39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for ramsri05

Dear Friends. :) I am new to this forum and php coding as well. 1. I would like to know whether we can able to [B]import .xls excel[/B] file contents into the [B]mysql database[/B] table using [COLOR="Red"]php[/COLOR].? Objective: User has to browse the excel file from their system and import …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for cbmjarvis

Hi, I have an html form which, when submitted, e-mails the data via php to me. It all works fine, but I wondered if there was a way to get the output to be displayed in html rather than by e-mail. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Chris.

Member Avatar for cbmjarvis
Member Avatar for kako13

Hi, I'm was asked to create a search engine. The same search on data in a MySQL service. Right now it work, but the search query is not powerful. How I can improve it and make it a good search engine? [CODE=php] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> …

Member Avatar for kako13
Member Avatar for keanoppy

[code]echo "<td> <input type=\"text\" name=\"name$i\" size=\"10\" readonly=\"readonly\" value="; echo $row['name']; echo " /> </td>";[/code] currently,if there is a value in column name,i.e mr john, only mr will be shown in the value.i've check with my mysql_fetch_array and all others,seems like when i echo $row['name'] outside the <td>,mr john will appear,only …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for khr2003

Hi I have a table which I am trying to pull some data out of. I am trying to select all the data where one field matches two numbers. [CODE]mysql_query ("SELECT articles.*,articles_comments.* FROM articles LEFT JOIN articles_comments ON articles.id= articles_comments.articleid WHERE articles.cat_id='$cat_id' AND articles.status='1');[/CODE] what I want to do is …

Member Avatar for khr2003
Member Avatar for gruebz

Hi, I don't know anything about PHP but my site has a ready made template with the following block of code which produces an image stored on my server and links to page on my site: [code] <block type="core/template" after="-" name="left.permanent.callout-2" template="callouts/left_col.phtml"> <action method="setImgSrc"><src>images/media/col_left_callout-2.jpg</src></action> <action method="setImgAlt" translate="alt" module="catalog"><alt>Our customer service …

Member Avatar for gruebz
Member Avatar for Indiainternet

Hi I have a website [url]http://www.bizmartindia.com/[/url] has pr 3 [url]http://www.bizmartindia.com/index.php[/url] has pr 2 1 Will it make a difference to google ranking 2 Hoew to merge [url]http://www.bizmartindia.com/index.php[/url] in to [url]http://www.bizmartindia.com/[/url] Is any change in .htaccess file is required. How to do it. Pls help

Member Avatar for Indiainternet
Member Avatar for BigDan531

hi guys i need some help with my code im new to php and im trying to create a login page. i have created MYSQL database to go along but whenever i try to login - it brings me to myaccount.php and just displays Access Denied no matter what input, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Studio

Hi there I have been searching round the internet for the last few days trying to find a tutorial that would help me make a contact form that then uses server side and client side code (PHP/Ajax) to validate the fields so that it is degradable if the user has …

Member Avatar for vinothkumar023
Member Avatar for kennycason

Hi, I am currently having a multilingual website developed and the following problems emerged: Japanese text displays perfectly on all pages of the website, on both the user and admin end. However, whenever a mail containing Japanese is sent it turns into gibberish. (I do have Japanese fonts on my …

Member Avatar for kennycason
Member Avatar for keanoppy

i wanted to make the input type=text name="" to be incremental i.e. a1,a2,a3 according to the loops generated by sql query the question is,how to specify which name to be read to the next page.code fragments might help better yeah? in one of my .php script,i have this fragment of …

Member Avatar for keanoppy
Member Avatar for Freedom2

This old fart is attempting to get his aged brain wrapped around this mysql/php stuff. Getting my data from Excel into a Mysql db took some doing, but I got it done. Hooray for me! Now I've been trying to get that data into a page using php. I've managed …

Member Avatar for chand.

Anyone knows the best book of php5, in which author teaches to create an object oriented shopping cart, step by step. Or if anyone knows about some great series of tutorial in which we can have the same stuff.

