39,326 Topics
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| I have inputted a word from a user and i want to find that word in a text file. My text file is like this. -------------- name1:value1 name2:value2 name3:value3 ... ... -------------- So if my user inputs name1 so i want corresponding value1.. How can i do these? Can anyone … |
Not sure if this can be done in php or whether I should look at other alternatives. I'm trying to access 4 different sources of data to put on one page - Amazon API, Ebay, our sales data on one server and our inventory data on another server. (Historical reason … | |
Hi, I'm new in php and face some problem in mysql. I want to check some data if it's remain on database. Example: in my form there are two form field. 1) url 2) name. So i want to check if session user have already this 'url' and 'name' in … | |
Hi I have a search function where the user selects from drop down boxes. There are 4 fields to choose from and any of the 15 combinations can be used to search with. I am using Else If and the very first IF works, but when it is false it … | |
hi m writing a program n storing a values in session but one of them i.e of prie is not working . can any1 tel where m i wrong [CODE] $name=$_POST['P_list']; $quantity=$_POST['quantity']; $query= "SELECT product_name, unit_price FROM product WHERE product_name='$name'"; $result=mysql_query($query); if ($result) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)==1) { $orders = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); … | |
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-\www\test\fuction\register.php on line 3 I get this error at my register page [CODE]<?php include('conn.php') do($_POST['register']); <form action="register.php" method="post" { $username=$_POST['username']; $password=$_POST['password']; $password2=$_POST['password2']; $date_now=date('Y-m-d'); if($password==$password2 ){ $query = "SELECT * FROM Member Where ID='$UID'"; $result_ = mssql_query($query); $numRows = mssql_num_rows($result_); if($numRows==0){ $sql="dbo.up_CreateMemberAccount … | |
I have a CRON job set to run every hour (have to do it this often due to scheduling facilities on server) and one of the sections of the script is to check if a closing date for entries into an event is within 2 days and if so to … | |
i have a login page and it works well. but how can i make like after the log in successfully and all my other pages will have Welcome (lastname) of the user ? as currently, after log in succesfully will redirect to welcome.php and it seems like it only able … | |
hi m write a program to get the values from the form and storing them in database but its giving me error of undefined index for all variables . my code is [CODE]<?php session_start(); $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("pras2"); $name=($_POST['name']); $type=($_POST['type']); $color=($_POST['color']); $unit_price=($_POST['price']); $size=($_POST['size']); $id=($_POST['id']); $query="INSERT INTO product (product_id, product_name, type, color, unit_price, … | |
<?php session_start(); $database="myfriend"; $userid=$_SESSION['user']; mysql_connect("","root",""); $db_found=mysql_select_db($database); $sql="select fuserid from friends where userid='$userid';"; $result=mysql_query($sql); $id=0; $users=array(); ?> <body > <center> <p> your friends list:</p> <?php while($db_field=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { ?> <a href="displayprofile.php" id='$id' onclick="validate(this)"><?php print $db_field['fuserid']."<br><br>";?></a> <?php $users[$id]=$db_field['fuserid']; $id=$id+1; }?> <head script type="javascript/text"> <script> function validate() { var id1=document.getElementById(</script><?php print $id ?><script>); </script> … | |
I Hope Any One Can Modify My File To Working Fine ... Sorry 4 My English [CODE]<?php if ( ( "randgames.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) ) { ( "Location: ../" ); exit( ); } $xBhtml = ( "table.tpl", $ccthemes ); $unixtime = ( ); $deltime = $unixtime - $randcachetime; @( "DELETE from … | |
Hey guys, what the best practice for session check without duplicate code. I mean when check the session in some controller I have to duplicate the code to other controller, and that is not a good idea. <?php [CODE]class Ctrl extends Controller { private function _ses_check() {...} } class Second_ctrl … | |
Goal: Get values which are unique in $resultSecond So I have two objects. $result->>entity_id $resultSecond>entity_id I want to get values which are unique to $resultSecond and are NOT in the $result. I tried to use array_diff(). It did not work as they are objects. I think. Below is the code … | |
I'm new to OOP php and I am trying to load objects into an array. I followed the syntax I found [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/286967"]here[/URL] and it works but only for the first object :sad: Here is the code i am using for the class [ICODE] class category { // Variables var $id, … | |
