on the ID using php echo. My coding will not give any input. below is my coding: [code]echo "<td width='101'><a href=view_supplier_details.php?details_ID={$user['report_details_ID']}</td></a>";[/code] | |
i am trying to use the File upload feature in my application .. i am having a Form with many fields of type Text,textarea and including File upload FIeld. I have kept a Submit button at the end of the Form which on click will submit the actual value of … | |
Hi frnds... here i am doing code for embede videos in my website...its working fine.. But , here i want to display fullscreen video also from my website...not through Youtube ...Now, after clicking the thumbnail of the video ,the fullscreen video goes to YOUTUBE WEBSITE...it should be play through my … | |
Hi frnds.... First of all sry for all 4 arraising same(email) thread more times... I have a problem with email sendhing... one my old client ...his project is shifted from one server to another server(control panel)...now, the contact page(email) is not working properly...here i m getting the below error....plz tell … | |
Hi, Has anyone seena script for searching a database, and having pagination as well...as I have tried and successfully created a search database sarch webpage..and a pagination webpage, but that returns all the data in the database... Regards Rob Wood | |
I can't query my database and cannot update, may I know what is the mistake in my coding? [CODE]<html> <head> <title>Index</title> </head> <div style="position: absolute; width: 1146px; height: 842px; z-index: 1; left:10px; top:1px" id="layer2" align="center"> <body background="E-Filing%20Management%20System%20Picture/Snow.gif"> <p align="center"> <img border="0" src="E-Filing%20Management%20System%20Picture/logo-RR-gif.gif" width="957" height="245"></p> <p align="center"><span lang="zh-cn"> </span></p> <p align="center"><span lang="zh-cn"><img … | |
While creating a userid the password is saved in type md5 in mysql The below script to change password does not save password in md5 in mysql and hence user after changing password cannot login The script also gives password chaged sucessfully but also says you have typed wrong password … | |
I need to import TEST.TXT (located in the same directory as my script It has 1 Record: "6","Lunch","234" Iget this error message: Warning: mysqli_close() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in C:\wamp\www\test\import.php on line 19 Why? Heres my script: [code=php]<?php // Connect to the MySQL server and select the corporate … | |
my problem is with using $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] in IE.it doen't work. what can i do instead ? |
The End.