39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for saikishore

Hi frnds... If u have loginpage code by using sessions...plz send me.. Html+php code total... plz its urgent.. uptonow i used normal login page but,now i require by using sessions.. its urgent..plz send me.....asap... thanks in advance.. kishore

Member Avatar for sarithak
Member Avatar for justinmyoung

Hi, I'm getting a Parse error on line 132 and can't figure out why. Line 131-133 = [ICODE]<select name='state' id='state' class='selectInput'> <option value="">Please select</option> <option value="-1">Other</option>[/ICODE] [ICODE]<?php include("config.php"); echo "<form action='$regScript' method='$formMethod' name='form'> <label><span>Full name</span> <input type='text' name='name' id='name' class='input-text'/> </label> <label><span>E-mail</span> <input type='text' name='email' id='email' class='input-text'/> </label> <label><span>City</span> <input …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for ochien

hi guys, i have dll function that i make form vb, and i want use this dll in php, do yo know how to load dll in php ??? thanks before.

Member Avatar for ochien
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I insert data into database with submit button. When insert is successful, a message box appears on the screen which is shown below. Now, user must click on "Ok" on that message to be able to continue. Is this effect concurrency in MySQL database because, several people use this …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for knarffrank
Member Avatar for theBond

Hi, If there are multiple type of users - Super Admin, Admin, Clients should i have to use seperate SESSION variables for each type of users? Or should i have to maintain the session in single variable? Thanks

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for Shreyasi

Hi all, I try to make login page in PHP.But I unable to get the loginID/UserName in login_successful page.I try to do it by using session.Please anyone tell me how I solve this problem by using session.

Member Avatar for praveen_dusari
Member Avatar for god_1896

Hi, guys. I've got a simple request form that is submitting a request to a company email address. However, now when the form is submitted, I need the data to be sent in an email to the site's admin. and prompt the company some message... Anybody can give me a …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for dizz-

Ok i want to create a shout out box for the forums, i use invision free forums, can some one hlep on that. never done something like that, is there a toturial or something?

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for AidaPus

Hi! I am going mad, -I am not that familiar with php yet, but know a little basic programming. I am receiving a lot of spam i our guestbook [URL="http://www.galleri1897.no/viewguestbook.php"]http://www.galleri1897.no/viewguestbook.php[/URL] and wanted now to implement reCaptcha. I got the keys, and actually got it to show in the right top …

Member Avatar for AidaPus
Member Avatar for OmniX

I saw one of these and looked very effective and professional. I have been doing research and four methods have come up: - Flash - Javascript - CSS - PHP So which to use and why? and If so how do I make one? Any tutorials? Thanks, Regards X

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for gruve

Hi I'm trying to create a single dropdown menu for a search that will post results from multiple fields. I think this could be pretty simple if i wasnt a php newb. For example I have two fields City and Park. Cities contain multiple parks. So in a single drop …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for 2eXtreme

Hey guys I was hoping someone could shed some light on some research I'm doing. Basically, I want to know if I can use PHP to read n number of cells from an excel file. Based on each cells color, I want that cell value to be written to a …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for Reliable

I have tow questions actaully: [LIST=1] [*]Does anyone know how to integrate PHPlist with an already existing form on their website? [*]HOw do I make a person's photo 3D for placement in an SWF file for a website [/LIST] I have a 2 text field form (name and email) that …

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for netnuta

Hi there all! I do not have a great knowledge of php but I do know basic html. I have a javascript popunder script that I would like to try on my site that runs on a php script. I know how to insert this script into an html page …

Member Avatar for netnuta
Member Avatar for dragonflyuk

I'm trying to detect googlebot, or more to the point have some code not run when googlebot is viewing the page This is what I am using if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’]), "google") === FALSE) However google bot appears to be still running the code, anybody any ideas?

Member Avatar for dragonflyuk
Member Avatar for wussa

Hi, this is the code [ICODE]Link to us:<br> <form><textarea cols="110" rows="3" onClick='highlight(this);'><a href="<? echo $url; ?>"> <img src="<? echo $url; ?>/button.gif"></a></textarea></form> <br> <a href="<? echo $url; ?>"> <img src="<? echo $url; ?>/button.gif"></a> </div><br><br>[/ICODE] This is the code at this [URL="http://free-images-upload.com/tools.php"]Tools [/URL] Page I am having problem for linkback. the code …

Member Avatar for rezvi

hello everyone, i need your help. i m using update query for a table to update data. i want to insert data when submit button is pressed but when page is refeshed the table data is automatically updated the value. now i want to restrict automatic update except submit button …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for psathish2

[COLOR="Green"]downloaded file show only 0byte nothing in download file............... this file uploading codes... [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Code:fileload.html[/COLOR] [code]<html> <head> </head> <body> <center> <form method=post action="loadfile.php" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"> <h4>Enter the Following Details</h4> <table border=1> <tr> <td> Enter FolderName</td><td><input type="text" name="fname"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Title</td><td><select name=title> <option value ="resume">resume</option> <option value ="resume1">resume1</option> <option value …

Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I create dbf.php file to connect database and require dbf.php in main.php but, doesn't work. Thanks dbf.php [code] <?php $conn = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', ''); if (!$conn) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } else { mysql_select_db('dbf', $conn) or die('Could not select database.'); } ?> [/code] main.php [code] <?php …

Member Avatar for praveen_dusari
Member Avatar for knrakesh

hello friend, i require help for forget password please provide code for this please Thank u in advance Rakesh Nagekar

Member Avatar for saikishore
Member Avatar for knarffrank
Member Avatar for ramseswar

i m not able get the session variables on the other pages....................... if i use session_start(); it gives error:header already sent............... kindly help me ..................i m stuck.!!!!iiii!!!!!

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for fieldmedics

I just paid someone to build a database script for me. I want to learn how to do it, however I guess I would need to know the correct name of the type of script first. I operate a Job Posting site for EMT's and Paramedics. I had a HTML …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for adelsin

Hello! I'm new to php, but not new to either html or c or c++. From what I understand, if you understand C++, php is rather easy. So, I decided to attempt my first php project. I wanted to make a ticket type system but for administrator's of a site …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, What should i do for "logout link" to clear "login session" because, when i click "logout link", i can come back to same page without any problem with clicking on back button on the IE. Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for saikishore
Member Avatar for odysseous

I have a parsng string problem. I have to parse a string according to [[ ]]characters . and i have write to screen string part that not contains [[ ]] characters.

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Shreyasi

Any one please tell me what is [B]undefined constant [/B] in PHP Like: Key_my_site, ID_my_site etc. And what is [B]get_magic_quotes_gpc()[/B].Why and where it is used?

Member Avatar for skymuss

Hi daniweb users My name is luc. I'm from Germany. Before I have started with Python I used PHP. There you have the funktion [B]urldecode[/B] to decode a url string or [B]urlencode[/B] to encode a url string. I don't really know I a function like that in python. can you …

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The End.