39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for dwdata

I've built a function which builds options for a SELECT FIELD. It draws options from a list table and then appends the SELECTED when the value that I am looping through in present in the $selected ARRAY. In my $FieldValue, multiple values are delineated by a "\r". I use and …

Member Avatar for Rkeast
Member Avatar for wickedsunny

hello everyone. im using a cms and i have just changed the strucutre of my site's url making changes in the core files. here is an example what i have done. at first urls were: [url]http://www.linkzdirect.com/photo/gallery/picture-name[/url] now they are chagned to : [url]http://www.linkzdirect.cm/[/url][COLOR="Red"]art[/COLOR]/gallery/picture-name everything seems to be working fine. i …

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Member Avatar for venus_me11

we have a thesis named online bus reservation system.. the system composes of three bus companies where passengers can reserve, cancel and reschedule a specific trip.. is it advisable for the customer to have a log in ??? how can we add a new bus company?? the added bus company …

Member Avatar for hireaprogrammer
Member Avatar for smvec

im a newbie php developer... i've tried sending an email n receiving the confirmation back for activating the users... here is the email sending code : [CODE]if($res) { echo "record added"; $to = $mail; $sub = "Confirm Mail From LeLys"; $header = "from: admin<support@domain.org>"; $message = "confirm link \r\n"; $message.= …

Member Avatar for wilch
Member Avatar for click here

[B]New great php templete engine (RainTPL)[/B] i found this and test it but i want any comments about it [URL="http://www.jooria.com/scripts/PHP-Templates-Engine-118/RainTPL-816/index.html"]the download[/URL] [URL="http://www.jooria.com/Tutorials/Website-Programming-16/Templag-Your-Site-with-RainTPL-141/index.html"]the documentation[/URL] thanks

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Member Avatar for mwouters

Hello, I have a category structure upt to 5 levels deep. My table looks like this; [code=sql]CREATE TABLE `categorie` ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `category_name` text NOT NULL, `parentID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', UNIQUE KEY `ID` (`ID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Cats' AUTO_INCREMENT=91 ;[/code] And I would like …

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Member Avatar for ryy705

hello, I am trying to experiment with page caching. I would like my page to be cached by the browser for 15 mins. Because the page content does not change much but it downloads thousands of the same records from the database every time the page loads. I am generating …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for carie

Hello, I'm working on a recursive loop subcategory system. The code below is ALMOST where I need it. The last thing I'd like to do is indent each subcategory based on levels deep, rather than just separate by commas. I can't seem to wrap my head around it. Any suggestions? …

Member Avatar for carie
Member Avatar for decimo

I have the following code that pulls data off a mysql database and stores it in a 2D array ($rows). But after I print the contents with a foreach loop I just can't seem to be able to use that array again! Can't figure out how to reset it (printing …

Member Avatar for edwinhermann
Member Avatar for chandervijay

Hi.. i'm basically a novice in php and have been trying to work out on a multiplication tables using textboxes (to arrive at the square of each number using loops). Given below is the code. Herein i'm not sure as to how to define the variable component which needs to …

Member Avatar for chandervijay
Member Avatar for xuexue

i already have a running code regarding this, however, when i embed the database, it cannot access the next records...help pls..

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for nigelsponge

Hi , I am using an explode function to split some comma separated colors into a drop down list. [CODE]<?php // Split the string up into an array of values $dropdown_data = explode(",", $row_rsApparel['Item_Colors']); // Output a dropdown echo '<select name="color" id = "color">'; foreach($dropdown_data as $key => $value) { …

Member Avatar for nigelsponge
Member Avatar for shahursk

hi friends, i am new to this forum. i got a problem for sending mail to checked values(check box) on the form. i enclosed the file for us. please any one check this and fix my error as soon.

Member Avatar for wilch
Member Avatar for csharplearner

Hi all, My client wants to host the videos on his site using the embed code and link of the video. What is the best way to protect the videos from downloading or saving it into pcs. Client wants his videos to remain secured and private and users can view …

Member Avatar for edwinhermann
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I need to format PHP to use with one of my date field (DATETIME). I want to get current time and format it. I have checked some googled articles but I cannot get far. Please help me!

