39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for arunkumarm03

hi, please tell me anyone how to install LAMP in linux i don't know the admin password, while i am trying to install it, i am getting a error like mkdir /usr/local/apache2 mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/apache2': Permission denied and also tell me how install using password.

Member Avatar for dualzNZ
Member Avatar for blackberry007

The pagination works fine if I dont use any search queries. And when I use search query the first page shows correct result but a problem occurs whenever I click the 'Next page' because it will show the values of the database instead of the continuation of the searched values. …

Member Avatar for mohamedasif18
Member Avatar for mohamedasif18

Hi guyz,, I have 2 table like, [B]table1[/B] [B]Name[/B], [B]Number[/B] Gates 123456789 Bill 987456321 John 874123658 Peter 562314752 [B]table2[/B] [B]Number[/B], [B]Message[/B] 123456789 Hai hello 874123658 Gudmorning 123456789 Something Went 123456789 verY Nice morning 562314752 Hai spidy.. My Question is how to select all records from table 2 and also i …

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Member Avatar for degroundshaker

Hi, This is my very first post in DeniWeb and I would like to start threading with the problem I have been facing from long. I am working on a blog community site where I want to show screenshots of user's blog in their profile page. For this purpose I …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for asif49

This is the type of feed which I'm pulling data from... [CODE] <item> <title>This is a title</title> <description>Description.</description> <link>Link</link> <media:content width="60" height="50" url="http://www.someurl.com"/> <media:content width="150" height="80" url="http://www.someurl.com"/> </item> <item> <title>This is a title</title> <description>Description.</description> <link>Link</link> </item> <item> <title>This is a title</title> <description>Description.</description> <link>Link</link> <media:content width="60" height="50" url="http://www.someurl.com"/> </item> [/CODE] Here's …

Member Avatar for asif49
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

I have a mysql table that has id, name, type, size, content, and link. I have pages download.php and showimage.php. I want the link to affect the image so when the user clicks it sends them their. I only created showimage.php cause I had ran out of options on how …

Member Avatar for RazorRamon
Member Avatar for tweets23
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for accra

[ICODE]Hi, am wounding where i can find a script that can do something similar to this [url]www.avis.com[/url] Pls look at the right low side. This is just javascript, want something similar, but using php/mysql.[/ICODE]

Member Avatar for accra
Member Avatar for emannoor455

And if the case is that 1. having only 1 directory lets suppose Images 2. Added category and categorized images category wise... 3. Now want to count the images according to their category then what will be the code for this by counting images from 1 directory but for different …

Member Avatar for emannoor455
Member Avatar for PF2G

Hi, i'm doing a profile page, where the user can see all his information. To begin i'm putting the information in a label, but for real i want to put it in textbox, so the user can change the information. That's one poit i would like change, the other - …

Member Avatar for degroundshaker
Member Avatar for tahirkhanafridi

Hi frnds i have problem with mp3 file upload with firefox i used this code for uploading [CODE]if($_FILES['mp3file']['type'] == "audio/mpeg")[/CODE] how ever its only works with IE but its not working with firefox plz tell me what to do? my all code is this. [CODE] $file_name = rand(1000,10000)."_".$_FILES['mp3file']['name']; $file_title = …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Virangya

hi, i'm passing a content in a div tag to a url. url looks like [ICODE]index.php?content=texttext &amp; text text[/ICODE] .. so on. when i'm trying to display this string, php only displays content up to &amp; it stops at '&' how can i stop this? i need to change this …

Member Avatar for zacharysr

Why isnt this form working? I have changed it around alot but it wont seem to let anyone log in thats not on the same server as me, it works on my computer and any computer in the house, but if its off of ours it wont work [CODE]<html> <head> …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

hi i have written code but there is mistake in calculation.... i want to show price according to quantity in table.....but quantity is right but price is not rice.. code is [CODE] <?php $brush_price = 5; $counter = 10; echo " <table border=\"1\" align=\"center\">"; echo "<tr><td>Quantity</td><td>Price</td></tr>"; while($counter<=100) { echo "<tr><td>$counter</td><td>$brush_price</td></tr>"; …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for jhbalaji

Is there any script that can give Equivalent date function in php Example If i assign a variable as 26.1.2012 it should output as 26<sup>th</sup> January 2012 Can someone help me on this!

