39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for DrWhoFan

I've run the install for PHP 5.2.6 and been able to have PHP pages run successfully. My research has told me that PHP no longer includes the dll needed to connect to mySQL. I've run into a couple of problems on my system. [LIST=1] [*]Using phpinfo(), I can identify the …

Member Avatar for DrWhoFan
Member Avatar for prayingmantis

I just moved hosting providers for my website and there is one page that is not working properly. The old provider had MySQL Server 5.0.51a and PHP 5 so I setup the new server with MySQL Server 5.0.51a-Community and PHP 5. After the site move, I get the following error: …

Member Avatar for lordspace
Member Avatar for missaaliyah

As far as I know, I have successfully completed all config files so the site should load, but for some reason, the site doesn't. Here is the error message I get instead. [CODE]array(3) { [0]=> array(4) { ["file"]=> string(74) "/home/imedia/public_html/music-and-lyrics.info/functions/main.function.php" ["line"]=> int(10) ["function"]=> string(10) "mysqlQuery" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> &string(20) …

Member Avatar for missaaliyah
Member Avatar for nodoid

Hi, I've got a small problem here in replacing html for bb. I can go bb to html really easily (see the code below), but when I go the other way, I get the same text returned as when I put it in [code] if ($tobb == 0) { $search …

Member Avatar for lordspace
Member Avatar for methew45

hellow guys.. i have been onto one site which is embedding videos from zshare.net servers the problem with zshare embedding is that it the file path keep on changing each time you visit the link an example is Code: [url]http://www.zshare.net/video/39062271789b05[/url] this link.. when u goto this link.. and check the …

Member Avatar for mexabet

I have this script and it works fine but Google is complaining that the dynamically-generated URLs have duplicate title tags and duplicate meta descriptions- having inherited that from /cmp/index.php. A few examples of the pages are as follows: [CODE]/cmp/index.php /cmp/index.php?start_time=12.00+am&start_tz=Africa/Abidjan&end_tz=Africa/Abidjan ‎/cmp/index.php?start_time=12.00+am&start_tz=Africa/Abidjan&end_tz=Africa/Accra /cmp/index.php?start_time=12.00+am&start_tz=Africa/Abidjan&end_tz=Africa/Algiers [/CODE] The following is the section of the …

Member Avatar for r.bali

hi! i want to upload file on server using php i was doing it but i m getting index error in php code.please tell what can the reason for this error thanks in advance

Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I retrieve all students from database with adding submit buttons along with them. For example; when i click on 3rd student’s submit button, it gives me information of last retrieved student. How can solve this problem? Note : All action is in same page. Thanks [code] <?php while ($myArray …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for saikishore

Hi frnds....... This is kishore.. i need to develope Controlpanel Webhosting.... So,plz tell me... freedownload source code urls for CP WEBHOSTING... Thanking You

Member Avatar for darkmikey
Member Avatar for odysseous

The code below gives me "Warning: Wrong parameter count for mssql_bind() in" [CODE] $action="L"; $M_ExhibitionID=$_REQUEST[M_ExhibitionID]; $areaid=1; $LngCode="el"; $sproc=mssql_init( "sp_php" ); mssql_bind($sproc,"@action",$action,SQLCHAR,false,false); mssql_bind($sproc,"@M_ExhibitionID",$M_ExhibitionID,SQLINT4,false,false); mssql_bind($sproc,"@areaid",$areaid,SQLINT4,false,false); mssql_bind($sproc,"@lang",$LngCode,SQLVARCHAR,false,false); $GET_EXHIBITS=mssql_bind($sproc); [/CODE] what is my wrong?

Member Avatar for odysseous
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I have textboxes and combos in a form with submit and clear button. When i submit all values in textboxes and combos remain same. How can i clear them when i click on clear button. Or reload the page? Thanks

Member Avatar for saikishore
Member Avatar for Cheecher

Alright, I am currently creating a page that allows for the user to see a basic directory of user phone numbers and gives of variables. The issue I am having is that I have a link so that if you want all the users information you can click on it …

Member Avatar for ramseswar
Member Avatar for dudegio

Hello guys! I am working with an PHP page that will generate an excel file. The flow is all transaction made should be generated in an excel file. Also if there is another transation, the new information will be appended in the same excel file. I have work on this …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, I am experimenting with sockets and pop3. I am trying to to connect to gmail with the following code. But it prints an empty string as a response. Should it not print out 200 OK? Could someone help me by pointing out what I am doing wrong. Many thanks …

Member Avatar for ryy705
Member Avatar for bdcd

Hello I'm new to PHP, here's what I'm haveing trouble with. I'm using php to display a gallery in a directory and delete the images, but I get an error when I try to use the delete button and I don't know why or how to fix it, can anyone …

Member Avatar for bdcd
Member Avatar for jencinas69

Hello I need to get data from a database and write the db dump to a server as txt file any ideas?

