39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for Gearspro

Well with my forums, it is a "fluid" style which basically means the forums can stretch to fit any resolution. I was wondering if there was a way i could "set" a width for my forums or give it a minimum with that it could be while in the fluid …

Member Avatar for Gearspro
Member Avatar for xuexue

please could you give me a code the simplest code possible for a pagination, i have one however, it does not display the next item in the database....

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I was wondering if someone could tell me how I can set a default image to auto increment, when one of my members sign up. I cant figure out how to set this in phpmyadmin. I could do it manually, but I'd rather it be automatically.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mcatominey

Can anyone explain why this isnt working? I have two files index.php and include.php, the code for both are below, index includes the include.php but it doesnt output anything. Include.php [CODE]<?php class test { var $two; $this->two = 'variable 2'; function test1() { $one = 'variable 1'; $testvar1 = $this->two; …

Member Avatar for kylegetson
Member Avatar for karthikanov24

hi the following funtion to create thumbnail is called: [CODE]function copyImage($srcFile, $destFile, $w, $h, $quality = 75) { $tmpSrc = pathinfo(strtolower($srcFile)); $tmpDest = pathinfo(strtolower($destFile)); $size = getimagesize($srcFile); if ($tmpDest['extension'] == "gif" || $tmpDest['extension'] == "jpg") { $destFile = substr_replace($destFile, 'jpg', -3); $dest = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h); imageantialias($dest, TRUE); } elseif ($tmpDest['extension'] …

Member Avatar for karthikanov24
Member Avatar for surf

Im trying to get this simple page to do three drop down boxes, the boxes for date and year are fine, but month, the only drop down option you get is "$value" so i would assume that the array is at fault or the way it has been typed in …

Member Avatar for edwinhermann
Member Avatar for debuitls

Hello all, Having a bit of a problem and not sure where to start with. Maybe someone here could point me in the correct direction. I have the following code. [CODE] $result = mysql_query("SELECT proposal.*, count(bid.proposalid) AS bids,SYSDATE(), TIME_FORMAT(TIMEDIFF(tomorrowtime, SYSDATE()), '%H hours, %i minutes') AS timeleft FROM proposal LEFT JOIN …

Member Avatar for debuitls
Member Avatar for xuexue

this is the code for search button [code] if ($go == 'Go') { if ($searchText == '') { $buttonPress = 2; echo "<script>alert('Please complete the information!')</script>"; } else if ($searchText != '') { $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sec_ph WHERE phType LIKE '%$searchText%' OR phCustomer LIKE '%$searchText%' ") or die(mysql_error()); …

Member Avatar for debuitls

Hi I was just wondering if anyone knew how to deal with the window.open js function when you want to echo it. Can somebody tell me how to fix the syntax error the below. [CODE] onClick="window.open('viewhotel.php?id='$row['id']','mywindow','width=400,height=200')">' [/CODE] Any suggestions would be great!

Member Avatar for dasatti
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Don't get me wrong, I don't ignore the power behind CMSes. I want to make a Database driven contents. Here is the approach I want to take, correct me/Add opinion as you it! 1. Integrate TinyMCE editor for wariting contents (WYSIWYG) 2. Have database with table contents and three columns …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Andrieux

I want take all the usernames from this webpage and output them on my site. How would I go about that? [url]http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=gotskills[/url]

Member Avatar for kylegetson
Member Avatar for amritsharma

hi! i need support on how to view the php files on my computer's HD without uploading them on server.. thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for dwdata

For some reason this function OMITS this very first row of my vType query. The $vType is the name of my List The $FieldValue is the value in the field associated record I am building the options for. It can contain a single or MULTIPLE values. I appreciate any help …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for justted

Hello everyone, I paid for this script which is a community that offers its members the chance to get a club and joijn other members clubs! However, when people try to join a club they getb this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PRIVATE, expecting ']' in /home/cyberpet/public_html/club_join.pro.php on line …

Member Avatar for nasado
Member Avatar for mcatominey

I have been searching the web for this but cant find it anywhere, i want to search my mysql database with php but i want it to find records if just one of the search term word are met. eg. Search term from form = "one two three" My database …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for alumbagreenz

