39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for baudday

[code=php] foreach($files as $filename) { $file2 = $file2.$filename."<br />"; echo $file2; } [/code] What is wrong with this foreach loop? I just cannot figure it out. It is supposed to take the value from $files and store it in $filename. It's not doing this. It says $filename is an Array. …

Member Avatar for baudday
Member Avatar for baudday

Can someone please help me with this recursive function! It's messing up the incrementing of $x. I don't know what's wrong and I've been looking at it for so long now. [CODE=php]function list_dir($handle, $path) { // Loop over the directory and don\"t display certain files global $x; $x = 0; …

Member Avatar for baudday
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi and I am looking for a compression mechonism that can compress text (just letters and numbers) into binary or all weird symbols. Does anybody know of any good php/mysql codes as I can't get any to work.

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for Rkeast

I have an application that when a new user registers, it creates a folder for that user: /users/$user_id It then writes an index.php file to that directory, that contains the following code: [CODE] <?php define('GIVE', 'TRUE'); define('GIVE_PATH', dirname(__FILE__)); require(dirname(dirname(GIVE_PATH)) . '/gp_wrapper.php'); ?> [/CODE] It uses the path info to get …

Member Avatar for Rkeast
Member Avatar for fongoos
Member Avatar for hostplator
Member Avatar for sulkhanz

Urgent help needed. i am a newbie, and starting to have a headache with this problem, i am using form to enter firstname so that all the details of that person can be pulled. where am i doing it wrong? its showing me the headings of firstname, lastname, and age …

Member Avatar for sulkhanz
Member Avatar for PetrQ

Hello everyone, I´m newbie in PHP and I can´t solve following problem. My code contains form of unknown number of rows. I add it using jQuery class ( clone the last row ). I wanted to use array. Write out complete form for confirmation and insert it i. e. as …

Member Avatar for cloudgen
Member Avatar for Enthused

Hi, I have created a php file to upload images i want this to store the image name in a mysql database. I created this php code but when it comes to storing the file name in the database it stores each file name in a new row. Can anyone …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for iPixelate

Hey everyone :) I keep getting a 'T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING' parse error on line 81 of this PHP script, however I can't find the issue. I am a little bit of a noob at PHP, I admit, but if someone could correct the issue for me that would be great! This is …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for Salehshame

Hey Computer SCI Gal, Ma name is "Shame" and am in need of yo help! I 've been trying to write a PHP code that sends form data to any email (gmail, yahoo etc). So far, I've failed. If you can help me, Pliz be my guest and savior !!

Member Avatar for sarithak
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

now idk if you can or not. but if i can. how do i secure form data that gets sent from one site and post on another. example. clients have there clients fill out a form and the data gets posted to a page on my site that will store …

Member Avatar for OmniX

We have all wanted data to be transfered to excel at one stage or another. I would like to know how people have done it and come to a general consensis on how it should be done. I usually use fopen or simple echo statement and declaring it as .xls …

Member Avatar for HFK11

I have been working on this problem for a few weeks now and everything I have tried will not work. I am new to working with PHP and MySQL and have never use a forum, so you can say I am new to everything right now. When I try to …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for j_limboo

the php process the page once the vistor clicks on the php based link they go to iframe where it is html. I was looking for a function where I can insert a link call go back to the link and that sould be in html on the frames

Member Avatar for j_limboo
Member Avatar for quickbird

I have this code in which i want to paginate only the $getreplies section in the code.Please help me i have tried various ways but they didn't work.here is my code.... [CODE]<?php include "connect.php"; //mysql db connection here $id=$_GET['id']; print "<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text/css'>";?> <div align="center"> <?php print "</div><img src=\"mylogo.jpg\" …

Member Avatar for dasatti

I had a code written long time ago which was working fine for small records but as the number of records begin to increase it completely failed. I am attaching the file with comments which will help you understand the problem. For fewer records you can see it working at …