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for BenzZz

Hi, I have three drop down boxes for a Date field; one each for days, month and year. I want it so that when a year and month are selected they can be checked and then i can use those variables to insert the options into the days drop down …

Member Avatar for BenzZz
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

hi i want to echo multidimansional array by using for each loop... i m doing it but i m not able to do... i hope some onwe will help me.. my code is [CODE] $Families = array ( "Farhad" =>array("Ali","Haider","Kashan"), "Sufyan" => array("Shahbaz","Ali2","Azaan")); foreach($Families as $key2=>$values3) { echo "$key2 $values3"; …

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Member Avatar for bashaash

Hi to all I am having this problem can anyone help me to solv this problem pls here is the code. first problem [CODE]Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /hermes/web07/b2501/mydomain.com/htdocs/media.php on line 40[/CODE] media.php code [CODE]<?php $connection = mysql_connect('localhost','test','test'); if (!$connection) { die ('error …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for desup

Hi all, I need help with one script. If i Have string like [CODE]$str = "0001564[B]A[/B]58749655[/CODE] I need to find that [B]A[/B] in this string, and count which number is it (When tha A is on the third place, return 2 [starting from 0]) A think regular expression will be …

Member Avatar for desup
Member Avatar for breakforce

Why do i only see the status whether online or offline, another can not see it meaning that it can not, but i'm offline for others but for me i'm online ? [code]$time = time()+300; $user = $_SESSION['logged']; $query = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET status='$time' WHERE username='$user'") or die (mysql_error()); $query1 …

Member Avatar for breakforce
Member Avatar for trektrak

Hello, I'm creating a very simple time attendance management system. Just a quick one where you can login just your code and it will store to mysql by reference of time. My question is. Currently I only have one table which is "LOGIN" only.... since this is a time attendance …

Member Avatar for trektrak
Member Avatar for tarunfuture

Hey friends i just wanna know how can we change the url like if i have a index page now i want to include the login page on click to a link now the url should be index.php?action=login

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for morteza_ipo

Hi everybody. I have 2 selects tag. first select is country list. when user choses favorite country then the second select tag get new contents. I can make this with javascript but I wanna make this just with php and without any scripts! This is possible make this without any …

Member Avatar for morteza_ipo
Member Avatar for SUGARRUSH

Hey guys. I've been searching and searching but none of the information I get makes any sense. I have a simple problem. On my checkout page, I allow my customers to select a charity to donate to. I can't however figure out how to get the information from which checkbox …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jhbalaji

I am trying to pass values for Array through PHP but i cant get to make work! Some one please help here is the code i tried [CODE]<?php $masterkeylist11 = file_get_contents('http://domain.com.com/full/forbidden/finalkeys.txt'); $myvar = array($masterkeylist11); echo $myvar[3]; ?> [/CODE] The in file contents of finalkeys.txt [CODE]googlecom,yahoocom,bingcom,rediffcom,ebaycom,googleus,googleca,[/CODE] Some one please tell me …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for deecoup

Hii Respected Forum members can anyone solve my problem what i want content restriction based on user role and sidebar category based on user Role i have three type of user role Beginner,Intermediate and Advance... Beginner Role: Can Read only seff Blog Intermediate: can Read self and Beginner Blog Advance …

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Member Avatar for sidra 100

hi m using php n mysql m trying to merge two tables of same database and then print them but somehow it is not working it gives me the error my code is [CODE]<?php session_start(); print_r($_POST); $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("pras2",$con); $date= $_POST['date']; $shift_num=$_POST['num']; $query="SELECT shift_id FROM shift WHERE shift_no='$shift_num' AND date='$date'"; $result=mysql_query($query); …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for sacarias40

Hey Guys, I'm looking for the best way to model my noSql Database to allow for user notifications and activity stream. what would the flow to something like this be? I don't want to annoy the user with 1000 notifications if they don't need that. Activities and Notifications will include, …

Member Avatar for sacarias40
Member Avatar for mohamedasif18

Hello Every One ! How to show md5() password from MySql table in PHP, I have saved my user's password as , [CODE]$password = md5($_POST['password']); $save = mysql_query("INSERT into users(password) VALUES ($password)");[/CODE] Its encrypting nice and works fine when user logs in , that's not a problem, my question is …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for FakeTales

Hey I currently have a demo shopping cart , it works great . the user can add whatever items they want to it. However now i want to add just the bookId's , quantity and price to my sql table to simulate an order taking place. the shopping cart code …

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The End.