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Member Avatar for kristo5747

Hello! I am a newbie who's trying to code in my app a way to send email with file attachments. Here's the code I put together (thanks to Google!). [code=php]<?php $fileatt = "/somedir"; $fileatt_type = "application/zip"; $fileatt_name = "logos.zip"; $email_from = "joe@work_email.com"; $email_subject = "attachment test-subject"; $email_txt = "attachment test-body"; …

Member Avatar for sarithak
Member Avatar for jithusdani

Hi folks, I wanted to get the value of the clicked A href links, somebody please help.... i have something like this, [CODE] <a href="javascript: void(0)" onClick=window.open('<?php echo $rows['file_name']?>','welcome') style="border:0 ">View</a> [/CODE] So i want to get the value if user clicks the href button. so please anybody...

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Member Avatar for Renzokouken_22

 Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at D:\xampp\htdocs\plaincart\library\config.php:1) in D:\xampp\htdocs\plaincart\library\config.php on line 7 Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at D:\xampp\htdocs\plaincart\library\config.php:1) in D:\xampp\htdocs\plaincart\library\config.php on line 7 Hello guys.. Above are the errors that …

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Member Avatar for j_limboo

How to get value from Dropdown and text values Please advice [CODE] <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <form action="tst.php" method="GET"> Input Keyword: <input type="text" name="q" style="width:200px;"> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </form> <select> <option value="SC">South Carolina</option> <option value="SD">South Dakota</option> <option value="TN">Tennessee</option> <option value="TX">Texas</option> <option value="Alaska …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for lcyew

I have a table displaying some leave information about staff. In the table, the value for "from" date, "to" date and leave entitlement for staff is retrieved from the database and are allowed for update. I'm using onChange function to keep the table updated wherever there is any of the …

Member Avatar for kylegetson
Member Avatar for super_noobie

Hey everyone, I'm new here and desperate for help. I need to figure out how to send an image created by an SWF and emailed out automatically. I'm super new at PHP trying to teach my self the language. so far I can create the image but I can't do …

Member Avatar for macross

I am new to php/sql, please forgive what must be a very basic question. I created a simple php form and have it send the data to a 2nd php page which then inputs the form data into a sql DB. I have it working 100%, but a question comes …

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Member Avatar for dottomm

Hello, Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer this question. Can I record a users ip address without them logging into my site? I have a list of documents that I would like to make available and would like to get an idea of who may be viewing them. …

Member Avatar for dottomm
Member Avatar for j_limboo

New to javascript please help me create a link after we click on submit button What is happening is when we click on submit button, it directly does the action on query to google But instead need this to create a link I mean when we hit search the javascript …

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for POPUP

Hi guys , I am new here. I am facing some error in ma vbulletin forum. my php memmory limit is set to 32MB . while trying to upload a file to forum(URL UPLOAD) i am getting a error Fatal error :out of memmory(tryied to allocate 123334bytes of 682111 byts) …

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for lostdrifter0001

I'm an amature programmer that has recently started to work with php and I think i got it down for the most part. But im currently attempting to develop a custom web administration page. One of the features I would like to add is the ability to see what programs/services …

Member Avatar for om1d_h

Hi, I need to generate a PDF report from my MySql. The problem appears when we want to write in Persian. The PDFlib appearently doesn't support UTF-8. I also checed UFPDF. It neither work well. Any advice? I use: PHP Version 4.3.7 mysql: Client API version 3.23.49

Member Avatar for haggis-man
Member Avatar for click here

Overview this is a fast way to delete Records from your mysql datebase without loading the page . this jquery code can Delete a Record with animation fade-out effect using jQuery and Ajax. <FAKE SIGNATURE>

Member Avatar for GavinHolt

Hi All, I have coded a function to work out all the possible combinations givien a list of properties and options. If the script was working out all the possible ways people would like toast, it might look like this. [CODE] Array ( [Bread] => Array ( [0] => White …

Member Avatar for gate7cy
Member Avatar for guyshahaf

i need to use a php script to recieve an email body text from flash and send that email to a fix address with a fix subject. i was able to do so but i got stuck with 2 problems: 1. why does a multiline text data get sended as …

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The End.