Member Avatar for jencinas69
Member Avatar for e_velkova

Hi! It's really a silly question, but i've tried many ways to do it and it's still worthless.... :( I have a form: [code]<form action="jobapp.php" method="POST" name="app"> Please, enter your name: <input type="text" name="applicant" /><br /> Please, enter your telephone number: <input type="text" name="telephone" /><br /> Please, enter your e-mail …

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Member Avatar for Cobber

Hi, I have spent hundreds of hours fixing errors with my phpauction GPL V2.51 script I bought. A lot have been cosmetic but this one is causing onscreen errors and making the page extremely slow to load. To cut a long story short, if the thumbnail image a customer is …

Member Avatar for PomonaGrange
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all, [code=php] $selcount = "SELECT * FROM autoalto_mail as a1, autoalto_contractor_sentitems as a2 where a1.flag=a2.flag='1' " ; [/code]

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all, I have created an inbox......which will show list of values...... if some new data added in inbox......it will be the last in the inbox table. i want the new entries should appear first. can u help me out...........

Member Avatar for saikishore
Member Avatar for adslgeek

Hi there, If someone is able to help me out, I will be forever grateful! All I am getting from the code is: Resource id #3 The SQL works sweet and is returning the correct result.. [URL="http://www.adslgeek.com/ispsearch.php"]http://www.adslgeek.com/ispsearch.php[/URL] [code=php] //IMPORT ISP DETAILS $sql="SELECT `ISPName` FROM `isps` WHERE `ID` = 4"; $result …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all, I have created inbox, sent and Trash......now The deleted items in inbox is going to trash,,,,i mean i written the query only concerned with inbox......but now i want the deleted items of sent should also go to trash...... how can i write that query........... I have written like …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for lydia21

hi can u please tell me how to convert html page into word document so tat the user can download the page in html format

Member Avatar for mexabet
Member Avatar for mcx76

Hi, First thank you very much in advance for every one. I want to add "WYSIWYG web page editor" on my <URL SNIPPED>website. I want to add on post page. Thank You.

Member Avatar for wulawula
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I have a form with 3 submit buttons. This is what i want; Click on button1, form action becomes 1.php Click on button2, form action becomes 2.php Click on button3, form action becomes 3.php I dont want to enter action manual. How can we do this? Thanks

Member Avatar for wulawula
Member Avatar for Chaosbreaker

Hi I have a problem that's been bugging me. I created a page to display all my data. At the same time, I also incorporated 'filters' by using dropdown menu selection. Code snippet attached:- [CODE]<?php session_start(); require("db.php"); if (isset($_SESSION['SESS_CHIA_LOGGEDIN']) == FALSE) { header("Location: " . $config_basedir); } else if( $_SESSION['SESS_CHIA_GROUP'] …

Member Avatar for wulawula
Member Avatar for s1a9r8a0

Hi, I am a learner of PHP. i want to know how to Write file names from a folder in drop down?. I have the multiple .xls file in that folder. please any one help me.

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for Shanti C

can any one tel me what is reason behind this error??? Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() in D:\web\test\thumbnailcode.php on line 18 and i have already installed GD library in my system... thanks ....

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for max2me99

I've a mySQL db with two tables - advertisers and category. If the advertiser is active, I'd like to have the category name appear, with all active advertisers below, and then the following category, etc. Right now I'm testing and have everything active. Quick structure on tables are [B]advertisers[/B] contains …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for ishlux

Is the where clause is correct....... [code=sql]$query1="SELECT * FROM autoalto_mail where mail_id='".$mailid1."' AND where flag='1'";[/code] I am getting this error after executing this statement. Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in D:\xampp\htdocs\demonew\contractor_trash.php on line 220

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The End.