Hi good day. i am designing a little project for school. This project is to register the MAC address of the laptops of every student in the school. My problem is, when i put in the student's MAC address in the textbox, i would like the little search algorithm i …

Member Avatar for kylegetson
Member Avatar for vijaysoft1

How to use large pagination in a limited area , plz see the bottom pictures , please help me ........ as an example in my page , i have [B]more than 100 posts[/B] no my pagination system is like this [B]1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 …

Member Avatar for smartness
Member Avatar for kained

Right i'm in the process of designing a web page for a property company and the owner has requested a random property be displayed each day. I have modified a quote of the day script to work with a filemtime method but its not working and im stumped, fairly sure …

Member Avatar for kained
Member Avatar for empoor

Hi. I tried looking for this problem on Google, and found a lot, but nothing that actually seems to work. I basically have a search script that works fine when using one keyword, but when one uses more than that, it returns every single row per keyword. So a search …

Member Avatar for dasatti
Member Avatar for mahe4us

Hi all, I would like to provide subdomains for my users while they are register into my site. For example, if a user is registering into my site then he selects xxx as his username and once he completed his registeration process successfully. A URL [url]www.xxx.mydomain.com[/url] will be provided to …

Member Avatar for maxima
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi All, I need to make a PHP word editor for writting notes that will have buttons like one for wordpress. How do I start it? Is there readymade class that I can employ? Or any tutorial? I have never done such project before but I need such editor to …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I am trying to backup one of my Mysql database with a PHP script. [code] <?php $host="localhost"; $database="toy"; $username="root"; $password=""; $connection=mysql_connect($host, $username, $password); if(!$connection) { die("ERROR: Couldn't connect to the server."); } else { $dbSelect=mysql_select_db($database); if(!$dbSelect) { die("ERROR: Couldn't select the database."); } else { $mysqldumpPath="/usr/bin/mysqldump"; $backupFileName = "Desktop/toy-`date …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for softy123

I am new to php hence I ask sorry beforehand. we use company's backup restore utility. It asks the user the id no. and it creates if it not there, and uploads the pdf files into id folder. The server is Apache with php. The utility first connects create.php to …

Member Avatar for thewebhostingdi

Problem in wordpress plugin Google sitemap generator after upgrade on PHP to 5.2.10 Few users are receiving 550 internal server error or 404 page error while generating sitemap from wordpress admin area. We just uprade PHP on server to 5.2.10. I found this problem only with this verson of PHP. …

Member Avatar for kylegetson
Member Avatar for ScottHam

I'm wanting to create a cruising/dating site in php and mySQL. The options I need in the site is for users to be able to login, create their own profile with photos. I need the search script to be able to search for the usual dating site options and for …

Member Avatar for ScottHam
Member Avatar for Tekkno

I am not really sure where to go with this, but any help I can get would be appreciated. What I am trying to do is put together an array to use with a foreach loop by getting columns from multiple tables. Here is my query: [code=php] $results = mysql_query("SELECT …

Member Avatar for Tekkno
Member Avatar for krisfr

I am trying to make a web page that sequentially displays all fields of a database table. Ordered by the Indexed ID of each record I would like to be able to have 4 Nav buttons And have 4 mod buttons; add new, delete, edit and reset I would like …

Member Avatar for cwarn23

I'm not sure if this is possible but I'm kinda stuck in the middle. For my script I need to calculate the server load and the mysql cache usage both in percentage. Does anybody know of any scripts I can use for this. There are probably open source things that …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for rcdeck

Good morning everyone, I am currently building a website for the company where I work and I am looking to get a hit counter so I can pull some usage statistics. Our site is on the Intranet and not everyone has access to the Internet so I would rather not …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for phoobah

I have somewhat a simple scenario, and having been out of PHP for some time, I'm a bit of a brainfart the past two days as I'm researching and re-educating myself with PHP. To put in lamen terms, I have a CSV file on the host server. I have a …

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The End.