Member Avatar for dasatti
Member Avatar for harikris2007

pdf_download.php ........................................................................ <?php $file_name=$row['tcb_pdf']; header("Content-type: application/pdf"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$file_name\""); $data=readfile("../new_books/".$file_name); echo $data; ?> home.php ............................................................................... <td align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><img src="images/rar.gif"><a href="pdf_download.php?name=<?php echo $row['tcb_pdf'] ?>"><img src="images/button_buy.jpg"></a></td> <td align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><img src="images/rar.gif"><a href="uploads/<?php echo $row['tcb_pdf'] ?>"><img src="images/untitled.bmp" width="43" height="17"></a></td> </tr>[code]hi, I need a help from anybody. I have a page with pdf …

Member Avatar for guru12
Member Avatar for mvt6204

Hello guys, is there a way to detect whether JS is enabled or not, using PHP codes? Thanks in advance. =)

Member Avatar for CalmQuiet
Member Avatar for smvec

hi... im trying to insert a row into the database... but the query is not run successfully.. [CODE]$sql = "INSERT INTO temp_db (fname,mname,lname,dob,gender,email,country,phno,mobile,userid,password,mti,rtime) VALUES ('$fname','$mname','$lname','$dob','$gen','$mail','$country','$phno','$mob','$uid','$pass','$mt','$rtime')"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die("cud not add record"); echo mysql_error();[/CODE] this is the code..... im gettin the error from the Die part of the query.. …

Member Avatar for smvec
Member Avatar for sam023

hello friends i need a good script for uploading and displaying all images from database.!! waiting for positive reply..!!! thanks in advance..!! :)

Member Avatar for davrosboy

Hello all I have never posted before and bit of a noob I have a problem i hope someone can help with... I have a wysiwig editor (nicedit) attached to a page which gets called and allows the user to edit portions of the page in a modal window. This …

Member Avatar for davrosboy
Member Avatar for van2006

hi i am new to this forum. i am able to add image file(a.jpg) to mysql databse. when i see the file in a databse . i could see the file.but when i try to retrive that file ia m getting error.can anybody help me thanks

Member Avatar for nurnamira
Member Avatar for valonesal

I would like to be able to open a php file and edit it from a browser window. We need to easily add website to this file. We will have a hidden, password protected area that we will use to edit this file. Is there an easy way to do …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for nevillekwa

Hi Need your help, if you can. I have html and php below for my school project. I am trying make sticky form checkbox. My Html code: <div style="clear:both;"><br /></div> <p>Which Nikon Cameras do you own?</p> <input type="checkbox" name="products[]" value="D5000" />D5000&nbsp; <input type="checkbox" name="products[]" value="D3000" />D3000&nbsp; <input type="checkbox" name="products[]" value="D700" …

Member Avatar for smvec

hi.. im sending an email to the user, who registers with my site.. the email has a confirmation code.. after the user clicks the confirmation link, he is verified n allowed.. now the problem is, the confirmation email is sent, but. the link in the email is not working properly.. …

Member Avatar for austin-khoi

i can't do this form, the button will be disabled when page load and only be enabled when one tick in the checkbox ( if the checkbox is unticked , the button will be disabled again). anyone help me ? thanks

Member Avatar for Dasjetta
Member Avatar for duckman_ca

Hi everyone, a question from php n00b, how would one go about showing content of xml document? I guess an analogy would be something like xml.InnerText in C#? thanks

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for djsl

I have setup a site with a login that works fine. What I need to do is have the primary user log in -Then he would invite about 20 max people to join with the same username that he setup. They would have full access to his database. What is …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for diafol

I'm trying to sort an array which contains objects, but have hit a wall. I have a number of feeds that are placed into objects (WM). The feeds are placed in the order that they're loaded. I want them to be ordered w.r.t. pubDate. I'd rather not recode the whole …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for toasty52

I have the following PHP MySql query: [CODE=php]$query="SELECT * FROM hosts WHERE php='$isphp' AND asp='$isasp' ORDER BY asp $sort";[/CODE] The variable $sort is as follows: [CODE=php]$sort = "DESC";[/CODE] can anyone tell me where i am going wrong with the above query ? i know its somthing to do with the …

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The End.