39,316 Topics

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Working recently with Microsoft's rapid development environment for ASP left me impressed with the speed of the tools. I'm curious if anyone knows of a rapid development environment for PHP. I use phpEdit Professional and Dreamweaver Studio 8 which has some real nice php code already defined but one would …

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Member Avatar for diafol

Hi all. Have been trying to get my head around a problem in my custom messaging system. This is my msg table: id (PK) datetime_posted (datetime) from_id (FK for user id) to_id (FK for user id) title (the title obviously) msg (the body) status (0 = inbox, 1 - removed) …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sandeshcha

hello everyone. i need to develop a site where i need to show members of the site on google map via the database. can anyone please hep me with this? i have never worked with google maps API. thanking you in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi all, The following code should select all data, grab the highest value row (i.e. the newest), and display that exact rows number, contained text and time/date of creation. It is correctly grabbing the row number, but still only grabbing the contents of the first row. I am not getting …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, The title of this thread is the error i am recieving when running the script below. Im hoping to get it to show all entried from the selected row. [code] <?php $dbh=mysql_connect ("------", "--------", "-----------") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db …

Member Avatar for Menster
Member Avatar for spivey

I have a Drupal site, and I have been all over the Drupal forums and gotten nowhere. My sidebar blocks disappeared, save for one single block, which changes. However, the blocks can be accessed and served by another module the Panels module. The site is Drupal 5 but I am …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for Angeline5

I have two arrays, Forms and formsShared. [code] <?php foreach ($Forms as $r): ?> $("#shareform<?=$r['Form']['id'];?>").hide(); $(".Share<?=$r['Form']['id'];?>").click(function(){ $("#shareform<?=$r['Form']['id'];?>").toggle("show"); }); <?php endforeach; ?> [/code] Currently, I have this hide and toggle function for each Form in the Forms array. I want these functions to be enabled for the forms in the formsShared …

Member Avatar for Menster
Member Avatar for ayesha789

I need a way to select the values from another table and then insert them In another table. And using the id which is posted from . in this file i need to select data from 2 differnt table and then insert it into the table MainStrInv . Please check …

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for nostalgia149

to start with .. lemme ask u .. whether i can use <?php ?> inside <script ></script> anywhere and also if i can use html tags there?????????????????????????

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for skubasteve

Hello, I have a tracking program I built for one of my websites so I know which keywords are getting visitors. Anyway, the tracking program works, but it fills my error logs with this one error: PHP Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in... Anyway, …

Member Avatar for djjjozsi
Member Avatar for nostalgia149

with the little understanding of php wht i hav understood is that.. we use request whn v use certain data frm the same page and use the database.. in case of post v use it whn v hav to get the data frm a different page.. forget get for the …

Member Avatar for nostalgia149
Member Avatar for tmv105

Hi all, I am a student trying to access a database that is on a different server than where my web pages are stored. My webpages running PHP scripts are here ( through and my database is here ( Here is the code that I implemented: [code]$con = mysql_connect(, …

Member Avatar for spthorn
Member Avatar for abrocketman

Evening All. I am busy creating a website that will have about 20 pages. So I have made a header and a footer (include("");). now that i am ready to start with the main content of the site i cannot seem to add div tags to the css file inside …

Member Avatar for spthorn
Member Avatar for Zurompeta

I can't seem to figure out this simple issue. Basically, I'm doing an integer validation to ensure a user does not exceed the range of a "BIGINT" for MYSQL. As you know, the range of a BIGINT is: -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 So, to test the validation, I used: -9223372036854775809 and …

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Member Avatar for Talguy

If i create a custom session handler that stores my session information in a database and use the normal session variable since I overwritten it would these sessions work across a load balanced web server cluster.

Member Avatar for mark2326l

On a PC, Explorer or FireFox I get a box around any image that has a link associated with it. All browsers on my Mac appear as desired. My typical... [CODE]<a href="http://www.link.com/" target="_blank"><img src="images/MyPicture.gif" width="200" height="103" align="top" /> </a>[/CODE] Is there any way to get rid of these?

