39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for atrophiedsoul

I could use some assistance in trying to streamline this jumble of code into maybe a function, or at least slimming this down some. with this code I am counting the amount of images in a folder (4 folders actually) and then getting that result, and supposedly adding one to …

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Member Avatar for trtcom1

Hi there, I am having problems with editing/updating a record. I have 3 tables: Student (studentNum,firstName,lastName,ClassRoom), course (courseID,courseTotalCapacity), course_allocation (studentNum,courseID). I have 3 courses, MATHS=101,BIOLOGY=102,CHEMISTRY=103. The total number of students allowed for each of the 3 courses is courseTotalCapacity = 20. Meaning that only 20 students can register for MATHS, …

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Member Avatar for tulipputih

I have error on this line.. what should I change..thank you [code=php] mysql_query("INSERT INTO lesson (subject,year,learningArea,objectives,ability) VALUES ('<?php echo $onrow["subject"]', '<?php echo $onrow["year"]', '<?php echo $onrow["learningArea"]', '<?php echo $onrow["objectives"]', '<?php echo $onrow["ability"]' ") or die(mysql_error());[/code]

Member Avatar for tulipputih
Member Avatar for xuexue

hi guys, i already made a simple website using the localhost XAMPP, everything is going well, now i want to upgrade it, meaning i want it to be uploaded in a web server? is there any sites you could refer to me for the complete step by step procedure of …

Member Avatar for faizt1
Member Avatar for toad78

I have a login form that works just fine, except when it forwards to the 'menu.php' page. The 'menu.php' page has a list of links that is suppose to be in relationship to the 'mem_id'. For example, there's a link called 'Profile'. When you hover over the link, it is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

ok what i am trying to do is math between different values and then echo something if that number is in between those values [CODE] //gives % $bal = $other / $first + $second + $third; //checks what percent is in between if($bal < 50) { echo "3pt"; } //if …

Member Avatar for itisnot_me
Member Avatar for SamSam2020
Member Avatar for mbirame

Hi folks, I am brand new to PHP, but I am trying to learn from an online tutorial. I'm using this one: [url]http://inpics.net/tutorials/php/variables24.html[/url] I'm sure there are many others, but that's where I'm at now. I am on the variables section, and they present this code: [CODE]<?php # This script …

Member Avatar for humbug
Member Avatar for HughLa

Hi everyone I am having a problem with displaying an image from mysql with base64_decode. my image viewer looks like this: [code] <?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/site/dbconnect.php'); $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM images WHERE p_id='".$_GET['p_id']."'"); $table_returns=mysql_fetch_array($result); $encoded=$table_returns['data']; $image_name=$table_returns['image_name']; $the_date=$table_returns['date']; mysql_close($connect); echo base64_decode($encoded); echo $image_name; echo $the_date; ?> [/code] I don't know what I am doing …

Member Avatar for Banderson
Member Avatar for gnarly

Before I start coding my webpage, I'd like to know if I'll be able to test curl functions without my site being online. I know you can test webpages in browsers offline. Can curl still get me data from other websites while I have internet access, but my site is …

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Member Avatar for borneo

hello everybody..can someone help me to find out the script for testimonial...i have been searching but i can't found it..please everybody..i really need it for my last year project...really need help from the pro....

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Member Avatar for bobocheez

Is there a way to send a streaming url such as mms or asx through mysql or a php file so that it does not appear in the source code?

Member Avatar for bobocheez
Member Avatar for sparf

hey all, been a while since i was this stumped. i have main.php which calls in an iframe child.php child.php is only a table it has lots of TDs in it. now what i want to do is to have a button on main.php that when pressed creates an XLS …

Member Avatar for sparf
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hey, I need help getting that ugly yyyy-mm-dd format to change to something prettier. I would prefer being able to output it in the form like January 01, 2007. Something easy to read for the average user. I can leave it stored in yyyy-mm-dd in my database, but in my …

Member Avatar for kblenman
Member Avatar for karin21

hi, i have a script here which display an item name from database into textfield based on the combo box selection, i cn display the item name but my problem is i dont know how to display the item information into the textbox? i'm required to use php but i …

Member Avatar for karin21
Member Avatar for Toxikr3

Hi guys, I have been working on a site and have managed to add a login script. I made an "status" script myself which tells people if a user is online or not. I did that by using database(easiest way I could think of), when person logs in it changes …

