39,388 Topics
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Hello, I made a search option using php every thing is working ine but when i enter 123 in search it does not pull up my any records is it a problem with my code can anyone help me out if(isset($_POST['search_now'])){ if(isset($_GET['go'])){ if(preg_match("/^[ a-zA-Z]+/", $_POST['search'])){ $name=$_POST['search']; $sql ="SELECT * FROM … | |
HI i want to know how i can get last user id from my database ? | |
Can all of u help me? I can not solve this: <DOCTYPE html> <html<!> <head> </head> <body> <h3>PHP Conditional Operator</h3> <?php $a=100; $b=200; $c=300; $d=500; $e=600; ............................................. how can I do it in order to find the maximize and minimize of this. Reguard!!! Fongsiev | |
$Attendence="5"; $Quiz="7"; $Test="5"; $Midterm="15"; $Assignmet="10"; $Final="20"; Calculate in PHP Calculate Total score, average, and Grade Regard! ![]() | |
Array ( [0] => 116 [1] => asdasd [2] => 1 [3] => asdsadas [4] => dasdasd [5] => sadasdsad [6] => asdasdasd ) i want to convert this aaray in to xml ![]() | |
Hi. With `$u_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];` i can get the users information but i just want to echo the OS that users use, something like: Linux,Ubuntu How can i get this out from the $u_agent variable? | |
how to make this kind of round function 1.10 =>1.10 1.11 =>1.10 1.12 =>1.10 1.13 =>1.15 1.14 =>1.15 1.15 =>1.15 1.16 =>1.15 1.17 =>1.15 1.18 =>1.20 1.19=>1.20 1.20 =>1.20 | |
Hi, I want to create a dynamic form, relative with the table i'm working with. I'm selecting the columns from a certain table: <?php $tableColumns = $dbConnect->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM projects WHERE Field NOT IN ('ID');"); ?> Then i want to get each result's value (according to the ID selected) and … | |
Hi, I am trying to use the mysqlnd_ms plugin on my php installation but when I run any code trying to utilise the "myapp" variable I have set up as per the tutorial it just gives the error: PHP Warning: mysql_connect(): Unknown MySQL server host 'myapp' (1) in /var/www/settings/database.php on … | |
Hello I was wondering if it is posible to show the user profile along with the products information let suppose if I had shown th the produtcs information can i show the information of the user who uploaded this prodcut. $query2 = "SELECT * FROM users, products; $get_user = mysqli_query($connection, … | |
my json decode script throwing error i.e. Error : DATA FETCH My code: <?php $api_url = '{"msg":"SUCCESS","msg_text":"DATA FETCH","data":[{"sn":1,"mob_no":"9602858989","date":"06-May-2015","time":"12:02:33 PM"},{"sn":2,"mob_no":"7795055128","date":"06-May-2015","time":"12:29:44 PM"}]}'; $output = file_get_contents($api_url); if($output=="") { echo "No output received"; } else { $arr_output = json_decode($output, true); if(isset($arr_output['msg'])) { $msg = $arr_output['msg']; $msg_text = $arr_output['msg_text']; if($msg == "success") { if(isset($arr_output['data'])) { … | |
Hello Is there an equivalent for the following java code in php: `URI uri = URIUtils.createURI("http", serveur, -1, makeCall, URLEncodedUtils.format(qparams, "UTF-8"), null);` Cheers... | |
Hello friends:) I have put this in my script to echo the current date and time: <?php print strftime('%c'); ?> And with this code: <?php $p = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $sec = "0.01"; header("Refresh: $sec; url=$p"); ?> tried to refresh the page in order to show a real clock, i mean a … ![]() | |
hello i'm beginner at programming and i want to connec to my database with PHP PDO with SQL SERVER 2008 R2 the problem at the begining it appears to me an error with this message "could not find driver" after a little searching about this i found how to download … ![]() | |
Hi, i have 2 tabs in one form. After inserting records in tabs-1 for quarter 1 progress, user then updates records in tabs-2 for quarter 2 progress, which is of the same row in the progress table. However when i click submit button or update button, no records are being … ![]() | |
Hi, I am trying to add a checkbox to a form on a friends site and I need to make the form validate the checkbox before processing but I cant seem to get my head round it. Heres the code so far. <h1>Contact</h1> <p>Please fill in the following fields and … ![]() | |
Hello, I am trying to update my record but nothing is happening please help me out update.php <?php require_once("connection.php"); if(isset($_POST["update"])) { $uid = $_POST["uid"]; $user_name = $_POST["uname"]; $f_name = $_POST["fname"]; $l_name = $_POST["lname"]; $company = $_POST["company"]; $address = $_POST["address"]; $phone = $_POST["phone"]; $fax = $_POST["fax"]; $mobile = $_POST["mobile"]; $email = … | |
Hi, Previously I have worked on codeigniter Framework. Since codeigniter developers are not even sure about version 3.0 , I decided to work with a better/new framwork. The problem is, whichever the Framework I choose, it needed Composer to work on. First I choose laravel, then symfony , later cakephp. … | |
Can any body teach me dispaying data in Grid View using php, and also edit/update/delete a data in gridview.? | |
Dear all, I have two identical mysql server with same databases and tables structures but with different data. ServerA ServerB Database Shaqib Database Shaqib Table users Table users ID | Name | Phone ID | Name | Phone 1 |Test1 | 123456 1 |Test13 | 1256456 2 |Test2 | 785632 … | |
Hi all, I am trying to set up Doctrine 2 Orm for a self made MVC framework, but keep hitting the same error when trying to retrieve data: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\MappingException' with message 'Class "App\models\menu" is not a valid entity or mapped super class.' in C:\wamp\www\framework\vendor\doctrine\orm\lib\Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\MappingException.php on line … | |
Does anyone know how to install phpMyAdmin on wos portable? | |
Hello all, I am wondering if someone could comment on the quality of my code. I am working on a project and would like to know whether what I am writing is 'good enough'. The following code is an extract from the app: <?php //ajax_handler.php //Main configuration file which includes … | |
Hi, I am working on a wbsite for a training centre. I am querying a web service for the list of their courses. There are three parametres in the query: centre, coursetype and courselocation. When querying it directly or using SoapUI it can be queried using 1, 2, 3 or … | |
Hi guys having some trouble here with my date's output currently it reads 2015-05-05 10:05:22 but i would like to have it render as eg. Monday 12 Mei 2013 how would i achieve this in codeigniter? Here is my code for creating the post: (Controller) public function new_post(){ if($_POST){ $data … | |
Hello there have a nice day.. I have PHP script to upload files on servers, I want to copy uploaded files once they uploaded on server to another server using PHP ex. upload file F to server A after that copied to server B with same name F. how to … ![]() | |
How to pass two ajax functions in a single page from two tables. | |
I have a .net/vb code which needs to be converted to PHP, can anyone help please? private string CharsAvailable() { int unicodeFlag = 0; int extraChars = 0; int msgCount = 0; string msgString = String.Empty; if (chkSignature.Checked) msgString = msgString + Environment.NewLine + txtSignature.Text; else msgString = txtMessage.Text; for … ![]() | |
I am trying to upload files into Google Drive but problem is that I have logged-in every time. I searched a lot but no luck. Is there any way I can do authentication process without manual and logged-in intervention? I knew the concept of refresh-token but I am not able … ![]() |
The End.