Member Avatar for InsaneVr6
Member Avatar for kbjustin

I just installed php 5.3 and apache 2.2 on my computer. While Apache seems to know I have php(it shows php 5.3 on the bottom of the apache monitor) when i tried to load a page with phpinfo() nothing shows up. I know i have the right syntax(i have used …

Member Avatar for kbjustin
Member Avatar for HughLa

Ok I have been trying for hours and hours to stop my image upload script from uploading the same image whenever a user refreshes the page. I have tried unlink, unset and redirecting the user and back. It still won't quit. I have literally unset every single input element in …

Member Avatar for djjjozsi
Member Avatar for CFROG

I've been working on trying to solve the problem of calculating the average of a row of numbers in which some of the cells have a null value. I'm convinced there's no easy way to do this. I found an example on the net that I have been working from …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for shella

Hi all, i'm blocked on a script php/ajax that manage dynamic select. To let me understand better here the link tutorial: [url]http://phpgon.com/ajax-php-dynamic-select-lists.html[/url] I take this little code part aboutthe file dynamic-lists.js where i'd like to pass another variable to the get-subcategories.php page and not only the variable idcategory. [code] function …

Member Avatar for noelthefish
Member Avatar for satrio27

I had a problem that I can't seem to find an answer everywhere. I want to make an autoresponder based on web with php, but I don;t know how. Could please someone give a tutorial about this? Thanx

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for jbennet

[B][U]How to install a Debian LAMP Server[/U][/B] [B][U][/U][/B] [I]The combination of Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP setup is known as LAMP[/I] We will be using: [B]Debian Linux - Operating System[/B] Debian is an opensource operating system, which uses the popular Linux kernel. It is a good choice for …

Member Avatar for inckie
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

ok what i am trying to do is have the user insert cretin things like %address%, and what will happen is i would have data be recalled from the DB and replaced with what it needs to be ex: %address% = 1234 main st this is what i have idk …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for tsr.linkan

i want to execute the mail function but it does not work...... The below error has occured......what can i do/i don't know how to get the php.ini file.............................. [B]Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for ROTC89

ok so i am trying to make a program that is able to viewed on the web using mysql and php together. i have to show a little icon or something saying would you like to view the listing you submitted. this is my program but i keep getting a …

Member Avatar for ROTC89
Member Avatar for SEO-FREE

or paid even? Community websites like facebook, soulmates and etc..? Please recommend any if you know.! thanks!

Member Avatar for twohawks
Member Avatar for bethennyengland

Are there any benefits of offering php software developers free php open source software? how can a business profit from this?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for k2k

hi, i selected everything from the table and the direct variable $cResult[3] would give me something like "street address with space as delimiter" ... however, when i tried to use it, it will give me only "street" instead of "street address with space as delimiter". does anyone know how i …

Member Avatar for k2k
Member Avatar for zenix

Hi, I am trying to learn php and when I feel i understand a concept I like to try it out by writing a script or 2. I am currently attempting to create an image on the fly, like a button. I keep receiving the message: Warning: imagecreatefrompng(red-button.png) [function.imagecreatefrompng]: failed …

Member Avatar for zenix
Member Avatar for droffij

...any help?.....i successfully installed the xampp, when i try to run files i encounter error 404...

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for windinair

hello, am new to this site and i know very well that i have so much to learn about php. actually, i need a php script that can email username and password to a private email. although, i have one but it doesnt have the lines that can email the …

Member Avatar for sajif
Member Avatar for weevil

Hi everyone! I will try to give you as much info as possible to solve this quick! I am reading the Apache_Php_sql weekend crash course and I am stuck on testing my php installation. Here's what I have so far. Vista Installed Apache 2.2.11 listening on port 80 at "c:\server". …

Member Avatar for sajif
Member Avatar for tlore22

Hello I am a newbie with MS SQL and PHP. So if you could help it would be much appreciated. I connected remoteley to a Microsoft SQL server 2005 database with PHP. I have to call a procedure (A) wich calls another procedure B within it. How do I get …

Member Avatar for lighthead

The End.