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Member Avatar for atrophiedsoul

Ok so basically I am creating a ftp loop, that takes dynamic inputs from a previous page (all variables should be present, but naturally may not be formatted correctly... or i wouldnt be posting) So.. I can get it to loop through a connection just fine, but I seem to …

Member Avatar for atrophiedsoul
Member Avatar for smasher

Hi ive got this bit of code, trying to reteach myself stuff about PHP ive forgotten and having a general play. However i can only get this code to half work [CODE]<?php include_once("connect.php"); $username=$_POST['username']; $password=$_POST['password']; $email=$_POST['email']; $existing= "select * from CSLE_User where Username = '$username'"; $exist=mysql_query($existing) or die (mysql_error()); $num=mysql_numrows($exist) …

Member Avatar for smasher
Member Avatar for rojanjcb

do anyone knows how to connect to a MS SQL server(database in internet,i have ip,db username and db password).i used mssql_connect from my PHP ,but how to activate it in windows or Ubutu.i download all dll files needed but i cant connect..pls help me....

Member Avatar for tlore22
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi all, marquee is working fine in my localhost firefox but when i made it live its not working in ff any ideas why? thanks in advance

Member Avatar for spthorn
Member Avatar for atrophiedsoul

I could use some assistance in trying to streamline this jumble of code into maybe a function, or at least slimming this down some. with this code I am counting the amount of images in a folder (4 folders actually) and then getting that result, and supposedly adding one to …

Member Avatar for atrophiedsoul
Member Avatar for trtcom1

Hi there, I am having problems with editing/updating a record. I have 3 tables: Student (studentNum,firstName,lastName,ClassRoom), course (courseID,courseTotalCapacity), course_allocation (studentNum,courseID). I have 3 courses, MATHS=101,BIOLOGY=102,CHEMISTRY=103. The total number of students allowed for each of the 3 courses is courseTotalCapacity = 20. Meaning that only 20 students can register for MATHS, …

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Member Avatar for tulipputih

I have error on this line.. what should I change..thank you [code=php] mysql_query("INSERT INTO lesson (subject,year,learningArea,objectives,ability) VALUES ('<?php echo $onrow["subject"]', '<?php echo $onrow["year"]', '<?php echo $onrow["learningArea"]', '<?php echo $onrow["objectives"]', '<?php echo $onrow["ability"]' ") or die(mysql_error());[/code]

Member Avatar for tulipputih
Member Avatar for xuexue

hi guys, i already made a simple website using the localhost XAMPP, everything is going well, now i want to upgrade it, meaning i want it to be uploaded in a web server? is there any sites you could refer to me for the complete step by step procedure of …

Member Avatar for faizt1
Member Avatar for toad78

I have a login form that works just fine, except when it forwards to the 'menu.php' page. The 'menu.php' page has a list of links that is suppose to be in relationship to the 'mem_id'. For example, there's a link called 'Profile'. When you hover over the link, it is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

ok what i am trying to do is math between different values and then echo something if that number is in between those values [CODE] //gives % $bal = $other / $first + $second + $third; //checks what percent is in between if($bal < 50) { echo "3pt"; } //if …

Member Avatar for itisnot_me
Member Avatar for SamSam2020
Member Avatar for mbirame

Hi folks, I am brand new to PHP, but I am trying to learn from an online tutorial. I'm using this one: [url]http://inpics.net/tutorials/php/variables24.html[/url] I'm sure there are many others, but that's where I'm at now. I am on the variables section, and they present this code: [CODE]<?php # This script …

Member Avatar for humbug
Member Avatar for HughLa

Hi everyone I am having a problem with displaying an image from mysql with base64_decode. my image viewer looks like this: [code] <?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/site/dbconnect.php'); $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM images WHERE p_id='".$_GET['p_id']."'"); $table_returns=mysql_fetch_array($result); $encoded=$table_returns['data']; $image_name=$table_returns['image_name']; $the_date=$table_returns['date']; mysql_close($connect); echo base64_decode($encoded); echo $image_name; echo $the_date; ?> [/code] I don't know what I am doing …

Member Avatar for Banderson
Member Avatar for gnarly

Before I start coding my webpage, I'd like to know if I'll be able to test curl functions without my site being online. I know you can test webpages in browsers offline. Can curl still get me data from other websites while I have internet access, but my site is …

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The End.