39,388 Topics
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hi all, I am new in php. I want to show every row one by one during processing with check icon in the right side from row 1 up to row n? table row 1 √ row 2 √ . . . . . row n √ | |
hello, i would like to make my online forms transparent instead of the usual white as such you can have a black background but the form sits on top letting you see your background. | |
hello, i have a form in my site connected to a database for registering new members through the insert record server behaviour in dreamweaver. i would like to add a functionality that will notify me through email when a new member registers. help greatly appreciated | |
Hi All, In the following code, the selected row from mysql database it populated in each cell, except for the "Content", where the syntax is slightly different, and obviously incorrect. Please can somebody take a look at it for me and advise where it needs to be changed. Thanks [code] … | |
hi, if i left a field blank in my table. when i tried to retrieve all the info out to the form. the text box supposed to have blank (because the corresponding field in the table is blank) appear a "/" ... i have tried to use trim() ... stripslashes() … | |
Hey all. Me again. I am working with a database that contains data about multiple cruises. I am setting up a site that will allow the user to select multiple things. These include: Name of cruise ship. Departure Port. Port of Calls. These items are in three pull down menus. … | |
Is there a foreach code in JQuery as in PHP? I have a code in php,like [code] <?php foreach ($viewfields as $viewfield): ?> if("<?php echo $viewfield['Attribute']['required'];?>"=='true'){ $("<span class='req'><em> * </em></span>").appendTo("#fb_contentarea_col1down21 #label<?php echo $viewfield['Attribute']['sequence_no']?>"); } if(<?=$viewfield['Attribute']['type'];?>=='text'||<?=$viewfield['Attribute']['type'];?>=='date'||<?=$viewfield['Attribute']['type'];?>=='number'){ $("<input id=input<?=$viewfield['Attribute']['sequence_no'];?> type= 'text' style= 'width:<?=$viewfield['Attribute']['size'];?>px' data-attr=<?=$viewfield['Attribute']['type'];?> ></input><br>").appendTo("#fb_contentarea_col1down21 #<?=$viewfield['Attribute']['sequence_no'];?>"); } else if(<?=$viewfield['Attribute']['type'];?>=='textarea'){ $("<textarea style= 'width:<?=$viewfield['Attribute']['size'];?>px' … | |
Hey all i have the following code: [code=php] <?php include 'config.php'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <link href="design.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Search for <?php echo "$_POST[boat]" ?></title> </head> <body> <?php $port1 = $_POST[port]; if (isset($port1)) { echo "This … | |
Hi Guys, I am trying to create an RSS in PHP. I have the following code which should work but I get an error saying FEED ERROR when I run the code. The code does run and display an XML file if I remove <rss version="2.0"> , I really don't … | |
Hi All, I have successfully intalled apache and php and they are both working fine. Does anyone know what I need to do to be able to connect to sybase database. All the online litterature tell me that I need to add sybase to the configure parameter list when installing … | |
Hi, I have a Book Registration Form, in which one book may have more than one authors and can belong to more than one category, therefore on the registration form, I have a textbox for the category, in order the category is not in the dropdown, I want to add … | |
Hi, I'm Wyatt, and this is my first post! So I have an idea for a website. I'm decent at C++ and I only know some basic html. Now I want to pick up a new language to code my site. As I googled the functions I needed, PHP came … | |
Hi, I use a submit button to go to next page with posting a value. When i click on back (button in the browser) to go back to previous page, it says "Page is expired. Information must be send to display this page erc etc". I don't want to face … | |
After many frustrating hours and web searching I cannot figure out why the move_uploaded_file is appending the names of already already created files to the name of new files. As you will be able to tell from my code I an pretty new to PHP. However, I have a pretty … | |
So this question may be a little hard to follow, but here i go anyway. I am trying to create a table in mysql that is comprised of only the email addresses that show up multiple times in my origianl table. More specifically, the original table has a record for … | |
Hello, I'm new on daniweb, and it's my first post (to start sorry for any language mistake, my language is french). Well, I'm developping a website for a client in php, the theme of the website is that registred users can make online consultations with a doctor, in the registration … | |