Hi guys, I think I need a help. My teacher gave us a activity on Postgres and PHP to query what's inside the database file and code it to PHP to view the results. I have a screenshot on the Database of the Postgre. [URL="http://theoutdatedblogger.com/Email-Newsletters-Template/database.png"]http://theoutdatedblogger.com/Email-Newsletters-Template/database.png[/URL] What I need to do … | |
hi i am writing a program which take the value from form and then execute a error "failed" each time. which means there is some error in my query but i cant find the problem. here is the code [CODE]<?php session_start(); //print_r($_POST); $name=$_SESSION['SESS_CUSTOMER_ID']; $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("pras2"); $product_id=$_POST['P_list']; echo "$product_id"; $quantity=$_POST['quantity']; $query= … | |
I'm using CODEIGNITER framework. My situation is this. I have a list of data. The user selects which record to delete (through checkboxes). I have to do it in ajax because my client doesn't want to see the system refreshing. I've successfully transferred the data through JSON. Now, my problem … | |
How to connect my website into domain database? I have to use the username and password from domain database but i dont know how to connect. Help me.. | |
[CODE]<input type="hidden" name="site" value="<?php echo $pro['site_url']?>/thanks.php"> [/CODE] | |
hi m making a program n i want that when i want to add update a stock it get the name of product from data base and show it in drop down list so that i can select one of them which i want to update. my code for that … | |
Hi Guys, I have a problem with posting a news article. I use FCK Editor, and when I enter an article and want to use the apostrophe in a string like this: This is a test article. It can't be done right. The display reads as: This is a test … | |
Hi guys I was just wondering if any of you could help me as I am currently developing a html5 video sharing site dedicated towards gaming and technology. Anyway basically I use wamp server to test all of my code. I have just set up ffmpeg and the upload form … | |
hi hi want to launch a price comparison website, i was wondering if it's possible and if there is some script that i specify a few link and it automatically retrieves information and stores it and them compares it. cheers | |
hi i m a beginner. m student of mcs n making a project. its about a brush manufacturing company. i have GUI of my software. and also database of it. but don't have any idea what to do next? can any1 guide me please. i m using wamp server. | |
hey can any1 tel me the eror in my code part of code where problem lies is [CODE] if($result) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)==1) { session_regenerate_id(); $employee = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $_SESSION['SESS_EMP_ID'] = $employee['employee_id']; $_SESSION['SESS_NAME'] = $employee['employee_name']; $_SESSION['SESS__dept']=$employee['department_id']; $_SESSION['SESS_rank']=$employee['rank']; session_write_close(); if ($_SESSION['SESS_rank']==$employee.rank("admin") { header("location: administrator.php"); exit(); } elseif($_SESSION['rank']==$employee.rank("shift incharge") { header ("location: Shift_incharge.php"); exit(); … | |
hi i have made a html page in which i have a drop down list whose code is [CODE]<p>Please select the product you want to add <label> <select name="menu1" onchange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)"> <option>Nylon Blisters</option> <option>PP plastic</option> </select> </label> </p>[/CODE] Now my main aim is that when a certain product is added and … | |
hi i want to make a page for the user to take the orders from the user. i want that user select one product from the drop down list then select its size and then color. then submit it. this data about first product appears in the table then he … | |
Hi all, I'm trying to use the jQuery datepicker to create a booking date selection thingy on a personal plugin I'm trying to develop. This is the code I'm using to take an "arrival" date and a "departure" date, after click on the submit button the user is redirected to … | |
someone there who can help me about the session not? I have a page the user A and user B.. on every page there InputBox user. If the user A has to fill the input box means that when the A log back he does not need to fill in … | |
[CODE] $query = "SELECT item, description, price, imageData, status, username, item_id FROM items"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $z=0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //echo other columns here// echo "<td><div id=status$z></div></td>"; <script type=text/javascript> function updatestatus(itemnum) { var url="updatestatus.php?auc=<?php echo $row['item_id']; ?>"; jQuery('#status' + itemnum).load(url); } setInterval("updatestatus(<? echo $z?>)", 1000); </script> <? … |
The End.