Member Avatar for Toxikr3
Member Avatar for 0TheFace

Hi, I've been trying to set up a webserver for a while now, but with no luck. Here is the problem:- After I installed PHP,Apache,MySQL into a folder named 'server' on my local machine and followed the relevant steps to set them up; I used the following script to check …

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Member Avatar for leviathan185

Hi, I am trying to write an upload script and everytime i try and upload a file it will give me an error. Warning: move_uploaded_file(/home/******/public_html/dw/uploads) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Is a directory in /home/******/public_html/dw/upload2.php on line 3 I have checked that the folder is there as the error suggests …

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Member Avatar for bainer21

I am new to php, and i am making a simple ticket validation system for my school in the theatre, So we scan all the purchased barcodes from the ticket into the form which then posts the barcode data into insert.php which uploads that number to the database (this process …

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Member Avatar for jbd4d

I am trying to create a csv file from a table in a mysql database using the following code. No errors come up, but nothing happens either... I know that i am connected to the database properly because earlier in my code a number of tables from the database are …

Member Avatar for jbd4d
Member Avatar for codemaker

Hi guys, I'm wondering, web-sites like facebook and myspace, which MYSQL engines would be better to use?

Member Avatar for dsherwin
Member Avatar for goodnohello

This used to post data to mysql database: [icode]<form name="form1" method="post" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>">[/icode] Now the data does not post. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a server issue? How do I correct this?

Member Avatar for tunkara
Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi I have an xml file which i get data from using the simplexml_load_file function I then grab values and store them in variables now the thing is that the amount of games displayed will be different I need to grab the values from them with a while loop or …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for bioTIN

my class in php contains an array -> mysql_fields. How do i go about extracting the info from the array? giving a [icode]print_r($sub_details->mysql_fields)[/icode] works as expected while, [code] but foreach($sub_details->mysql_fields as $key -> $value) { echo $key."->".$value; } [/code] doesnt work. How do i got about iterating through the arrary?

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for karin21

hi there.. n_n i have this simple project in php where in i can select item from dropdown list and display their details in textbox.. but my problem is it display all details without selecting the item.. can anyone help me out on this.. many thanks in advance.. code: [code=php]<script …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

the code below i`m using to send emails to members in my site. but in yahoo they are saved in the Spam folder also hotmail in junk folder. [code=php] $from="From:mysite@mysite.com\r\n"; $to="$email"; $subject="$user left you a Profile Comment on mysite.Com "; $content="$user left you a profile comment on mysite.Com to view …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for NoID

Hello Guys, I want to delete a record from my saved.php which has a code, [code] <td><a href=\"delete.php?id=$ID\">delete</a></td> [/code] Which gets the link as [url]http://localhost/delete.php?id=8022[/url] I then have a delete.php file, which has this code, [code] <?php if(isset $_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['ID']; $con = mysql_connect("localhost","t","123456"); if (!$con) { die('Could …

Member Avatar for spthorn
Member Avatar for headedtomexico

anyone have a link to a good auction script. Something simple, no frills. I'm running phpbb2 and want to add an auction area. I looked at that phpbb-auction.com site, and it seems pretty delapidated, and I'm not so sure I want it as a phpbb add-on. Whatever script I do …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for tulipputih

Hi. How could we unlock the locked textbox whenever users click a button -say ' customise button'. Then users are able to customise the boxes and save it as a set of new data with new ID? Help is much appreciated.

Member Avatar for tulipputih
Member Avatar for ersubhajit

I am getting this problem whenever I login from index.php to admin_area.php. I am giving the codes of the two files. Please help. Index.php [code=php]<?php session_start(); include("../lib/globals.php"); if(isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { $u_name=$_REQUEST['username']; $pass=$_REQUEST['password']; $sql="select * from `user_table_master` where `user_name`='$u_name' and `password`='$pass'"; $result=mysql_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); $num_of_rows=mysql_num_rows($result); if($num_of_rows>0) { $_SESSION['logged_in']='y'; $_SESSION['user_type']=$row['user_type']; $_SESSION['user_formation']=$row['formation']; $_SESSION['user_name']=$row['user_name']; $_SESSION['name']=$row['name']; $_SESSION['user_id']=$row['user_id']; …

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The End.