I have been working with PHP for a few months now and I wanted to make a simple mailing list script to add to a website I am helping redesign. I think that a mailing list will be a welcome upgrade. Anyway the error I am getting is[CODE]PHP Parse error: … | |
I'm in a situation where I have to pass javascript variable to php without redirect (no $_get[]). The code I'm working around is like [ICODE] <script> var screen_width=screen.width </script> <?php $screen_width=[B]javascript_variable[/B] ?> [/ICODE] I want to pass value of this variable to a new php variable.Please suggest me a way … | |
hey I'm having a problem trying to get some variables passed on a form to another page where the processing is handled. basically what I'm trying to do is display the titles of pages from a website that are stored on a mysql database. those titles are passed thru a … | |
Hi all, I have a query to return only 10 records: [CODE]$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM sm_Solves ORDER BY solved_stamp DESC LIMIT 10;") or die ("error in query. ".mysql_error());[/CODE] In this table, the "solved_stamp" is a timestamp result and there is a field called "username". I want to take … | |
Hi frnds... here i am uploading images....i am getting error when i use songle quotes in title(otherwise correct)......plz check this one..[CODE] $gcategory=$_POST['gcategory']; [B]$gname=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['gname']);[/B] [B]$tmp_name = mysql_real_escape_string($_FILES["gphoto"]["tmp_name"]);[/B] $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_FILES["gphoto"]["name"]); $tname = mysql_real_escape_string($_FILES["tphoto"]["name"]); $ttmp_name = $_FILES["tphoto"]["tmp_name"]; $date=date('y-m-d'); $dir="../../gallery/allgallerys/$gcategory/$gname"; $tdir="../../gallery/allgallerys/$gcategory/$gname/thumb"; if(!file_exists($dir)) mkdir($dir)or die("Filename all ready exits"); if(!file_exists($tdir)) mkdir($tdir)or die("Filename all ready exits"); … | |
How do I run the gabbage cleaner function in a session class from within the PHP framework. I use GNU/Linux and I have done it through CRON. Any scheduling library available in PHP? Any help will be highly appreciated. | |
I have created a database. It just contains information about websites. One column has the path to an image, like a rating system(1-5 stars). I just need to display this information on a web page. Everything shows up fine, but I just need it to display the image instead of … | |
i want to make a form which is shows in following image.(screenshot) in which first field comes from database.echo values. in second fields same value come from database. now in third text field i want to show these values example e.g value of first fields>>>> jaisingh value of second field>>>jairam … | |
Hi everyone, I've been a programmer for about 3 years and not so long ago, I decided to switch my interest to web development. For that reason, I've been learning PHP & MySQL for some times. However, I feel a need of direction about what is relevant to the current … | |
Hi everyone! I'm trying to manage images uploads using my own class which renames the uploaded file prepending a random string: [CODE=php]define('UPLOAD_PATH', realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../public/uploads')); class Lib_Form_Element_File extends Zend_Form_Element_File { public function init() { if($this->isUploaded()) { $this->setDestination(UPLOAD_PATH); $realname = $this->getFileName(null, false); do { $filename = UPLOAD_PATH . '/' . md5(time()) … | |
hi, in my shopping cart we have a phone orders and when user tells products we will click on that product and calculate the total and insert in to database my code is like [code=php]<table width="100%" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="borent"> <? $s=-1; while ($prow = mysql_fetch_assoc($pres)) { $s++; $item[$s]=$prow['p_id']; … | |
hello every one just i need favor.. i am having this idea in my head ..is it possbile ? when the user submit the data it stored in PDF file and that file gose in to my email..??? thanks in advance... | |
Hi, I am trying to load an Rss link and add the data into an array. Here is what I am trying: [ICODE]<?php $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc2 = new DOMDocument(); $bbcLink='http://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_uk_edition/world/rss.xml'; $cnnLink='http://rss.cnn.com/rss/edition.rss'; $reutersLink='http://feeds.reuters.com/reuters/scienceNews'; $doc->load($bbcLink); $arrFeeds = array(); foreach ($doc2->getElementsByTagName('item') as $node) { $itemRSS = array ( '<p class="style1">' => … |
The End.